Is Biafra A Buzzword? - One Day With Biafra Agitators led By Nnamdi Kanu

Lagos, Rivers, 18 Other States Refuse To Make Detailed Budgets Public - BudgIT

An accountability and transparency-focused civic organization, BudgIT, has disclosed that Lagos, Rivers and 18 other states have failed to make available details of their budgets to the public. The organization made this disclosure in a statement released on Wednesday, following the report of a research it conducted to ascertain the total number of state budget documents available online to citizens.
BudgIT said its research showed that only Bauchi, Gombe, Kaduna and Kogi states made the details of their proposed budgets available.
The research, the organization added, also showed that only 14 states have posted their detailed budgets online. These are Akwa Ibom, Edo, Ekiti, Jigawa, Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kogi, Kwara, Nasarawa, Ondo, Abia, Plateau and Yobe.
Along with Lagos and Rivers, Osun, Oyo, Anambra, Benue, Borno, Cross River, Delta, Enugu, Imo, Kebbi, Niger, Ogun, Sokoto, Taraba, Zamfara and Adamawa states are yet to make their detailed approved budgets available online.
“States such as Lagos publish summaries online that provide no project details that citizens can effectively track. Contrary to the conditions tied to the N90 billion bailout fund provided by the Minister of Finance, none of the 36 states have made their budget implementation report available to the public,” the statement said.
BudgIT explained that making budget documents public, mostly online, is key to transparency and good governance. It added that it is important for the public to have a clear understanding of how state governments are deploying public funds.
The organization said its research equally revealed that most states require citizens to either pay for hard copies of the budgets or go through a protracted application process for what should be a public document and can be posted freely online.
It observed that while huge attention is focused on the Federal Government, there is a need for Nigerians to pay similar attention to transparency at the state level if the country hopes to curb corruption.
It noted that Nigerians pay little attention to state finances. Quoting figures from the Central Bank of Nigeria, BudgIT said of the N50 trillion spent between 2011 and 2015, 36 state governments and the Federal Capital Territory cumulatively spent over N18.89trillion, representing 38% of entire expenditure.
The organization said it will remain committed to advocacy to ensure that Nigerians have a greater understanding of how resources are deployed are the state level.
“We believe that a functional society is that which takes into highest regards citizen engagement and participation in all areas. Without budget information, it is near impossible to participate in government, thus defeating the concept and essence of democracy altogether. We implore the citizens to also continually demand accountability from those in charge of their funds and keep them on their toes to improve on the current governance structure,” BudgIT concluded.

