New George Kerevan book: Spanish corruption drove Catalan push for indy

According to international news source 

HATRED of the corruption in Spanish politics was a main
driver for the Catalan independence movement, according to a
new book by The National columnist George Kerevan and the
author and Scottish activist Chris Bambery.
Entitled Catalonia Reborn: How Catalonia Took on the Corrupt
Spanish State and the Legacy of Franco, the book is a
sustained indictment of the Spanish government’s dealings
with Catalonia, made all the more devastating by the detailed
factual nature of the work.

The book could not be more timely, given the collapse of the
Spanish government led by Mariano Rajoy and his Partido
Popular (PP), and the fact that nine Catalan leaders remain in
Spanish jails while four colleagues are in exile fighting
extradition to Spain, including Clara Ponsati here in Scotland .
Speaking just minutes after the King Felipe of Spain’s brother-
in-law, Inaki Urdangarin, was sent to jail for nearly six years
following a fraud case, Kerevan said: “From the royals
downward, I was amazed at the extent of the corruption in the
most kleptomaniac state in Europe.
“The people with money needed Rajoy and the PP to stay in
power to protect them and stop Catalonia rocking the boat,
even though there was a lot of corruption in Catalonia too.
While Spain did nothing, the Catalans threw out all the people
who were corrupt locally and wanted to leave Spain so they
could clean things up.”

Spain's new government agrees to raise pensions in line with inflation

According to international news love Spanks government has reached the Agreement to raise retirement pensions 

MADRID (Reuters) - Spain’s government has
reached a preliminary deal to raise retirement
pensions in line with inflation, suggesting its
new Socialist leaders may take a less
restrictive approach to spending after years of
austerity under their predecessors.
The multi-party commission that controls
social spending had agreed to the raise,
though full details were still to be decided, the
Socialist party said in a tweet late on Tuesday.
“Now the right must allow that all pensions
rise with inflation, also in times of crisis,” it
Since 2014, retirement pensions have risen by
a below-inflation 0.25 percent per year.
Consumer prices rose 2.1 percent year-on-
year in May according to data from the
National Statistics Institute on Wednesday, the
sharpest increase since April 2017.
Spain’s conservative People’s Party (PP),
forced out after six years in government in a
no-confidence vote that followed a slew of
corruption cases involving PP members, kept
a tight rein on spending to cut one of the euro
zone’s highest public deficits.
The welfare system’s backup fund was
decimated by around five years of recession
following a burst real estate bubble in 2008,
while an aging population means funds are
still being drained from public coffers faster
than they can be replenished.
Spain has around 8.7 million retirees claiming
a pension and a falling birth rate has
prompted concerns of a potential pensions
time bomb and calls for a deeper reform of
the system than that passed in 2013.
Spain cut its public deficit to just over 3
percent of economic output last year, in line
with European Commission targets, from
almost 11 percent in 2012 through unpopular
spending cuts and tax hikes.
Proponents of pension hikes argue that strong
growth since the slump ended in 2013 has
helped ease budget pressures.
Agreed raises during times of economic
downturns were still being debated as part of
the agreement, Labour Minister Magdalena
Valerio said on Wednesday.

Lawmakers threaten electricity firms with court action over excessive billing

Lawmakers in Nigeria have risen with one voice
against electricity firms who come up with excessive
bills for their customers
- The House of Representatives accused some power
Distribution Companies (DISCOs) of refusing to
provide meters to their power consumers
- The lawmakers further alleged that most DISCOs give
faulty prepaid meters the do wrong readings at the
end of the month
The House of Representatives on Tuesday, June
12, kicked against excessive bills issued to
electricity consumers in Kano and Kaduna.
Israel Ajibola, the chairman, House ad hoc
Committee on Curbing Excessive Electricity
Charges, informed lawmakers in Kano about the
development. Ajibola said this in an interactive
session organised by Kano/Kaduna Electricity
Distribution Companies (DISCOs).
He said the House had been met with allegations
of excessive billing, and alongside DISCO’s
refusal to provide meter, preferring to give high
bills to customers, Guardian reports.

