Video: Notorious Nigerian Drug Dealer Caught With Heroin In India Days After He Was Released On Bail

Police in Jalandhar, India on Thursday, July 13th, arrested notorious Nigerian drug peddler identified simply as Okey with half a kg of heroin.
The accused, who was nabbed from the under bridge of Surya Enclave during routine checking, was arrested two months ago and put him behind bars. 

According to Tribune India, he was released on bail days ago only for him to embark on another drug peddling move. The police said the interrogation of another Nigerian national, named Agu Emmanuel, arrested on June 14, had revealed that a drug network on a large scale was being run from Delhi and drugs were being supplied from the national Capital to Jalandhar.

During interrogation, Emmanuel, 32, said he had landed at the Mumbai airport in January on a tourist visa and had contacted his old mate Yohan at a local cloth market. He said after living in the Mohammad Arif market in Mumbai with Yohan for one month, he moved to Delhi where he met Kingsley and Iffai who was living at Om Vihar in Delhi.

Then, he was introduced to Okey, also known as Lucky, who runs drug business in Delhi and various districts of Punjab. Taking the lead, the city police arrested Okey in April this year, but he was released on bail.


 Two months after, Ashley is facing criticism after she posted photos on social media of herself in an embrace with her brother in law Chris. She has now debunked allegations of being in a romantic relationship with him, saying they were only giving the impression they are a couple for the stability of her three children. 
"When Mikey died Chris was the first to come round and support me. I was in pieces and he was a massive comfort, not just to me, but the kids as well. We saw how well the children were reacting to having him around. They are used to having their dad around so it is nice and so important for them to have a male figure in their lives. And so we were pretending to be in a relationship for their sak
They failed to resolve the argument before bed and she told him to sleep on the sofa, which he did. By the next morning, she discovered he was dead. e. Chris is not a replacement for Mikey. He is their uncle and always will be," Ashley said.
Chris, an electrician, also defended their show relationship, saying it's natural to want to help. He said:
"Losing Mikey came as such a shock. It felt like someone had stuck a knife in my gut. I drove straight round there to be with Ashley because she had no-one else. We're a close family and Ashley and I have been great friends for 10 years but since the loss we've become best friends. I've been a rock for her and she's been a rock for me. My mum finds a lot of comfort in seeing us support each other and I know Mikey would be happy to see I'm helping his wife and kids. I don't know any brother who wouldn't. I am here to support Ashley and be a father figure for the kids but they are very clear on the fact that I am their uncle."
Ashley claims to have received death threats after allegations hit the internet.
"I'm just trying to provide a stable home for my kids and people are stronger when they are together. Nothing is stronger than a family unit. The fact that people are commenting such vile things is just disgusting. I've had death threats and people saying I suffocated Mikey. It's horrendous. People have even said they're coming for my kids and going to take out a contract to kill me and Chris. It is the last thing we need. It's crazy how people can just take one thing they've read and start judging a situation they don't understand at all," she said.