Modu-Sheriff: The Spirit Of Law By Louis Odion

It is quite human for Ahmed Markafi and co to quickly imagine the worst storm is over following the legal life-line from the Supreme Court last week and therefore relapse to the iniquities and debauchery of the past. But unless the dominant faction of the beleaguered Peoples Democratic Party now has the sobriety to decode the hidden lessons in the adversity suffered in the past fifteen months, they may realize sooner rather than later that their ululation was premature.
The first step to self-redemption will of course be an admission that its downfall in 2015 was brought on by years of sins, followed by a show of humility to serve a penance. Nothing emblematizes this legacy of shame more than the latest revelations from American courtroom of how PDP's erstwhile princess of oil, Diezani Alison-Madueke, and her male collaborators consistently bled the nation's exchequer between 2010 and 2015 and splurged their loot on vanity. Part of it went into bribing INEC officials to help fix results in favor of her party.
By conservative estimate so far, PDP's Diezani bled Nigeria to the tune of $6b through sweetheart concessions to her cronies or outright pocketing of oil receipt for the five years she presided over the nation's oil and gas industry.
In one telling instance, the psychedelic Jezebel was even quoted in an intercepted phone conversation as tutoring her fellow accomplices to be careful the way they went about flaunting their sudden wealth lest the people they were stealthily robbing became suspicious.
A reminder of what another kleptocrat in history, Mobutu of Zaire, once famously told those aspiring to follow in his footsteps at home: "If you want to steal, steal a little. If you steal too much, the whole town will know and will soon come after you."
To famished soldiers murmuring at the presidential gate over unpaid wages, the great Capone famously asked, "Were you not issued uniforms and guns?"
What Diezani and co purloined is different from the hefty $15b bazaar Sambo Dasuki presided over in the diversion of cumulative defence votes.
Much as PDP would wish the congenitally forgetful nation quickly loses these memories, it is doubtful if the ghosts will readily vanish. A vast number of its leaders are known to have refunded their own share of "Dasukigate". So, by now, the inheritors of what remains of the the once "biggest party on African continent" should know that nothing could be more offensive to public sensibilities, indeed suggestive of utter lack of contrition, than continuing to reserve their front-row seats for faces already implicated or tainted in that infamy.
Next in the rehab blueprint should be a resolve to purge itself of the virus of greed. It manifests in the cabal culture that upends internal democracy, a pathology that has haunted it right from Obasanjo days. It accounts for the emergence of Ali Modu-Sheriff in the first instance.
With the fall of Goodluck Jonathan in 2015 and the inevitable forfeiture of moral authority, a clique scrambled in to fill the vacuum by foisting on the party the most unlikely character who, over the years, had only proved to be an itinerant undertaker, cold-blooded mercenary, fresh from the sewer.
The cartel's calculation was simple: they wanted Modu-Sheriff to hold the horns as interim national chairman from February 2016 while they milked the cow ahead of the 2019 presidential elections.
But a ruthless schemer himself, the hireling from Borno had his eyes on PDP's presidential ticket as well. In fact, he was said to have separately wooed two of the PDP governors to be his presidential running-mate. The duo, who were quite instrumental to his being crowned the party head, only got to know this while comparing notes and soon rallied others to pull the rug from under Modu-Sheriff's feet at the now historic Port Harcourt Convention of May 2016.
If not for greed, the cabal should have known from Sheriff's antecedents that he is incapable of any commitment without a guarantee of self-aggrandizement. Even as ANPP governor between 1999 and 2007, Modu-Sheriff was known to be Obasanjo secret agent who helped suborn the then opposition party to the wiles of the ruling party.
As governor, he is reputed to have provided the feeding trough for the first generation of Boko Haram at the beginning of this Republic. They provided him muscles to chase his political rivals out of town. As part of their own share of the election spoils of 2003, the office of Finance Commissioner was allegedly ceded to the future terror organization.
But as with any partnership founded on an ideal less than noble, that political romance soon collapsed following the gruesome murder of the Finance Commissioner nominated by Boko Haram.
Again, it is a measure of of the naivety of the cabal to have recruited a man said to be related to President Buhari of APC by marriage and expected him to act differently. As a top APC player once put it half in jest, half in earnest to this writer, "Well, Sheriff just has to do the work of a Sheriff in the PDP". That is, the sort of dirty job the British colonialists would euphemistically call "pacification" in the heady days of independence struggle by native agitators.
Overall, by the judgement of last week, Supreme Court clearly acted on the side of the spirit of the law which is more morally compelling than obsession with the fine letters of the law. The lower courts that indulged and provided Sheriff shelter had undoubtedly conveniently chosen to hide behind the technicality of law.
Moments after the door was shut firmly against him in Port Harcourt, wily Modu-Sheriff quickly addressed a press conference and unilaterally declared the party was now ready to "obey" a subsisting injunction forbidding the scheduled convention.
That was a smart maneuver by a political buccaneer. He seemed right by the letter of law. Though Sheriff then continued to flaunt the party's staff of office, everyone knew it was ill-gotten. Everyone knew the Markafi group had more clout and the crowd. It soon became clear that the only one actually profiting from the hemorrhaging PDP was the ruling APC left to frolic with reckless abandon in the absence of a virile opposition.
But with the Supreme Court judgment, a flicker of hope has undoubtedly been raised for the deepening of democracy in Nigeria, without which the national space risks becoming an exclusive arena for the hallelujah choir. A republic is doomed and the polity in great peril without a check-and-balance valve. It however remains to be seen if PDP can seize this historic moment.
Some have proposed reconciliation. But it will be futile seeking to force the co-habitation of strange bedfellows. As the seemingly intractable crisis bedeviling ruling APC has demonstrated, shared value is what ultimately nourishes and grows a party, not soaring sloganeering or fancy insignia for that matter.
In his own reading of the Supreme Court verdict, euphoric Peter Obi was quoted as saying, "The current agitation over recession and restructuring will soon be over". It is precisely because of mentality like this that PDP was forced to its knees in 2015. Such verbiage only suggests the resumption of the wheeling-dealing of old.
Enough of the carnality of "share the money". What this moment calls is a change of attitude.
Fortuitously, PDP has the October convention to demonstrate to the nation that it has learnt some lessons. The process leading to it and its outcome will indeed tell if a mortician would be invited or a receiver-manager needed to help negotiate possible bankruptcy.

Court Orders Forfeiture Of Diezani Alison-Madueke's $37.5m Banana Island Property

 A High Court ordered the forfeiture of former Minister of Petroleum Diezani Alison-Madueke's $37.5m property on Banana Island, Lagos

