friend request

                                             episode 16

discussing her with his friends. Akash looked at me and I could see how livid he was. I
told him to calm down, telling him it was normal because Aleesha was the centre of
attraction at that moment. She danced like she was floating in air. Akash clicked some
pictures from his mobile phone so that he could keep her with himself in the photographs
at least.
‘Aadi, I know there might be many guys here thinking about trying their luck with her.
People just see her on the outside and don’t know the real her. Not everyone can see
what I can see in her. All I know is when I look at her face, I forget my own name too. I
find it hard not to stare at her. I can look at her sweet smile the entire day. It’s the beauty
within her that I see, while others are merely focussed on her physical beauty. I have
madly fallen in love with her. I hope she accepts my proposal,’ Akash said staring at her
continuously while she danced on stage. I just smiled at him as I had no words to say.
The curtains came down after her performance and it was time for the fresher’s party
celebrations. The anchor came on stage and gave a speech.
‘Well, I speak on behalf of all the second-year students here. Just a few lines of how
we all feel about this function. I wish to express our happiness towards our juniors
today. They represent to us the same hope and challenge as new players in a cricket team
or new twists in a good story. Together we can make a terrific team. You, a brand new
Ferrari and we, the sparkling black, Ford Model T. So I, on behalf of all the old faces
here, welcome the new faces with open hands, open minds, and above all, open hearts. I
now sign off for the evening and will let the DJ take over. Have a blast guys!’
Aleesha came towards us and asked Akash about her performance.
‘You left me speechless. You really dance well. I think after Punjabis, Bengalis have
mastered this art without training. I did feel jealous when the guys around us started
staring at you and gossiping about you,’ Akash said.
‘Thanks. I love your dimples when you smile. You look so cute,’ Aleesha replied. It
was a clear-cut indication that she liked him too.
‘Let’s dance,’ Akash said taking her hand in his and moving his legs to the tune of the
As they both started dancing, they forgot the world around them. They even forgot that
they were in a college campus and were dancing passionately and looking continuously
into each other’s eyes. In between, they exchanged cute smiles, which echoed the lyrics
of their love. This continued for some time until the anchor stopped the DJ. He was
about to announce the winner of the Ms Fresher competition chosen by the jury members.
Aleesha went backstage to collect her bag from the vanity room.
‘It’s my pleasure to announce our Ms Fresher for this year. This year the crown goes
to Ms Priyanka Arya.’
I was disappointed that Aleesha had missed the crown. Akash and I had observed all
the other girls present in the party and no one could match Aleesha. She undoubtedly
topped the list. The group of guys who were earlier passing comments when Aleesha
was on stage screamed Aleesha’s name loudly as the winner.
I could hear one of them say, ‘This girl is not as hot as the one who danced. I
remember the anchor announcing her name as Aleesha. She was fucking hot. If I get a
chance to be with her for even a few hours, I would bang her real hard. She is
irresistible. Oh man, what a figure she had. She is perfect.’
I looked around to see Akash staring at them in anger. Akash was already drunk and
these comments made him lose control. He had controlled himself when Aleesha was on
stage, but this time he couldn’t. Even I couldn’t stop him. Rather, I didn’t want to stop
him. There are few groups of sick guys in every college who have no respect for girls.
Moreover, when they are commenting on your ‘would be’ girlfriend, you can’t ignore it.
Akash too couldn’t tolerate it and pounced on them like a wild dog. Suddenly the music
came to a halt and everyone stood still looking at Akash beating these guys like an action
hero. I joined in when I saw a couple of guys holding Akash and trying to hit him. I knew
that within a few minutes the organizers would arrive and get hold of us, either throwing
us out or pulling Aleesha up for having allowed us wrongful entry. While Akash was
still punching the guys left, right, and centre, I called Aleesha, informing her about the
incident, and told her to wait outside the college where we had parked our car. My
phone thankfully had her number. A while ago, when Akash was facing network
connection issues on his phone, he had called Aleesha up from my number. After
informing Aleesha I immediately went to Akash to rescue him from the guys. We ran
towards the main gate and within minutes, we were outside the college where Aleesha
was waiting for us. I lay flat on the bonnet and heaved a sigh of relief. Akash too was
breathing heavily due to the chaos that had occurred in the last few minutes.
‘What happened? Will you guys tell me something? What made you two fight? Akash
look at yourself, you are all messed up,’ Aleesha said in a caring tone touching his
cheeks with her fingers.
Akash smiled looking at her. Before he could say anything, I interrupted their live
romance session.
‘Guys, get inside the car. Let’s move from here first,’ I panicked.
Aleesha opened the back door and got in quickly. Akash did the same. I accelerated
the car towards Churchgate station. I looked at both of them from the rear view mirror.
We all had panicked and stared at each other through the front mirror. Akash started
laughing and we both joined him. It was a hell of the evening and had sent a chill down
our spine. I parked the car at the side of the road and looked back.
‘I didn’t realize that in the chaos you both conveniently sat behind. I don’t wanna
look like a driver, guys. How mean,’ I said jokingly.
‘Oops,’ Aleesha exclaimed. The next moment Akash got down from the car and came
and sat on the front seat. He looked back and winked at Aleesha.
‘Where are we going?’ Aleesha asked.
‘Aditya is going home but we both can stay back. I hope you don’t mind. I’ll drop you
to your home. So don’t worry.’ Akash said looking back at her.
‘Yes sure. But Aditya, why are you leaving?’ Aleesha asked me.
‘To give you privacy so that Akash won’t hesitate getting close to you,’ I laughed
looking into the mirror. Akash immediately hit me

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