friend request

                                    episode 7

‘Tammy, do u remember Thakur uncle? His daughter has taken admission in
Nielsen College. He was worried about her stay and his concern reminded me of the
time when you took up a job in Mumbai. I have told him that she can stay with you. I
shall text you her flight details soon,’ said Mr Kapoor, Tamanna’s dad.
‘What? Oh dad, I would have looked for someone here. You know I don’t like others
intruding my privacy. I mean I wanted a room partner but not a family friend. I wanted
someone who would live her life and let me live mine. Now I hope she is not a
gossipmonger. I absolutely hate such people. You should have at least asked me once
before letting her stay with me.’
‘It’s okay, Tammy. She won’t disturb you. She is a sweet girl. Don’t worry too much.
I understand your work pressure and all that, but you don’t have to be so stressed for
such small issues. Chill, my doll.’
Tamanna finally gave in to her father’s wishes as she had neither a choice nor the
energy to argue any further. Tamanna was of an independent nature and didn’t like to
compromise as far as her personal life was concerned. She was an introvert and
extremely stubborn. She had a short frame with a dusky complexion but her features
were very well-defined. She didn’t talk much and her reserved nature would often let
her be misconstrued as snobbish. It was only her closed ones who understood her
feelings perfectly. Her sharp features would get highlighted further when she wore
spectacles and it would make her look more intellectual. She usually wore pencil skirts
and tops with stilettos and a tightly-tied high ponytail which made her look very strict,
almost like a school teacher. She was a manager at Galaxy House, an HR firm, and had
been working there since the past one year. She lived alone in an apartment in
Somehow, she convinced herself to let Aleesha into her apartment for her parent’s
sake but decided to make some things clear in the first meeting itself, so they each knew
where the line had to be drawn. She looked at the clock. It was 8.30 am. She was getting
late for office and her cab was waiting below her apartment. She took her bag and
rushed out.
As she reached the work floor, she looked at her teammates. Everyone greeted her
and exchanged smiles.
‘Deep, come to my desk in fifteen minutes,’ she said in a strict tone.
Deep was an engineer in Galaxy House and worked under Tamanna’s team. He had
recently joined the company and was on probation. So every time he would get called by
Tamanna, it would make him anxious. Deep had the added responsibility of looking after
his mother and younger sister since he had lost his dad at a very young age. Since his
mom too had retired from her job recently, he was the only breadwinner in his family
and could not afford to lose his job. Though he had a fulfilling social life with friends
and enjoyed weekends with them, he had added responsibility on his shoulders and this
job meant a lot to him. He had his priorities set and was very clear about it from the
start. He went to the washroom to freshen up and then went to Tamanna who was busy
signing some papers on her desk.
‘Yes ma’am. Any problem?’
‘Deep, it’s been two weeks since I asked you for the reports and you still have not
submitted them! Why the delay?’ she said without breaking eye contact with Deep,
embarrassing him.
‘Just give me a couple of hours and it will be done. I was about to submit it today but
got held up with some other work,’ he defended himself.
‘Okay, cool,’ said Tamanna still staring at him.
He smiled embarrassingly and managed to leave. He could sense there was
something fishy about Tamanna since the day he had met her. But he kept his assumptions
to himself and never discussed it with anyone.
Tamanna turned off her monitor and rested back on her chair. Something was cooking
in her mind and it was not the menu for dinner. It was something close to her heart. Due
to increasing pressure from higher authorities in office, she had forgotten all about her
personal life and had become a workaholic over the years. All this while, she never
realized she had drifted apart from her friends and family. She could feel how hollow
her life had become. Moreover, her nature of keeping things to herself and not sharing
them with others made her feel even more alone. A couple of months ago when she
started training Deep and interacting with him, she realized she had developed feelings
for him but never told him about it due to her reticent nature. Neither did she discuss it
with her colleagues. Her feelings grew stronger with each passing day and she felt like
she was suffocating. Suddenly she had developed an urge to touch him and feel him. This
urge transformed her from a hard working girl into a desirable animalistic wild lover
whenever she was lost in his thoughts.
Relaxing in her chair, thinking about the last conversation with him, she was picturing
his body, his tanned skin so close to her that she could actually feel the heat coming from
him. His lips wet and moist pressed against hers, his left hand on her waist and the right
hand brushing her hair aside so that he could kiss her hard. Every time she thought about
his touch, it sent a shiver down her spine. It would turn her on, thinking of him ripping
her clothes apart. She concentrated hard on how his touch would feel on her body. She
crossed her legs as she imagined Deep’s masculine hands removing her top and sliding it
up over her head. She even removed one button of her top. Her breathing got heavier and
she was about to trace her lips with her index finger when suddenly she got a call on her
desk number, which brought her back to the real world.
She came back to her senses and looked around to see if anyone was observing her.
Everyone was busy with the day’s activities. She breathed a sigh of relief. She got a call
from the receptionist’s desk telling her that her cab to the airport was ready. She had
obtained permission for it a day before. She buttoned her top, went to the washroom to

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