How To Solve A Problem Like Magu By Azu Ishiekwene

This National Assembly appears quite anxious to make laws that might improve our lives. One example is the bill this week by the Senate for victims of gunshot wounds to get treatment without first paying with their blood.
There has been quite a basketful of bills like that, promising to show us that federal lawmakers have hearts of flesh.
The dangerous edge to their zeal is the growing feeling among them that they can make the law, interpret it and also enforce it and no one can do anything about it.
After a bruising fight with the Minister of Power, Works and Housing, Babatunde Raji Fashola, over whether or not the National Assembly can top up the appropriation bill, including removing significant national projects and replacing them with budgets for boreholes and similar "constituency projects" in their constituencies, the Senate turned on Acting President Yemi Osinbajo for insisting that the EFCC Chairman, Ibrahim Magu, will not be removed.
In a disgraceful tit-for-tat, they vowed that Magu would only be confirmed over their dead bodies, adding that they would withhold further screening and confirmation of executive nominees until Magu is removed.
The Clerk of the National Assembly may well order body bags and call in the ambulance because we’re fed up with politicians who are so obsessedwith their ego that they hardly show any regardfor the common good.
What’s wrong in a healthy debate?
Osinbajo is Acting President and the Senate may disagree with him without insisting that he has to sacrifice his freedom of expression to retain his post. That is wrong.
Recently, I’ve found Osinbajo’s tentativeness on a few matters quite annoying. So, I was pleased when he told the Senate pointblank that 1) the National Assembly has no business topping up the budget and, 2) the Senate has to get used to Magu being EFCC chairman or wait for possibly another six years.
What is it about the appropriation bill that they cannot keep their sticky fingers in check and use it as a tool to get the best value for the country for every naira budgeted? Why should the National Assembly become so blinded by the narrow interests of its members that it would, for the second consecutive time in a row, disregard an existing high court judgment against mutilating the budget to its own advantage?
And as for Magu, what is his crime? Politicians, at least those in the ruling APC, say they want to fight corruption. Magu has been doing his bit for the last 18 months without a letter of appointment and in spite of opposition from the same politicians and career influence peddlers who say they want to fight corruption.
weWhere the lawmakers want to make a law to grant amnesty to looters, Magu has said he is determined to follow through their prosecution. Where they considered themselves sacred cows, he has called them out. And where they have tried to blackmail him, he has defended his integrity.
It’s a matter for regret that the convictions have been few and slow but that’s precisely because politicians, judges and senior lawyers have made no secret of their vested interest to frustrate the process and protect oneanother.
They think we’re helpless, that’s why they insist on fighting corruption on their own terms and when they are challenged they threaten to take the government hostage. The arm twisting and blackmail have gone beyond the limits of subtlety. They have become glaring and due for condemnation.
The federal legislatorsconsider themselves so infallible and their seats so impregnable that Senate President Bukola Saraki and his deputy, Ike Ekweremadu, told us that the only sovereign that can remove a senator is the Senate itself – everything else, including a constitutionally provided recall process, is a waste of time. Without seeming to know it, they are constituting themselves into a body of hostage takers, with the country, its people their interests as their supposedly helpless victims.
It’s also a measure of the conceit of the National Assembly that not only does it remorselessly whip any dissenting member into line; it thinks it is entitled to deal with non-members with the same ruthlessness.
That explains why they summonsed Customs CG, Hameed Ali, for not to wearing uniforms; PACAC Chairman, Itse Sagay, for rebuking them; and Fashola for appealing to their conscience andcommonsense.
And it’s precisely because of this their exaggeratedsense of their worth that they have threatened to paralyze government if Magu is not removed.
Of course the government itself has not made Magu’s job – or the fight against corruption – easier. For example, in spite of two separate court orders asking it to publish the names of treasury looters since 1999 and the recoveries made so far under President Muhammadu Buhari, the government is still speaking in tongues.
The combination of a spiteful Director of State Security, a weak Attorney General and Minister of Justice and a dithering, almost aloof, President, has often produced mixed signals about the government’s resolve to fight corruption openly and relentlessly.
I’ve heard lawmakers complain that the press treats the National Assembly unfairly, that there’s more corruption and lawlessness in the executive branch than anywhere else, but thatthe executive has learnt through years of practice and connivance with the press, to hide its dead bodies.
Maybe that’s true, even though it’s the moral equivalent of saying if two wrongs don’t make a right, try a third. Instead of mounting barricades of greed and self-interest in the way, without a care in the world for the publicgood, lawmakers will be in a stronger position to face the executive if they put their own house in order first.
But there’s little evidence that self-examination is of any interest to them. They prefer to blame the press – perhaps justifiably up to a point – for their "over-exposure", and for helping to pile on pressure from their constituencies that leave them perpetually broke.
Yet, they conveniently forget that for every Dino Melaye that parades his collection of exotic cars on social media; for every senator that hosts a sex fair; for every senator that is a fugitive from justice; and for everyone of them who makes a dance video, there are millions of people out there who think that only two things happen in Abuja: clowning and money sharing.
Federal lawmakers are in a hurry to make record bills that might save us. That’s grand. They should start with the small things: homework, punctuality and a little honesty with their constituencies and about their remunerations.
Their failures in these areas, and not Magu’s continued stay at the EFCC, have done them and the country far greater disservice.
Ishiekwene is the MD/Editor-In-Chief of The Interview magazine and board member of the Paris-based Global Editors Network