Justice Chuka Obiozor of the Federal High Court in Ikoyi, Lagos, on Wednesday ordered the temporary forfeiture of a $37.5m property at Banana Island bought by a former Minister of Petroleum Resources, Diezani Alison-Madueke, in 2013.
According to the court papers argued by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), the property, which has 24 apartments, 18 flats and six penthouses, is located as Building 3, Block B, Bella Vista Plot 1, Zone N, Federal Government Layout, Banana Island Foreshore Estate.
Apart from the property, the court also ordered the temporary forfeiture of the sums of $2,740,197.96 and N84,537,840.70, said to be part of the rent collected on the property.
The funds were said to have been found in a Zenith Bank account number 1013612486.
Anselem Ozioko, counsel for the EFCC, had told the judge that the EFCC reasonably suspected that the property was acquired with proceeds of alleged unlawful activities of the Minister.
He said an investigation by the EFCC revealed that Mrs. Alison-Madueke made the $37.5m payment for the purchase of the property in cash, adding that the money was moved straight from her house in Abuja and paid into the seller's First Bank account in Abuja.
"Nothing could be more suspicious than someone keeping such huge amounts in her apartment,” he said. “Why was she doing that, to avoid attention?”
He continued: "We are convinced beyond reasonable doubt because as of the time this happened, Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke was still in public service as the Minister of Petroleum Resources."
The ex-parte application taken before the judge was filed pursuant to Section 17 of the Advance Fee Fraud and Other Related Offences Act, No. 14, 2006 and Section 44(2) (k) of the constitution.
Listed as respondents in the application are Mrs. Alison-Madueke, a legal practitioner, Afamefuna Nwokedi, and a company, Rusimpex Limited.
In a 41-paragraph affidavit attached to the application, an investigative officer with the EFCC, Abdulrasheed Bawa, explained that Nwokedi, in connivance with Mrs. Alison-Madueke, purposely incorporated the company, Rusimpex Limited, on September 11, 2013 to facilitate the alleged fraud scheme.
According to Bawa, when Nwokedi was questioned by the EFCC, the lawyer explained that he had approached Mrs. Alison-Madueke for opportunities in the Oil and Gas industry but the ex-minister told him that being a lawyer, she did not have any such opportunity for him and asked him whether he could in the alternative manage landed properties, an offer which Nwokedi accepted.
Bawa said Nwokedi later registered Rusimpex Limited at the Corporate Affairs Commission, wherein a lawyer in his law firm, Adetula Ayokunle, and a Russian, Vladmir Jourauleu, were listed as the directors of the company, while the address of Nwokedi's law firm in Ikoyi, Lagos was registered as the business address of Rusimpex Limited.
The investigator added that when Ayokunle was questioned by the EFCC, he explained that he only appended his signature on the CAC documents at his boss' instruction, while Jourauleu denied knowledge of the company.
The investigator explained: "Sometime in 2013, the former Minister of Petroleum Resources, Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke, invited Barrister Afamefuna Nwokedi, the Principal Counsel of Stillwaters Law Firm, to her house in Abuja for a meeting where she informed the said Barrister Afamefuna Nwokedi to incorporate a company and use same as a front to manage landed properties on her behalf without using her name in any of the incorporation documents.”
He further explained that Mrs. Alison-Madueke further directed Mr. Afamefuna Nwokedi to meet with Mr. Bisi Onasanya, the Group Managing Director of First Bank of Nigeria Plc for that purpose.
"Mr. Stephen Onasanya was invited by the commission and he came and volunteered an extrajudicial statement wherein he stated that he marketed a property at Bella Vista, Banana Island, Ikoyi, Lagos, belonging to Mr. Youseff Fattau of Ibatex Nigeria Limited to Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke and Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke later bought the property from Mr. Youseff Fattau, through her lawyer, Mr. Afamefuna Nwokedi (who she introduced to him) and that payment for the said property was made through the Abuja office of First Bank of Nigeria Plc.
"First Bank of Nigeria Plc, through Mr. Barau Muazu, wrote to the commission and also volunteered an extra-judicial statement in writing that they made the payments totaling US37,500,000 to Ibatex Nigeria Limited & YF Construction Development and Real Estate Limited on behalf of Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke and that they collected the entire cash from Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke at her residence of No. 10, Fredrick Chiluba Close of Jose Marti Street, Asokor, Abuja and paid into the First Bank of Nigeria Plc accounts of Ibatex and YF Construction Development and Real Estate Limited on her instruction."
After listening to the EFCC lawyer, Ozioko on Tuesday, Justice Obiozor made an order temporarily seizing the property and the funds.
He then directed that the order should be published in a national newspaper.  He adjourned till August 7, 2017 for anyone interested in the property and funds to appear before him.

We Will Begin Daily Sit-Out At NASS If Buhari Doesn't Return To Work On Day 90, Group Declares

Concerned Nigerians, a pro-democracy group committed to accountability, rule of law, good governance and the fight against corruption, has announced plans to commence a daily sit-out at the National Assembly in 18 days if the legislature fails to respond to the health conundrum of President Muhammadu Buhari as prescribed by the constitution.
In a statement released on Wednesday by its convener, Deji Adeyanju, and Secretary, Dr. John Danfulani, the group noted that Buhari has now been absent from office and from Nigeria for 72 days, and if the situation remains unchanged, it would commence the sit-outs on the 90th day of his absence.
It regretted the failure of the leadership of the National Assembly to launch an investigation or set up a panel to look into the true status of the President's health, adding the group believes the legislators have been compromised and are working with an infamous cabal in the executive branch against the Nigerian people.
“The Leadership of the National Assembly must choose between the Nigerian people and the cabal,” Concerned Nigerians declared. “72 days is too long for a Commander-in-Chief to be away from his country without any explanation to the people that voted him.”
The group affirmed that if Mr. Buhari has become incapacitated, he should do the honorable thing and resign, because he cannot continue to hold the country to ransom.
“We hereby demand that the National Assembly invoke Section 144 sub Section 4 of the Nigerian Constitution and direct the setting up of a medical panel in conjunction with the Acting President, Professor Yemi Osinbajo to ascertain whether the President is incapacitated,” the statement continued.  
“If the President is found with any infirmity that renders him incapable of discharging his duties, the Senate President and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall officially declare him incapable of discharging his duties and declare his office vacant as prescribed in subsection 2 of section 143,” Concerned Nigerians declared.