Ajibola mentioned other complaints bordering on
non-adherence to the connection/ reconnection
laws and installation of tampered pre-paid
meters. He went on to say that the committee
was constituted to do a fact-finding mission
across the six geopolitical zones, in a bid to
verify the authenticity of the claims.
He expressed concern that Kaduna DISCO was
not represented at the forum, adding that the
Head of Media and Publicity, who represented
Kaduna DISCO, lacked the technical knowledge to
respond effectively to questions.
According to him, the committee’s
recommendation would determine the position
on the bill sponsored by the House leader, Femi
Gbajabiamila. The bill is seeking to criminalise
estimated billing system as presently being
operated by the distribution companies.
Power consumers who spoke at the session
demanded the immediate revocation of the
distribution companies in the country and also
kicked against the outrageous billing system,
which the DISCOs are forcing them to bear.
Yunusa Murtala, a stakeholder, spoke on the
unbundling of Power Holden Company of Nigeria
(PHCN) and accused Kano Electricity Company
(KEDCO) of issuing faulty meters to consumers.

Another stakeholder, Abubakar Dangora,
complained of excessive tariff by KEDCO in the
rural communities, especially consumers with
lower-consuming appliances.
Raul Sing, the chief operations officer of KEDCO,
said the company has distributed over 70,000
pre-paid meters to consumers in Kano, Katsina
and Jigawa states, adding that KEDCO has always
operated within the confines of the set rules.

Why ex-governor Joshua Dariye was sentenced to 14 years for misappropriating Plateau funds (details)

Joshua Dariye, a serving senator representing Plateau
Central Senatorial District and former governor of
Plateau state, was accused of embezzling N1.162
billion ecological funds belonging to his state.
He was charged to court by the anti-graft agency,
EFCC, in 2007, Premium Times reports. gathered that the trial which stalled for
over eight years following Dariye’s protracted
attempt to prevent his prosecution continued
after the Supreme Court ordered the senator to
proceed with his case in 2015.
On Tuesday, June 12, Justice Adebukola Banjoko
delivered the final judgment on the protracted
Here is a detail of how the case that led to the
conviction of the former governor unfolded:
Dariye’s Defence
Starting with the issues raised by Dariye’s
counsel, Justice Banjoko said Dariye’s lawyers,
led by former Attorney General of the
Federation, Kanu Agabi, contended that the
charge against the defendant was defective for a
number of reasons.
According to Agabi, the fact that the charge sheet
against his client did not indicate that the
diverted funds were taken “dishonestly” meant
that a case of fraudulent intention could not be
proven against Dariye.

Agabi also submitted that the prosecution had a
duty to present all the participants in the said
diversion, to court as witnesses.
He further argued that failure of the prosecution
to present all the participants rendered their
evidence defective.
Agabi also submitted that the prosecution ought
to have been bound by the findings of the
Plateau State Assembly committee which found
no case against the defendant.
Similarly, Agabi said the case against his client
should have been viewed with the principle of
“estoppel” which requires that once a ruling is
delivered regarding a given issue, no other court
should commence trial on a case of similar
composition with the one already decided upon
by the sister court.
Agabi cited a previous ruling where six bankers
were tried for their alleged involvement in the
said transfer while Dariye served as governor.
He contended that since the Federal High Court
in Kaduna acquitted the bankers for lack of
evidence, the trial of Dariye on the same
diversion amounts to an abuse of court process.
According to Agabi, the fate that befell the
bankers should also be advanced on his client.
Agabi further argued that the pieces of evidence

adduced by the same prosecution in both trials
were incoherent.