Asiko tito latironu ; It's time for yoruba to think says Bayo Oluwasanmi

When Muhammadu Buhari clinched the presidency, many Nigerians believed it was a year of a big, bloodless political revolution. But now we know this wasn't so much a revolution as a restructuring of the political order, a transfer of power from one elite to another, then the sort of bottom-up popular uprising that many Nigerians had in mind.
The economic melt down, unrest, protests, violence, the long intractable poverty, the sense of hopelessness and helplessness, the leadership vacuum created by the hospitalization of President Buhari, and the tyrannical abandon of problems facing Nigerians by the do-nothing National Assembly have spurred the long-dormant spirit of activism. The snowflakes, it seems, have whipped up a snowstorm.
Lately, Yorubas are being terrorized from all angles by the Hausas and Fulanis. The Fulani herdsmen are killing Yorubas like flies. Even the Acting President Yemi Osinbajo was not spared of the incursion of the Fulanis. He's being harassed, intimidated, insulted, humiliated, taunted, and turned into a ping pong ball by Aso Rock Hausa and Fulani cabals led by Bukola Saraki. The latest plot by Saraki and Aso Rock cabals published July 5, 2017, by SaharaReporters headlined “Aso Rock Cabal, Senator Saraki Commence Sabotage of Acting President Osinbajo As Buhari's Health Crisis Deepens” detailed how Saraki in an unholy alliance with other reactionary forces at Aso Rock plot to unleash tsunami of political upheavals to dislodge Osinbajo from assuming full presidential powers. On the confirmation of Ibrahim Magu, the EFCC Chair, the Attorney General of the Federation Abubakar Malami, said Osinbajo's statement on the issue didn't reflect the collective decision of the Federal Executive Council. Though, Malami had since denied the statement.
It bears repeating that were Osinbajo a Hausa or Fulani, he'll never have been subjected to such trauma and torture. It's troubling. It's dangerous. And it's saddening. What further evidence do we need that Nigeria isn't one country? What more reasons do we need to justify Yoruexit from Nigeria? It's in the best interest of Yorubas to start working on ways and means to disengage from Nigeria.
Like I have argued many times, it's too late to save Nigeria as is. In other words, the continued existence of Nigeria as one nation is beyond “restructure.” I believe the only way out for Yorubas is to hasten their exit from this hell hole called Nigeria. Anything short of that is unacceptable, unrealistic, and unworkable. We don't have to ask for anyone's permission to leave Nigeria. We don't have to wait for the primitive, decadent, hostile, system to evolve or for bad laws to change. In the best interest of direct action, we have to walk out of this pit of hell – now! The reckless political provocation by the Hausa and Fulani Aso Rock cabals should stretch Yoruba political imaginations. Yorubas are known to be tolerant, accommodating, liberal and refined. However, being reasonable and civilized should not be exploited by the Hausas and Fulanis. Of course, we have corrupt and selfish politicians among us. In the new Yoruba nation – Oduduwa Republic – We'll take care of the corrupt ones among us. We'll cut their wings. We'll tame them. We'll uproot them from our midst.
When we talk about secession, separation, call it any name, some Nigerians are uncomfortable acknowledging the contradictions, crises, and confusion in which a divided one Nigeria has been submerged for 58 years. When confronted with the reality of Nigeria's 58 years of misery, the apologists of one Nigeria  have no cogent and convincing reasons other than tirade of trite cliches: “It's costly and destructive to break up,” “bigger is better,” there's strength in diversity,” “we cannot go it alone,” “we have much to lose than to gain.” And on, and on, and on. They conjure up these imaginary ghosts to justify the self-serving present. They forget we cannot erase or cover up the historical dystopian reality of Nigeria.