Five Killed In Rivers State Shootout

Niger Delta militants attacked Joint Task Force (JTF) troops deployed to Rivers State on Wednesday morning, leaving five dead.
This is the second attack to occur in the Niger Delta region this week.
According to the deputy commander of the JTF, Brigadier-General Kevin Aligbe, four militants were killed while one civilian JTF member died in the attack.
Mr. Aligbe added that four soldiers sustained injuries and are currently receiving medical treatment in Port Harcourt.
He recalled that on July 13, troops deployed to Ogboubagbene community in Bomadi local government area of Delta State were similarly attacked, resulting in the death of one soldier.
According to the deputy commander, an operative of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps as well as a policeman, who are members of the task force, were wounded in the attack.
He said that the militants carted away some military hardware during the attack, but that JTF troops were trailing the suspects.
The JTF chief warned the communities to refrain from shielding or harboring militants and criminals.
He enjoined residents of Ogboubagbene community to reveal the identities of the criminals, vowing that they would be apprehended and brought to justice.
Mr. Aligbe dismissed reports by the Ijaw Youth Council, he Civil Liberties Organisation, and other Niger Delta stakeholders that the military invaded the communities, molested innocent people and destroyed property.
He said that the ongoing efforts to track down those behind attacks and other criminal activities were within the rules of engagement and operating procedures of the task force.
“Following the malicious and unsubstantiated reports, I and other component commanders of the JTF and the paramount ruler of the community, Chief Godspower Oporomo, Pere of Kerebiri, and chiefs from 10 communities visited the sites they said had been razed by troops.
“We found the entire communities to be in a calm and peaceful state while the residents were seen going about their normal activities. The reports were false,” Mr. Aligbe said.
He applauded residents of the Niger Delta for their support to the task force, urging them to sustain the support.
The deputy commander also told the residents to assist the task force with timely information that would assist them in ridding the region of criminality and violence.

Happy Birthday To My Right Hand In All This" Temi Otedola Celebrates Her Boyfriend, Mr Eazi


 Billionaire daughter and fashion blogger Temi Otedola took to her instagram page to Celebrate her
 boyfriend, singer, Mr Eazi who turned a year today. She shared a loved up photo of them and wrote;
"A social media message just can't do this justice) Happy Birthday to my right hand in all this! Let's just say my look in this photo says it all. Get off that plane quick and let's start the celebration"

Too Tired For Royal Duties, Prince George Appears Sleepy As The Royal Family Arrive Berlin


he could be a king someday ; so it's understandable that he's being trained to do his duties  he 
feels like it or not. All the same, Prince George is obviously not feeling this recent trip.
The young Prince looked rather sleepy when the royal family arrived Berlin for the second leg of their tour. He seemed tired and rubbed his eyes as they got off the plane to make their way along the receiving line on arrival at Berlin Tegel Airport. The Prince, who will be 4 on Saturday, stayed close to his father as she spoke with the welcoming committee.
Princess Charlotte, on the other hand, seemed to be up for her official duties. She looked cheery as she received her own miniature bouquet from German gov rep Till Knorn and shook hands with British defence attaché Brigadier Rob Rider.
The royals are in Berlin to  Begin the garman leg  of their five-day tour, with a visit to the Brandenberg Gate and the Holocaust Memorial on the agenda for Kate and William today.

14-year-old Schoolgirl Brutally Raped And Murdered By Neighbour, Suspect Arreste

How Kola Aluko Received $1.2billion In Oil Payments From Igho Sanomi’s Televeras, Glencore And Arcadia Used To Bribe Alison-Madueke