EFCC’s Argument
On their part, the prosecution, led by Rotimi
Jacobs asked the court to determine whether
having recourse to the evidence adduced in
court, the prosecution was yet to prove its case
against the defendant.
Jacobs responded to Agabi’s submissions
regarding the bankers. He cited English Criminal
laws to prove that the principle of estoppel did
not apply to criminal cases.
He also argued that the shreds of evidence
presented in Dariye’s case were conclusive for
the case in which they were brought and in
compliance with section 173 of the evidence act.
Judge’s response
Justice Banjoko said the issues raised by the
defence included fundamental matters that
needed to be analysed.
She cited parts of the judgement from the
previous ruling mentioned by Agabi.
The judge said the ruling of the federal court
acquitting the bankers was premised on the fact
that the prosecution did not include the principal
actor in the case of misappropriation.
Reading through the previous judgement,
Banjoko said the failure of the EFCC to include
Dariye in the charge meant that “no iota of evidence
was adduced in court to show that the cheques (acted upon
by the bankers) were fraudulently procured.”
“I am unable to see how the disbursement has shown any
dishonest misappropriation. Did Mr Dariye misappropriate
it for himself? If so, no evidence was shown,” Banjoko
stated while reading through the previous
judgement by the federal high court judge, Liman
“It is clear from the above that the facts and evidence of
misappropriation were not brought to the fore,” Banjoko
She said that the decision of the federal court to
discharge the bankers was accurate except that it
was due to the absence of Dariye in that trial.
Premium Times reports that Dariye was not
included in the 2005 trial of the bankers and
their bank because he was in office as governor
of Plateau state and then enjoyed immunity from
Although the bankers were acquitted, the bank
was found guilty as charged.
Reacting to Agabi’s argument that the
prosecution ought to have presented same
witnesses as those adduced during the trial of
the bankers, Justice Banjoko said it is not
inconceivable to deduce that the class of
evidence to prove a case of misappropriation was
not the same as the class of evidence to prove the
offence of aiding the said diversion.
On the controversial acquitting of Dariye by the
Plateau State House of Assembly committee,
Banjoko said the committee had recognised its
inability to proceed with investigations into the
offence against Dariye following the filing of the
matter in court.
She said the committee noted that the matter had
become subjudice and was about suspending its
investigation before it dramatically announced a
decision, discharging Dariye from allegations
against him.
“That conclusion was gotten from the air,” Banjoko said.
Regarding the allegations that the statements
made by the defendant were given in duress, the
judge said the defendant’s counsel should have
raised the objection ahead of his final address to
the court.
“Learned silk ought to have advanced his objection during
the trial,” Banjoko said.
The main offence
Going into the substantive matter, Banjoko
narrated the developments that followed an
earlier investigation by Peter Clark, a detective
constable with the Metropolitan police of the
United Kingdom.
She said Clark’s investigation led to the discovery
of £816,000 pounds traced to Dariye abroad.
After a diligent investigation, Dariye was invited
for questioning, then granted bail in December
2004 with an undertaken to return to the UK for
further questions.
Despite promising the security agency that he
would return, gathered that Dariye
never went back to respond to the interrogations
of the metro police. He is still being sought by
the UK authorities.
Shortly after Dariye left office in 2007, his trial in
Nigeria began in earnest and prevented the
defendant’s extradition to the UK.
In Nigeria, Dariye was accused of distributing the
Plateau State ecological funds to various groups,
including the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).
The diverted funds were transferred to a secret
account with the name Ebenezer Rethnam,
domiciled with a defunct bank. Although the said
account was reportedly opened secretly and
managed with a waiver that prevented its owner
from submitting an identification photograph,
Justice Banjoko said the evidence in court
indicates clearly that Ebenezer Rethnam and
Dariye were the same.
She mentioned some of the diverted funds
channeled through the bank from the Plateau
state account at the CBN.

Banjoko noted the submissions of a defence
witness who confirmed part of the money was
diverted to the PDP.
She condemned the submissions of the defence
witness who told the court that he viewed no
wrong in Dariye’s disbursement of public funds
to the PDP, since “his party was the one in
“From his statement, it shows that he has no knowledge of
party funds of even his own party. Funds of Plateau state
government and that of the PDP are exclusive. They never
mix. His submission is quite disturbing and shocking and is
an embarrassment to the party,” Banjoko said.
After listing an array of such dubious
disbursement of funds, Banjoko said Dariye
should have even attempted to explain his
actions by entering the witness box.
“It is expected that he should have entered the witness box
and explain why the disbursements were made. He said
The historic sentence; the verdict
“In the absence of concrete evidence justifying these
payments, it can safely be described as misappropriation,”
Banjoko said.
Justice Banjoko found Dariye guilty of 15 out of
the 23-count charge brought against him.
Thus, Dariye was convicted for two main
categories of offences, namely criminal breach of
trust which attracts a two-year sentence for each
affected count and criminal misappropriation
which has a penalty of 14 years.
The sentences are to run concurrently which
means he will spend a maximum of 14 years in
Drama as Dariye interrupts his lawyer, begs for mercy
Shortly before the verdict was read, Dariye’s
lawyer, Paul Erokoro, described his client’s
actions as the product of ignorance.
Erokoro blamed the military system and the bank
for the actions of his client.
According to Erokoro, Dariye who is a chartered
accountant was misguided when he approached
the bank for financial assistance.
Responding, Jacobs, EFCC’s lawyer, drew the
attention of the court to the many years of legal
battle embarked upon by the defendant.
As he was speaking, Dariye, in a dramatic move,
suddenly stood up and asked the prosecution
lawyer to be merciful.
“Be merciful. You are a Christian, your name is Jacob,” he
The judge noted the efforts of Erokoro but added
that “there should not be compromise in corruption.
Corruption is corruption.”