Why Yorubas Can't Wait
We waited 58 years hoping for miracles. It never came. Meanwhile, as we waited for a better Nigeria, things have gotten worse. Our education system once the envy of the world has been dismantled and mutilated. The curriculum has no content, no rigor, no substance, no value, no philosophy. It's an empty shell. As we waited, disparities in wealth increased with the looters prospering and the poor starving. The long running poverty slaughtered and uprooted as it were, the present generation and generations yet unborn. The persistence and prevalence of untamed corruption and infectious poverty daily consume our people. Inflamed ethnic rivalries and religious intolerance grow daily with intensity among the poor. It has fostered distrust and festered old ethnic prejudices.
As we waited, the excesses, evils, injustices, and wickedness of the ruling class have further chiseled the great divide between the haves and have nots and have collapsed our civilization and culture. Our society has been turned into a Hobbesian horror that a normal person must escape. An extended mediation of Nigerian maladies has turned citizens into a surviving appendage that begs for life support. As we waited, Nigeria remains a country of misery characterized by a rainbow of misadventures. The citizens of a country blessed with the world's most abundant resources live in one of the worst places on earth. The federal system of government has been rendered useless, ineffective and made impossible to work. It's a failure. It's a tombstone. It's fragile foundation built on a corrupt and deceitful Nigerian political model that doesn't make sense.
As we waited, Nigeria has turned into a jungle alien to rule of law, where might is right and where injustice reigns supreme. Nigeria provides a textbook example of a country being governed by fools, idiots, thugs, looters, and ignoramuses. These elected ruffians and con artists are the real enemies of our people.  As we waited, Nigerian unskilled poor have exchanged rural poverty for even deeper miseries of the shanty towns with disaffection-filling movements. The swelling urban mobs, abductors, rapists, armed robbers, kidnappers, and hired assassins in the ghastly alleys of Lagos, Abuja, Port Harcourt, Onitsha, Kano, Benin, Otuoke, etc., are unchecked, disregarded, left to grow and fester.
You see, we've waited for 58 years. Every death hurts. Every impoverished Nigerian enrages. Every jobless Nigerian is a walking dead. The God given blessings for Nigeria are not shared or enjoyed in common. Justice, liberty, and prosperity are exclusive illusion of the poor. The sunlight that brought light and healing to the few, has brought stripes and death to our people. While the ruling class rejoices and relishes for one Nigeria, the poor are in perpetual mourning in the same country.
Can you hear the mournful wail of million of Yoruba youths whose lives are being wasted before our eyes and whose lives are being cut short by cheap preventable deaths? Can you see the bleeding of sorrow from Yorubas - the hungry, sick, helpless and hopeless children turned scavengers roaming the streets looking for food in the garbage dumpsters? Can you see Yoruba young girls turned prostitutes for lack of jobs and opportunities? Can you see Yoruba young men turned armed robbers as a result of being uprooted by poverty and precarious life?  Can you see Yoruba gaunt, haggard looking senior citizens badly squeezed by hunger and disease and nowhere to turn?
Nigeria is false to the past. Nigeria is false to the present. Nigeria is solemnly binding herself to the false in the future. Nigeria is ruptured and fragmented. Lives of Yoruba people are split open like water melon ravaged by poverty served loosely together by jagged stitches of fear and insecurity.
Can you see the Yorubas...running helter-skelter from pillar to post … confused and in disarray, groping, gripping, dripping in the dark … See... Can you see...? Enough is enough. It's time to go!