Finer details of the mega-swindle of Nigeria by Messrs. Olajide Omokore and Akanni Aluko have emerged. The details are contained in the assets forfeiture proceedings filed against Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke and Messrs. Omokore by the United States Department of Justice in Houston.
According to the US court processes, both men engaged in money laundering and bribery of a government official. They were found to have bribed Mrs. Alison-Madueke with high-end homes in the United Kingdom, renovated to her taste at dizzying costs; pricey furniture items and other indices of other-worldly lifestyle. Court document obtained by SaharaReporters shows that between Televeras, Arcadia and Glencore, Aluko's account in Switzerland received at least $1.2billion in funds that found its way to funding Ms. Diezani's tasty lifestyle.
The immodest luxuries provided Mrs. Alison Madueke  who, as Petroleum Resources Minister between 2010 and 2015, used her influence to facilitate inappropriate business opportunities for Messrs. Aluko and Omokore by assigning to their companies, Atlantic Energy Drilling Concepts (AEDC) Limited and Atlantic Energy Brass Development (AEBD) Limited, eight oil mining leases (OMLs).
The OMLs were assigned under Strategic Alliance Agreements (SAAs) with the Nigerian Petroleum Development Company (NPDC), a subsidiary of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). Despite lacking the technical expertise and financial capacity to operate the OMLs, as noted in a February 2014 report of the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, Mrs. Alison-Madueke greenlighted the process for her cronies.
What followed, said US prosecutors, was the sale by AEDC and AEBD of the oil-lifting allocations they were assigned under the Forcados and Brass SAAs to third-party oil trading companies. They made tonnes of money, by not fulfilling the obligations stated in the agreements, using some of it to bribe Mrs. Alison-Madueke.
Court papers show that Talaveras Group, one of the third-party oil trading companies, paid copious sums into Mr. Aluko’s personal accounts. Talaveras Group, registered in Nigeria, is controlled by one of Nigeria’s youngest billionaires, Igho Sanomi. The stream of payments, prosecutors observed, began shortly after the award of the Forcados SAAs. Over a period of six months, Mr. Aluko received the sum of $15million in his personal account domiciled at LGT Bank (Schweiz) AG in Switzerland (the “LGT -090038 Account”), from which various purchases for Mrs. Alison-Madueke were funded. The money came from Taleveras Group and its affiliates, including Taleveras Trading Limited and and Taleveras Petroleum Trading BV.
On July 12, 2011, prosecutors found that the sum of $1.5million was wired from Taleveras to Mr. Aluko’s account. Two days later, the sum of $1million also arrived the account from RFB Lengard JVA in which Mr. Igho Sanomi, founder and chairman of Taleveras, owns 30 per cent stake. Another $1million arrived on July 20, 2011, from Taleveras Trading Limited. This was followed on 15 August 2011 by $1million wired by Taleveras to Mr. Aluko’s account in Switzerland as payment for a Joint Venture contract with RFB Lengard. The same day, he received $650,000 from the same source.
On September 12, 2011, Taleveras Trading Limited paid $1million and $1.6million four days later. On 5 October of the same year, Mr. Aluko’s account was credited with $1.5million by Taleveras Petroleum Trading BV and $500,000 six days later. The next lashing of cash arrived on 14 November 2011, when his account received $2million wired by Taleveras
Group. On January 3 and 10 2012, $600,000 and $1million respectively were paid by Taleveras Petroleum Trading BV.
Prosecutors reckoned that the payments were made to Mr. Aluko in return for assigning the AEDC’s rights to Taleveras and RFB Lengard to lift oil under the corruptly acquired SAAs.
They discovered that each of the transactions was subsequently transferred into and out of correspondent bank accounts at a financial institution, which processes its U.S. dollar wire transactions through Newark, New Jersey.
According to prosecutors, AEDC entered into an agreement with the Arcadia Group and its subsidiaries, from which AEDC purportedly took loans. In return, Arcadia was repaid with assignments of AEDC’s crude oil liftings under the dodgy SAAs. The company describes itself as a “global commodity trading firm covering oil, agricultural, gas and power markets”.
“In particular, two months after the last payment from Taleveras, Arcadia Energy (Suisse) SA and Arcadia Petroleum Limited began making payments to an account held in the name of AEH at LGT Bank (Schweiz) AG ending in -108031 (the LGT -108031 Account),” said prosecutors.
On April 18, 2012, Acardia paid $10million into the above stated account. On May 14 of the same year, it paid $1.3million and on July 23,
 $2.4million. On July 24, 2012, the company paid $1.3million into the same account. Less than a month later, it paid $2.9million into the same account and followed it up with a whopping $25million September 17, 2012.
The next day, it paid $2.091million into the same account. This preceded a hefty transfer of $23.4million on January 8, 2013. A couple of days later, Acardia paid $1.6million and on February 4, 2013, wired $2million to the account. This was followed by the payment of $1.1million, $6million and $1.7million respectively.
Igho Sanomi
The stunt continued with payments to a company, Glencore, by AEBD, which sold to Glencore over 7million barrels of crude oil acquired through the Brass SAA. Glencore’s payments for these allotments, said prosecutors, were made to an account in the name of AEBD ending in 184001 at Deutsche Bank (Suisse) SA and an account ending in -630350 in the name of AEBD at Standard Chartered Bank, London. They were also made into accounts in the name of AEBD ending in 677644 at Standard Chartered Bank, London; and 9941 at Stanbic IBTC, Nigeria.
Glencore, for example, paid $83.6million to AEBD on April 5, 2013; $80.5million, $79.4million on July 4, $19.8million July 17,  $19.5million on July 19 and $83.4million on July 21.

