friend riquest

episode 8

splash water on her face hard enough to pull her back into the real world. It was getting
difficult for her to conceal her feelings. She checked her cell phone for the message from
her dad giving her Aleesha’s flight details.
She reached the airport and checked the flight status on the big display screen at the
entrance gate.
Indigo Kolkata to Mumbai Arrived
She was waiting near the arrival gate and observing everyone carefully. She saw a
girl looking around eagerly. Tamanna went up to her and kept her hand on her shoulder.
‘Tamanna Kapoor.’
‘Hey. I’ve been looking for you. What’s up?’ Aleesha asked smiling.
Tamanna ignored Aleesha’s greeting and directed her to the waiting car. Within a few
minutes, they were on their way to her apartment in Churchgate. After reaching the
apartment, Tamanna gave her all the necessary instructions and left for work.
Once she returned to office, she found the reports on her table. Deep had submitted it
before time. She smiled again, maybe because of the thoughts she had few hours back or
because she had escaped a humiliating situation.
A couple of days had passed since Aleesha had shifted to her apartment. She had
somehow convinced Tamanna to take her for an outing. It was Saturday evening. Both of
them had a ball, spending good time together. Aleesha insisted they go for drinks at a
nearby disc. Tamanna gave in to Aleesha’s wishes and decided to take her to ‘Thrive’ in
Once in, Tamanna ordered a drink for Aleesha and herself. Time flew, and soon both
of them were three shots down. Tamanna got a call from office and she went outside, as
it was impossible to answer the call in such loud music.
After finishing the call, she came inside to see Aleesha smiling.
‘What happened? Why are you smiling by yourself?’ Tamanna enquired casually.
‘There was a cute guy who approached me while you were gone. He was not bad, but
it’s too early to say anything,’ Aleesha winked at Tamanna and ordered another drink.
‘So where is he now?’ Tamanna asked out of curiosity.
‘I think he’s left. I can’t spot him either. Leave it. The night is still young. Let’s enjoy.
Cheers!’ Aleesha said raising a toast.
Both of them looked at each other for a moment and gulped down their drinks in one
go. They were so washed out by the time they reached home that neither of them
bothered changing into their night clothes. They just slumped down on their beds and
dozed off to sleep.

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