by Mr Bayo Oluwasanmi

Celebrity on Twitter

Y'all remeber twitter celebrity, populary known as hurt bae? She went viral after a video with her ex boyfirend explaining why he cheated on her mutiple times went viral. She shared new photos on her Instagram page wearing nothing but body paint. 

La La Anthony Sizzles In New Bikini Photo

How Senate President Saraki Blackmailed INEC Chairman With TETFUND Probe In Order To Halt Dino Melaye’s Recall

The sudden U-turn by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to halt action on efforts by voters in Kogi West to recall Senator Dino Melaye came as a result of the Senate’s decision to probe the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund). After a meeting earlier today, INEC decided to freeze the recall effort, citing legal complications.
From 2007 to 2012, INEC chairman, Mahmood Yakubu, served as TETFUND’s Executive Secretary. His time at the Fund was marked by a series of allegations of corruption against him. “It is not an accident that, once the Senate threatened to investigate TETFund, Professor Mahmood Yakubu’s INEC quickly retreated from the ongoing effort to recall Senator Dino Melaye,” a Senate source told our correspondent.

As recently as last Monday, INEC had been adamant that the process to recall Mr. Melaye was on course. That day, Mr. Melaye’s lawyer, Mike Ozekhome, had submitted legal papers to INEC officials, claiming that an order by Justice John Tsoho that all parties ought to maintain the status quo was sufficient to abandon the recall initiative. Even so, INEC initially maintained that the judge’s pronouncement was not sufficient to halt the process, pointing out that the judge did not agree to grant an interim order to back a cessation of action.
Afterward, INEC began the next phase of the recall that had to do with verification of signatures. However, Deputy Senate President Ike Ekweremadu did not hide the Senate’s dismay for the process. In an obstructionist response, he described the process as dead on arrival.
Public pushback against the Senate’s interference was sharp and massive. A senator told our correspondent that, on Tuesday night, Senate President Saraki and other Senate leaders met and decided that, in order to contain the recall, “some rough tactics were called for.” At the end of the meeting, the senators decided that the most potentially effective strategy was to open a probe into TETFUND’s past projects, alleging that contractors had stolen funds there in the past.
Jibrin Barau, an APC senator from Kano State, moved a motion demanding a probe of TETFund. He said that “investigative audit” was required of the contracts awarded by TETFund in the past years.
Twenty-four hours after the Senate move, INEC met and decided to suspend the recall, even though the commission said it was going to seek a vacation of the court order to enable the commission to resume the recall.
However, an INEC official told us that the commission’s leadership was not in the least interested in any effort to overturn the unclear court on which basis the recall was stopped. “We all know that judges are going on vacation and the maximum time allowed from start to finish for the recall would present a legal problem for INEC when the case comes up for hearing at Justice Tsoho’s court on September 29th 2017,” said the source
. He added that the attempt by Kogi voters to recall Mr. Melaye “has been sacrificed on the altar of Professor Yakubu’s desire to protect himself and his associates from a probe of TETFund.
FLASH: has been shopping for a judge to stop recall, today he filed a lawsuit thru Mike Ozekhome to do just that. No judge yet!

Leo Messi eager to start training with 'great coach' Ernesto Valverde - 13/07/2017 | 10:00

Neymar Jr, Gerard Piqué and Arda Turan also speak to the press as the new deal sponsorship with Rakuten is presented in Tokyo

It’s not long before we see Leo Messi, Gerard Piqué, Arda Turan and Neymar Jr back at the training ground in Barcelona, but before that they’re in Japan to represent FC Barcelona at the presentation of the new sponsorship deal with Rakuten.
Here is a selection of top quotes from the foursome, who were speaking from the Rakuten Crimson House offices in Tokyo at an event attended by around 260 members of the local and international press.

Leo Messi

“I’m really looking forward to getting back and meeting the new coach and staff, enjoying a new season at the club and playing my hardest.”
Valverde has already proved what a good manager he is. We always start the season with very clear targets. That’s because we’re Barça and hopefully we can win every trophy this year.”

Neymar Jr

“More than team-mates, Messi and I are friends. What matters is for us all to be happy. If we feel good, the team feels good and Barça can achieve great things.”

Arda Turan

“Playing alongside Messi, but also Neymar, Suárez and all the others, is a great chance for me. I’m experiencing great things.”

Gerard Piqué

“This is more than a sponsorship deal, because Rakuten is like a member of the family. I think both parties share the same values and philosophy. It’s not just about working but also having fun as you do it.”
“I’m happy to be here in Barça’s name. I thank Rakuten and Hiroshi Mikitani for theior hospitality while we are in Japan.”

FC Barcelona ranked fourth most valuable sports team in the world - 13/07/2017 | 12:30

The prestigious North-American magazine ‘Forbes’ published its annual report valuing Barça at $3.64 billion, a 2% increase on last year, leaving them behind the Dallas Cowboys, NY Yankees and Manchester United