Senate Vows To Separate NFIU From EFCC

The Nigerian Senate has resolved to pass a law that would make the Nigerian Financial Intelligence Unit, NFIU, independent of the anti-graft agency, EFCC.
On Wednesday, the lawmakers based their decision on the reported suspension of the NFIU from the Egmont Group.
The NFIU, an arm of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, was reportedly suspended from the Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units over Nigeria’s failure to provide legal framework that will make the NFIU autonomous, The Cable reported last week.
The NFIU helps tackle money laundering and monitor financial flows, task eased by its membership of the Egmont Group whose members share intelligence relating to international finance and illicit flow.
Critics of separating the NFIU from the EFCC have said it would weaken the anti-graft agency which has tackling financial crimes as one of its main task.
Details later…

N53.7m Fraud: Court Orders Forfeiture Of Ikorodu Hotel

The Federal High Court in Lagos on Tuesday ordered the temporary forfeiture of Victoria East Park Hotel and Suites, in the town of Ikorodu, Lagos, over an alleged fraud of N53.7m.
Justice Chuka Obiozor ordered the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to take over the hotel for 21 days to enable it to conclude its investigation of the alleged fraud.
The anti-corruption agency had, in an ex parte application, told the court that it believed the hotel was acquired with proceeds of fraud by one Ebiesuwa Fredrick, who is thought to be the ringleader of a syndicate of fraudsters based in Ibadan and with accomplices in Lagos.
EFCC counsel Ayanfeoluwa Ogunsina told Justice Obiozor the commission sought to take over the hotel, located on Igbogbo-Mayegun Road, so as to prevent the fraudsters from disposing of it during its investigation, thereby "defeating the end of justice."
Ogunsina said the EFCC was investigating Fredrick and members of his fraud syndicate, who were still at large, based on a petition it received from one Dunni Olagbegi, who claimed to have been duped of about N53.7m by the suspects.
An investigating officer with the EFCC, Chris Odofin, deposed to an affidavit filed in support of the ex parte application.  In it, he described the methods they used as follows: "The antics of these fraudsters include luring people into their criminal den where they present one of them as a pastor, hypnotize their victim, make the victim take an oath never to reveal what they say or do and then use all sorts of deceitful methods to collect money from the victim.”
He said preliminary investigations revealed that Fredrick is a member of the syndicate of fraudsters that specialize in duping unsuspecting members of the society and have duped several people by this means, and that they are still on the prowl, seeking more victims.
He said the respondent and some members of his syndicate “launder the proceeds of their criminal activities through acquisition of landed properties within and outside Ibadan with a view to legitimizing and integrating their ill-gotten wealth into the mainstream economy, despite the fact that they have no legitimate sources of income."
Justice Obiozor, in a short ruling, granted the EFCC application, empowering the anti-graft agency to take over Victoria East Park Hotel and Suites for 21 days.
The judge also directed the anti-graft agency to paste the court order in a conspicuous place on the premises of the hotel and adjourned further proceedings in the case till August 9, 2017.

Mayhem In Apapa: Policeman Kills Three Trailer Drivers, Mob Sets Bank Ablaze

Mayhem is ongoing in Apapa area of Lagos as a policeman attached to Diamond Bank on Burma Road allegedly shot dead three trailer drivers.
An irate mob has set the Diamond bank on fire as the management of the bank refused to release the trigger-happy policeman to the mob.
PM News gathered that a trailer driver wanted to park in front of the Diamond Bank since the entire Bura Road had been overtaken by indiscriminate parking by trailer and tanker drivers.
A policeman attached to the bank was said to have objected and in the process, a brawl ensued. The policeman was alleged to have fired at the driver, killing him immediately, while two more drivers were also shot dead as they tried to intervene.
A source in the area told PM News that the policeman retreated into the bank after allegedly carrying out the act.
Trailer and tanker drivers were said to have regrouped and demanded from the bank to hand over the policeman to face jungle justice, but the refusal of the bank proved fatal as the mob set the bank ablaze.
The policeman was said to have escaped. Anti-riot policemen have been drafted to the area to maintain peace. Policemen are now patrolling the area to forestall more crises.
An eyewitness in the area said other banks have closed down for business to avoid being attacked by the truckers as tension brew in the area, especially banks on Warehouse Road.
A top police officer told PM News that more policemen were being drafted to the area to nip the crisis in the bud.

Kogi State APC Files Lawsuit Against INEC Over Dino Melaye Recall

The Kogi State chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC) yesterday served the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) the notice of a lawsuit against the agency on Senator Dino Melaye’s recall process.
In an originating summon brought pursuant to Sections 65(2)(b), 68 and 69 of the Constitution, and Order 3, Rule 9, Federal High Court Civil Procedure Rules, 2009, the Kogi APC and 12 principal officers accused INEC of commencing a Melaye recall process based on a fictitious petition, which contained names of dead persons.
Joined as Plaintiffs with the APC are: Alhaji Haddy Ametuo, Hon. Shaibu Osune. S.T. Adejo, Yahaya Ismaila, Isah Daniel, Chief Gbenga Ashagun, Ahovi Ibrahim, Ghali Usman, Isa Abubakar, I. Molemodile, Abubakar Adamu and Daniel Sekpe.
The plaintiffs as the chairman and other principal officers of the APC in Kogi, filed the suit for themselves and on behalf of the party’s working committee.
Raising seven issues for determination, they prayed the court to within 30 days, make an order of injunction restraining INEC, either by itself or through its servants, employees, agents and privies from commencing or continuing or completing the process of recall of the party’s sponsored member representing Kogi West.
They want the court to rule that the petition submitted to INEC Chairman for the recall of Melaye was illegal, unlawful, wrongful, unconstitutional, null, void and of no effect whatsoever.
They are seeking a declaration that the recall process initiated vide a purported petition against the party’s sponsored member of the Senate by some of his constituents pursuant to Section 69 of the Constitution was illegal, unlawful, wrongful, unconstitutional, null, void and of no effect whatsoever for being contrary and in contravention of the rules of natural justice and the constitutionally guaranteed right to fair hearing under Section 36 of the Constitution.
The plaintiffs also want a declaration that the purported petition submitted to INEC was incompetent, invalid, null, void and of no effect whatsoever, having been purportedly written by persons who are either dead, fictitious, non-existent or those from outside Kogi West Senatorial District or constituency.
They also urged the court to restrain INEC from conducting any referendum based on the petition presented and signed by “dead, fictitious and purported constituents of Kogi West”.
In an affidavit to support the motion Ametuo said Melaye was a good representative of Kogi West Senatorial District and APC, adding that he had discharged his legislative and oversight duties diligently.
According to him, Melaye’s recall was initiated and occasioned by malice, bad faith and witch hunt, adding that those who purportedly signed the petition were either dead, non-existent or persons not registered members of Kogi West.
Ametuo added that one Abubakar Abdullahi, who died on January 14, 2013, and Lami Musa who passed on October 31, 2014, were purported signatories to the alleged petition for Melaye’s recall.

