friend request

                                           episode  15

A Movie During Interval
Iwas contemplating while drinking a glass of juice in the morning, when I received
a message from Akash.
Aadi, tell me where can you meet me? We have to go to Aleesha’s college today at 4
pm for her function. I have planned something really special for today. I thought on all
the points you had said. You were right. Meet me and I’ll tell you what I’ve planned.
I told him meet me at the Garden View Bar & Restaurant. I took the car keys and left
for the venue. Akash had reached before me and was curious to reveal his plans.
‘Aadi, why did you call me here?’ Akash seemed confused.
I gave him a pat on the back and took him inside the bar section. I ordered one bottle
of Kingfisher and a packet of peanuts to munch on.
‘Akash, the problem with some people when they aren’t drunk is that they are too
sober. You fall in that category. So drink this up before you reach the college and hit the
homerun today,’ I said laughing.
‘Are you nuts? I have already planned something very special for today. Trust me,’
replied Akash hesitatingly.
‘Go ahead with your plans. But have a drink or two. And even Aleesha is okay with
you drinking. So what’s the big deal? You are one lucky chap. When I was with Riya,
she didn’t allow me to drink at all,’ I smiled remembering those memorable days.
I asked him to have a drink. Just one beer and no more since I knew that he would
lose self-control if he had more. He drank an entire glass of beer in a minute’s time and
then sat quietly without uttering a single word. After some time, he looked at me and
revealed his entire plan for the evening. It left me speechless. It really proved that he
was deeply in love with Aleesha. I wished I had done something similar when I was
with Riya. I agreed that his plans were indeed out of the world. Aleesha or any girl in
her place would have loved it.
The waiter served him another glass of beer and he finished that in one go too. He
closed his eyes and asked, ‘Aadi, tell me frankly—did you see me try my luck with any
other girl in the last few years? There were so many skimpily-clad girls around us. But
Aleesha is different—a beauty with brains. So who wins out of the two—miniskirts or
brains? Obviously, a girl with brains wins hands down. Though miniskirts give a damn
good fight. I mean Aleesha too wears them, but her brains outshine everything else and I
seriously love her for it,’ Akash kept bugging me.
‘Are you sane?’ I enquired.
‘Of course I’m sane. I am not as think as you drunk I am,’ he added.
I am not as think as you drunk I am! Alcohol was getting the better of him. Though he
was a guy who hardly took an hour or two to regain normalcy, I still told him to stop
drinking. He agreed and we moved out after paying the bill. I motivated him so that he
could execute his plan and enquired if everything was set.
‘Yes, everything is ready and I am just waiting for the right moment now. This time I
am confident I can do it. Thanks for being with me. I have messaged Aleesha that we
will reach in some time. She will come at the main gate to allow us entry,’ Akash replied
dabbing the perfume kept on my dashboard on his clothes.
He had waited for this day and if he failed to express his feelings today, he would
perhaps miss saying it forever. One should not wait for Valentine’s Day to express one’s
‘Akash, this is your day. You don’t need roses, expensive gifts, or special dialogues
lifted straight from a Bollywood movie. All you need is love and passion. You just need
to be truly and madly in love. Don’t script your memorable moment. Make it real. Speak
what your heart says. Go ahead and propose to your sweetheart Aleesha today so that
you can celebrate July 7, 2011, as Propose Day every year,’ I suggested on the way to the
main gate of the college.
As we entered the college, Akash called Aleesha to inform her that we were waiting
at at main gate. A few minutes later, she arrived showing her pass to the girl at the gate
who seemed like a friend of hers. While walking towards the stage where the function
was to be held, Aleesha immediately sensed that we were drunk.
‘Drinking during daytime?’ she said giving Akash a naughty smile.
‘I thought that will help me move my feet better when I dance with you at the
fresher’s party,’ Akash replied looking straight into her eyes.
We went backstage where Aleesha was getting ready for her dance performance
before the party. She went inside the changing room while Akash waited for her outside.
I went to the nearby cooler to drink water. When she finally came out, Akash’s jaw
dropped instantly. His heart almost stopped beating and everything stood still for a
moment when he saw Aleesha dressed for the performance. She had worn a white top
with blue leggings which gave perfect shape to her curves. Her beauty astounded him.
She had the style and class which made her a strong contender for Ms Fresher that day.
As she came close to him, his breathing got heavier. He wanted to hold her tightly in his
arms and take her away from the real world. He was dumbstruck gaping at her beauty.
She was standing merely inches away from him.
‘How am I looking?’ she asked Akash casually. He was still lost in her beauty.
‘Sexy,’ he said to which she smiled shyly. She handed him a camera and told him to
click her pictures during the performance.
When I returned to the spot after drinking water, I saw the intense looks on their faces
and the smiles that they exchanged. I instantly knew something was up between them.
After exchanging a few words, Akash walked towards me. He seemed super confident
and took me along with him to the front row where we looked for a place from where
we could see Aleesha perform more clearly.
As the spotlights fell on Aleesha, everyone started screaming loudly and clapping in
unison. The guy standing next to us was fantasizing all sorts of things about Aleesha and

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