friend request

                                 episode 12

Are you crazy? You mean she really agreed to meet you? Cut the crap. Either she
was still hung over from last night, or you are a fool to think she cares. Do you think
you’re Salman Khan that she has agreed to meet you in such a short span of time? Or do
you think I am a fool with a big C written on my forehead?’ I reacted when he told me the
whole story since I felt Akash was bluffing.
‘Aadi, shut up. I am serious. You think I am joking? Not at all, yaar. I managed to
convince her to meet me for coffee. That’s it. I have also told her that my friend Aditya
will join us,’ Akash said in a very soft tone, as he knew I would burst out in anger after
‘Akash have you lost it? Or do you want another beer to regain normalcy? Why do
you need me there? What am I going to do? Should I eat ice cream while you give her a
smooch?’ I said wanting to almost bang my head on the table.
Akash had done all that he had never done in his life in the last 24 hours. It was the
effect of a girl who had hardly met him. I so wanted to straighten his pants so he could
stop all this. But according to him, he was ‘in love’.
‘Aadi, be serious. Guess what? I have also decided to express my feelings to her.
That’s why I want you to be my moral support there. Please Aadi. Trust me. I am serious.
Have you ever seen me talking about any girl in the past few years?’ Akash said trying to
change my opinion.
‘Akash, enough! I mean, are you telling me that even though it’s hardly been a few
minutes since you met her, you’re in love with her and are planning to propose to her?
How could you be such a despo? Think practically for once—you hardly know each
other and you expect her to say “I love you too”. What if she doesn’t turn up?’ I
screamed in frustration.
I was trying to bring Akash back to the real world. But I failed. Akash had forced me
to change my mind and agree with what he was saying. As they say, a person loses
himself in love and never thinks about what will happen in the end. He was taking
Mother Teresa’s saying ‘If you judge people, you have no time to love them’ way too
‘Every girl loves it when she is treated like a princess. Why don’t you propose to her
in the same way I proposed Riya? I am sure she will love it,’ I winked.
He gave me a not so pleasant smile and warned me to be there on time. His
nervousness was so visible by the way he was scripting his proposal. He had planned
what to speak and how. All I could do was to keep my fingers crossed and hope for the
best outcome that evening.
A lot can happen over a cup of coffee. I wished that ‘lot’ would work out for Akash
and Aleesha. But I knew things could go either way. It was 5.30 pm. Akash’s
nervousness had made me fear the worst for him. As a friend, I wanted Akash to make a
good impression on Aleesha.
‘Aadi, I am so nervous. I don’t think I can do it. Just by uttering her name, my heart
starts beating at an abnormal pace’ He was almost shivering.
He had worn a white T-shirt and blue denims. He looked extremely charming in the
attire. His gelled hair completed the look, but his nervousness overshadowed everything
‘Be brave. Be a man! You are the king of this world. You are just three words away
from your dream girl,’ I tried to console him while on the way to the destination in the
Neither of us had managed to smoke on the way. We both soon reached the CCD
outlet on Marine Drive. We parked the car and walked towards the coffee house. I kept
on bugging him to message her on BBM to confirm whether she was coming or not since
he did not have her cell number.
‘Have some patience. Here I am extremely nervous and you are fucking my brain out.
I have just messaged her on BBM, okay?’ Akash shouted.
We sat in CCD and ordered two sandwiches. I was about to take my first bite when I
looked at Akash. He seemed as nervous as I was some years back when I was about to
propose to my love, Riya. Back then I didn’t have the guts to speak my heart out and
needed someone to push me. Though I was courageous enough to actually bend down on
my knees and express my love, I knew how I felt at that time. All the powers from the
entire universe had come together to help me express my love. Akash needed the same
power today. I had never seen him so cautious and nervous. He had not chased any girl
in the last few years and had solely concentrated on his career. It was in these last few
hours that he had actually lost himself. His expressions, body language, nervousness, and
his eyes expressed everything. I just smiled. I was happy that he really liked someone
and wished that even Aleesha liked him as much.
It had been almost an hour but Aleesha had still not turned up. When I asked Akash,
he said that the messages hadn’t reached her on BBM yet.
‘Yaar, I had told you to take her cell number. How can you be so foolish, Akash?
How could you trust someone so much? Don’t be so innocent bro. I am sorry but I don’t
think she will come now.’
‘She can’t do this to me. So what if we met for just a couple of minutes? The spark
that I saw in her eyes was real. I could tell by the way she messaged me that she wasn’t
faking it. She likes me. Otherwise she would have ignored my messages and would hanever agreed to meet me. I can’t be wrong, Aadi. There must be some problem,’ he said

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