Meet Nigerian tough female judge Adebukola Banjoko who has sent 2 powerful ex-governors to jail for 28 years

The name, Adebukola Banjoko, is rapidly becoming a
symbol of fearless and impartial justice in the
Nigerian judiciary.
In what can be considered an unprecedentedly
fearless and bold move, Justice Adebukola
Banjoko has successfully convicted and sent two
former governors to jail: Jolly Nyame, former
governor of Taraba, and Joshua Dariye, former
governor of Plateau state.
On Wednesday, May 30, Justice Banjoko
sentenced Nyame to 14 years in prison without
an option of fine.

Nyame was found guilty of 27 out of 41 counts of
alleged diversion of public funds while he served
as governor of Taraba state.
He was charged by the Economic and Financial
Crimes Commission (EFCC) for allegedly diverting
N1.64 billion while he served as governor
between 1999 and 2007.
On Tuesday, June 12, Justice Banjoko delivered
another landmark judgement. She sentenced
Joshua Dariye, a former governor of Plateau
state, to 14 years in prison.
Dariye was charged for diverting N1.162 billion
while he served as governor of the North-central
He was brought to court on a 23-count charge
for the alleged offence by the Economic and
Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) in 2007.
While delivering the judgement, Justice Banjoko
noted the efforts of Erokoro, Dariye’s lawyer but
stated: “There should not be compromise in corruption.
Corruption is corruption.”
Justice Banjoko, considered a fearless judge by
her peers and observers, urged the parties and
Nigerians to separate the judge from the

Photos of former governor sentenced to 14 years imprisonment crying in court

Joshua Dariye, former Plateau governor sentenced to
14 years imprisonment broke down in tears in court
- Justice Adebukola Banjoko had convicted the ex-
governor on 15 out the 23 count charges preferred
against him
- Dariye now a senator was found guilty for a N1.16bn
fraud and for criminal breach of trust
Former Plateau governor, Joshua Dariye, broke
down in tears on Tuesday, June 12, as he was
sentenced to 14 years imprisonment by Justice
Adebukola Banjoko in a judgment which took her
almost eight hours to read.
Meanwhile, photos published by the Economic
and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) show
the the former governor weeping and making use
of a white handkerchief.

News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that
Dariye who is also a senator was chastised for
being irresponsible and betraying the public
trust. He was found guilty for a N1.16bn fraud
and for criminal breach of trust. In addition, he
was jailed two years for misappropriation of
public funds. Both sentences will run
After the judgment that lasted about eight hours,
Justice Banjoko said that:
“I can’t imagine such brazen act, is it the transfer of as
much as about half a billion naira from the state’s
ecological fund into a personal venture account; there’s a
litany and trail of woes, which also affects the people of Jos
- the beautiful Tin City, where everybody wanted to be, and
to find out that its ecological fund was misappropriated is
the shocking aspect.

“There’s a deep sense of irresponsibility; the defendant was
in fact richer than his state. This is a trauma of the trial;
and there should be no compromise to corruption, by
whatever shade or colour, or region, rich or poor;
corruption will forever be corruption.
“Every case is different on its own, and I have no personal
animosity, I’m just doing my job the way I know how to,
and not only the Ecological Funds [were misappropriated],
but funds from the Plateau state government.”