Ex-Nigerian Oil Minister Diezani's Intercepted Phone Conversations Reveal She Knew Oil Deals Were Fraudulent

 See court dcumentsTelephone conversations by Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke, former Petroleum Resources Minister, have revealed that she deliberately connived with her business partners to steal Nigeria’s oil money. As Petroleum Minister between 2010 and 2015, Mrs. Alison-Madueke used her influence to facilitate illicit business opportunities for Messrs. Kola Aluko and Jide Omokore, who used shell companies to receive billion-dollar contracts to sell Nigeria’s crude oil. The oil swap contracts were the controversial Strategic Alliance Agreements (SAAs) through which middlemen were used to sell Nigeria’s crude oil in exchange for refined products.
The telephone conversations were intercepted by US prosecutors tracking money laundering and hefty bribes paid out to Mrs. Alison-Madueke and are contained in an assets forfeiture court process filed against the former minister and Messrs. Omokore and Aluko by the US Department of Justice in Houston, Texas.
Atlantic Energy Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries, Drilling Concepts Limited (AECD) and Atlantic Energy Brass Development Limited, owned by Messrs. Omokore and Aluko, were deemed ineligible for the multi-billion oil contracts they got and were, eventually, found to performed obligations stated in the agreements.
In a recorded phone conversation with Mr. Aluko, US prosecutors quoted Mrs. Alison-Madueke as saying: “We stuck our necks out regarding the SAA and we supported it." Conversations between Diezani and Kola Aluko and Jide Omokore
This was in apparent reference to a February 2014 report issued by the then Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Mr. Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, which determined that AEDC “had neither the technical expertise nor the capital to develop the joint venture, but [was] nonetheless able to lift crude and retain the proceeds . . . up to 70% of the profit of the Joint Venture.”
The CBN also noted that the arrangement was designed “for the purpose of acquiring assets belonging to the [Federal Republic of Nigeria] and transferring the income to private hands”.
AEDC and AEBD, incorporated in July 2010, about three months after Mrs. Alison-Madueke became Petroleum Resources Minister, were awarded eight oil mining leases (OMLs) evidently on procedural manipulations carried out by Mrs. Alison-Madueke.
The eminently opaque deals delivered astounding wealth to Messrs. Omokore and Aluko, who bought and renovated choice London properties for the former minister.
They renovated the properties, including fitting one with an elevator that was later removed; bought her furniture worth millions of dollars and bore her living and lifestyle expenses in London. In one day, he was found to have wired $461,500 as payment to a Houston-based furniture retailer from which he bought items for the use of Mrs. Alison-Madueke.
 Part of the living and lifestyle expenses was the payment of £135,361.48 to a company that chauffeured Mrs. Alison-Madueke, her mother and other members of her family around London.
Messrs. Aluko and Omokore also drenched themselves in obscene opulence, including the the former’s acquisition of a $50 million luxury condominium in New York and the $80 million yacht, Galactica Star.
The Galactica Star hosted the 32nd birthday of American music superstar, Beyonce, as she travel on the yacht with her famous rapper husband JayZ in 2013.
In another phone conversation intercepted by US investigators, Mrs. Alison-Madueke, conscious of the scam-ridden transactions, warned Mr. Aluko against unbridled display of ostentation, particularly with respect to the purchase of the yacht.
 “If you want to hire a yacht, you lease it for two weeks or whatever. You don’t go and sink funds into it at this time when Nigerian oil and gas sector is under all kinds of watch,” she said to Aluko in the recorded conversation. Her warning, however, went unheeded by Mr. Aluko, who splashed $80million on the luxury yacht.
Messrs. Aluko and Omokore, the court papers revealed earned over $1.5billion in revenues from the sale of Nigeria's crude oil.
They laundered the sum into the US and United Kingdom through purchase of properties and other luxury items for themselves and Mrs. Alison-Madueke.