FC Barcelona is the fourth most valuable sports club in the world according to the prestigious North American magazine Forbes, specialised in the world of business and finance. The publication has made its annual survey that analyses the economic worth of the biggest sports clubs in the world and creates a list of the 50 most valuable clubs. Barça are fourth on this list with a value of $3.64 billion, which is a 2% increase on the previous year. This leaves the Catalan club behind the NFL’s Dallas Cowboys and the MLB’s New York Yankees, with $4.2 billion and $3.7 billion respectively, and another football team, Manchester United. The English team has benefited from a new TV rights deal that has seen it grow 11% from 2016 to reach $3.69 billion. The difference between between Manchester United and Barça is only $50 million.
Forbes produces a list annualy and takes into account TV rights, player contracts and costs among other parameters. This year, the list features 29 teams from the NFL, eight from the MLB, seven from the NBA, and seven from European football. Manchester United is the third biggest sports club in the world and the biggest football team. They are followed by Barça in fourth and Real Madrid in fifth, who lost first place in 2016 to the Dallas Cowboys after having been top for three years running. The next football club is Bayern Munich in 15th place, followed by Manchester City in 35th, Arsenal in 43rd, and Chelsea in 46th.
The NFL’s Dallas Cowboys first place confirms that the American football league is the most profitable in the world. Further evidence of this is the fact that 29 of the 32 teams in the NFL are in Forbes’ top 50 ranking. In an international context, FC Barcelona are well ahead of all the NBA sides, with their top team, the New York Knicks, coming in in seventh place. Moreover, they are only behind one MLB club, the North-American baseball league’s historic franchise the New York Yankees.
Forbes reported that the cut-off point to be a part of this elite group of the most valuable clubs was higher than ever at $1.75 billion. There are 36 clubs who are worth over $1 billion and haven’t made it into this exclusive group. The main reason for the growth of sports club is due to TV rights deals, especially in the Premier League and the NBA.

List of the 20 most valuable clubs in the world:

1. Dallas Cowboys, $4.2 billion, 5% (NFL)
2. New York Yankees, $3.7 billion, 9% (MLB)
3. Manchester United, $3.69 billion, 11% (Soccer)
4. Barcelona, $3.64 billion, 2% (Soccer)
5. Real Madrid, $3.58 billion, -2% (Soccer)
6. New England Patriots, $3.4 billion, 6% (NFL)
7. New York Knicks, $3.3 billion, 10% (NBA)
8. New York Giants, $3.1 billion, 11% (NFL)
9. San Francisco 49ers, $3 billion, 11% (NFL)
9. Los Angeles Lakers, $3 billion, 11% (NBA)
11. Washington Redskins, $2.95 billion, 4% (NFL)
12. Los Angeles Rams, $2.9 billion, 100% (NFL)
13. New York Jets, $2.75 billion, 6% (NFL)
13. Los Angeles Dodgers, $2.75 billion, 10% (MLB)
15. Bayern Munich, $2.71 billion, 1% (Soccer)
16. Chicago Bears, $2.7 billion, 10% (NFL)
16. Boston Red Sox, $2.7 billion, 17% (MLB)
18. Chicago Cubs, $2.68 billion, 22% (MLB)
19. San Francisco Giants, $2.65 billion, 18% (MLB)
20. Houston Texans, $2.6 billion, 4% (NFL)

Vice President for Marketing and Communication Manel Arroyo’s statements:

“It is satisfying to be the fourth most valuable sports club in the world and the second most valuable football team with the ownership model we have. Barça belongs to its 140,000 members and we compete with the biggest clubs, economic giants. Those in the North-American professional sports leagues, the Permier League clubs who get more money from TV rights, and the new investors and new fortunes that are dominating the football world.”
“For this reason it is a big responsibility to manage a club and a brand like FC Barcelona, which is becoming more and more global. We invest not only in our football team but also in strategic areas that reinforce the different way we do things, like education, knowledge, social commitment and the Foundation. Moreover, we are the club with the highest budgeted income in the world and we have the largest following on our social media outlets with 285 million followers.”

Rabiu Ali Wins Match-day 26 VAT Wonder Goal Award

Photo: NPFL
Kano Pillars midfielder, Rabiu Ali, has clinched the match-day 26 VAT Wonder Goal in the Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL).
Ali’s goal in Kano Pillars 1-1 draw against ABS FC in Ilorin was adjudged the best for the Match-day 26.
He beats off competition from Tchato Giscard of MFM and Abia Warriors’ striker, Yakub Hammed.