friend request

                           episode 17

‘Stop it Aditya. You don’t have to be humorous all the time. Actually, he has some
official work which he can’t delay,’ Akash said shifting his eyes from Aleesha to me.
Though we didn’t speak anything, I knew he wanted to take her out alone so that he
could execute his plan. He was still firm about proposing to her. Once we reached my
apartment, I gave the car keys to Akash so that if they decided to stay together till late at
night, he could drop her safely. Aleesha insisted I join them, but I made up an excuse and
got down from the car. Akash had planned to take her to Raghuleela Mall, Vashi, so that
he could spend more time with her.
Aleesha came and sat on the front seat and Akash took to the wheel. I bid them
goodbye and Akash started driving towards Vashi.
‘Sir, have you made all the arrangements?’ Akash asked on the phone when he
called the manager of Fame Cinemas at Raghuleela Mall. He was in the car with
Aleesha and they were on their way to the mall. The manager assured that everything
was ready.
‘Which arrangements?’ Aleesha asked curiously.
‘Nothing. Some work related to office. We have an important meeting tomorrow,’ he
lied. He wanted to surprise Aleesha with his plans.
Akash glanced at Aleesha carefully. Every time he looked at her, he felt like he was
falling in love all over again. This was the best phase of his life and if he had not won
the passes to the club, he would have never met her. It was on that very day that he fell in
love with her. From that day onwards, Akash was a changed man. He never knew he
would live to see a better tomorrow. But the day Aleesha came into his life, all his
sorrows disappeared. It made him feel like his days of emptiness were over, like she
had filled a void in his heart. His days of sadness were a thing of the past now, as he had
found his true love at last. She had opened a new window and showed him love like he
never knew existed. Akash believed that their love would continue to burn bright.
He thought of holding her hands while driving but dropped the plan and decided to
wait for the right moment. They reached Raghuleela Mall. Aleesha still didn’t know
what Akash had planned for her. She knew that Akash had decided to take her for a
movie but she still couldn’t understand why he had planned to take her to a venue so far
when there were better options in South Mumbai. She asked him again.
‘Have patience, dear. I want to make this the best day of your life. I’m keeping my
fingers crossed. Hope you like the surprise,’ Akash replied while taking on the escalator.
‘Surprise? What kind of surprise? You said we were going for a movie. What can be
surprising in a movie?’ she asked. Her questions were never-ending.
‘Ssssshhh,’ Akash said and kept his finger on her lips to put a full stop to her
questions. Her lips were soft, like honey dew. He was so lost in her eyes that he kept
staring at her with love without removing his finger from her lips. Finally realizing he
had been staring at her for way too long, he quickly looked away. When he saw Aleesha
taking her eyes away from him, he kissed the same finger with which he had touched her
lips. He felt like he was kissing her for the first time and the divine feeling of their ‘first
kiss’ made him go crazy. He wanted to hold her by her waist and dance. He wanted to
keep his hand on her lap in the darkness of the cinema hall. But he knew he had to wait a
little more.
‘Akash now can you tell me? The movie is about to begin. Don’t test my patience,
please,’ Aleesha said trying to convince Akash to reveal the surprise he had planned.
‘Just enjoy the movie, Aleesha. Don’t think about it so much,’ Akash replied.
After an hour into the movie, Akash excused himself and went out of the hall to give a
final touch to his plan.
‘I will be back. I need to use the washroom,’ he said to Aleesha and slyly moved out.
Akash went outside, had a talk with the manager for the final time, and confirmed
whether he had received the payment. The manager nodded and said everything was
ready and that he needn’t worry about anything. Akash watched the clock and asked him
the time left before the interval.
‘Fifteen minutes more, sir,’ the manager answered.
He went inside and sat quietly on his seat. He glanced at Aleesha who looked back at
him and gave a smile. She seemed curious to know the surprise. She had somehow
realized what was coming ahead, but wanted the event to unfold on its own. She was
equally nervous since she was expecting something special.
Their eyes were glued to each other and they spoke a thousand words without
actually saying anything. Akash understood her expectations and even Aleesha
understood that Akash was really going to make it special. For the next few minutes, they
kept looking at each other, forgetting all about the movie. Slowly and steadily, they were
coming close to each other, with neither of them realizing it. Their foreheads almost
touched each other but they still didn’t speak a word. Akash lifted his hand to touch her
cheeks. His heart breathed heavily and he could sense the same feelings in Aleesha’s
eyes. Their face tilted and they almost kissed each other. Their lips were

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