Court Denies Former President Jonathan's Aide Permission To Travel Abroad

The Federal High Court in Ikoyi, Lagos, on Tuesday denied the application of Waripamo-Owei Dudafa, a former Special Adviser to ex-President Goodluck Jonathan, to travel abroad for medical treatment.
Justice Chuka Obiozor, a stand-in judge who presided over the hearing, said if there were truly an emergency, Dudafa could have ensured that his application, filed since May, was heard by Justice Mohammed Idris before he proceeded on vacation. It was Justice Idris who ordered him to deposit the passport with the court as part of the conditions of his bail.
Dudafa was urging the court to order the release of his passport to enable him to travel abroad to treat a spinal cord injury, which he allegedly sustained while being detained in the custody of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).
The former aide, who is standing trial for fraud of N5.1bn, said he needed to urgently travel abroad for a medical appointment, for which he wanted the court to order the release of his passport.
His lawyer, Kolawole Salami, said the medical appointment was earlier scheduled for July 18 and 19, 2017 but had to be rescheduled for July 28, as Dudafa had yet to obtain access to the passport.  He urged Justice Obiozor to hear and grant the application, saying the health of his client was at stake.
But Justice Obiozor refused to entertain the application, saying he was not convinced that there was truly any emergency in Dudafa’s case.
The judge said he would not be the one to release Dudafa’s passport, and directed him to wait till October 16, when Justice Idris, who had ordered Dudafa to deposit the document, would have returned from vacation.
“Let him reschedule to October; he can reschedule to October,” Justice Obiozor said in declining Salami’s plea to hear the application.
The EFCC is prosecuting Dudafa before Justice Idris on 23 counts of fraud and money laundering.  He is standing trial alongside his ex-account officer at Heritage Bank, Joseph Iwuejo, who was said to have aided him to perpetrate the alleged fraud.
The EFCC alleges that between June 2013 and June 2015, Dudafa and Iwuejo, who also claimed to be Taiwo Ebenezer and Olugbenga Isaiah, used different companies to fraudulently launder various sums of money totaling N5.1bn.
It listed some of the companies allegedly used by the accused persons in the transactions as Seagate Property Development & Investment Limited; Avalon Global Property Development Company Limited; Pluto Property and Investment Company Limited; and Rotate Interlink Services Limited; Ibejige Services Limited; DeJakes Fast Food & Restaurant Nigeria Limited; and Ebiwise Resources.
Dudafa and Iwuejo have pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Student Exposes Rot At The Dentistry Department Of College of Medicine At The University Of Lagos

A student of the University of Lagos (UNILAG) who decided to be anonymous for the fear of victimization, has revealed the infrastructural decay that has become of the dental department in UNILAG college of medicine.
She said this in a video and audio clips obtained by Saharareporters.
In the audio recording, she exposed how ethical decadence on the part of Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) management and lack of dental equipment continue to inflict hardship on the students and also expose the patients to the risk of getting further infections.
“The dental clinic is enough for you to get infected, the place is dirty and disgusting. The chairs are old and do not work. Apart from the fact that the chairs are inadequate, they are not swiped in-between patients” claiming that patient take turn on the chair without properly disinfecting it after patient leaves before clamping another patient on it.
The doctors use one face mask for all the patients for a day. That is the fastest way to get an infection, she said.
The video also captured rusty equipment and the dirty environment where dental procedures are carried out.
According to the student, the epileptic power supply has made it almost impossible to use the electric dental chair, hence procedure are done with the either of the two mobile units available to over 60 students in both 500 level and 600 level.
However, the dental chairs with many nonfunctional parts suddenly become available only when officials of the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN) are in the clinic for accreditation.
Video of LUTH: Medical College Where Students Pay Hospital Bills To Qualify For Exams
LUTH: Medical College Where Students Pay Hospital Bills To Qualify For Exams LUTH: Medical College Where Students Pay Hospital Bills To Qualify For Exams
“When they hear MDCN is coming, they only show what they want them to see...doing quick fixes here and there and encourage students to pretend that all is well. The clinic gets painted, looking very bright.
She added that students are forced to pay for patient’s dental procedure so that they can perform clinical which is one of the very important criteria that must be met before any student can graduate.
“Most of the materials for these procedures are provided by the students themselves even after the patient has paid. You hear things like no glove, no face mask, no prophylaxis paste, no cup, no local aesthetics just to name a few...we still get to buy out of our pockets” she said.
The students, she added, also provide their source of illumination during procedures, with some relaying of phone flash lights, adding that many patients leave unattended. “When patients come to the hospital, they are forced to go back, and they do not return”.
On the epileptic power supply, she alleged that the clinic has no alternative source of power which renders the clinic inactive most of the time.
She said in the recording; “Anyone who has been to this place knows there is no electricity and there is no generator to power the dental clinic. The dental clinic needs electricity to function. No electricity in a dental room is as good as an empty room.”
Going further, she claimed that when students complain about the power situation; lectures simply say; “other people have struggled through this, we even struggled through this, so you can also do it”.
She then called on all stakeholders in the health sector to come to the aid of the fast collapsing health care not only in LUTH but across the country.