The issue of restructuring this
unfortunate country called Nigeria is once again on the front burner.
Restructuring remains one of the promises made by the APC and President
Mohammadu Buhari that they have refused to fulfill. In fact, at all
levels of the APC as an administration and political party,
restructuring is being denied.
Before then, former President Goodluck Jonathan organized a National
Conference to discuss this issue. The recommendations of the Conference,
even though not perfect, has been thrown into the trash by President
Buhari and his goons. This ought to have been the starting point to save
Nigeria from perdition.
However, many of us seem not to have an understanding of what to
restructure. The itemized issues below are not exhaustive in any way.
The suggestions also are not written in stone. The bodywork could still
be tampered with in terms of details. But the highlighted issues must be
dealt with, honestly, sincerely and genuinely to build trust, sense of
belonging and save Nigeria, if we all think we still need the country.
POLICE - There is urgent need to give control of the police to the
localities. The Political Units (PUs) should have their own police side
by side with Local Government, City or Township Police Forces. This
would make oppression more difficult and reduce abuse of power and
usage. It would democratize law enforcement and facilitate citizen
involvement. It would also enhance security, effectiveness, and
The argument of abuse no longer holds water since we are
all witnesses to the constant abuse of the police by the unitary Federal
EDUCATION - The Federal Government has no business in formulating and controlling the educational system.
Elementary Education is absolutely for the control of local people to
create a social foundation via curricula for their children. Such
curricula shall, as agreed to by the locals, be imbued with their
desired philosophical world view. Same goes with secondary, high schools
or grammar schools.
"Government", communities and private entities can compete to have
universities, colleges, polytechnics and other forms of post-secondary
I put "government" in quotes because the FEDERAL government should be
totally out of business of owing universities, controlling admissions,
appointing Chancellors and Vice Chancellors among others. The Federal
Government shall not and must not have any scintilla of power or
responsibility in determining admission policies or criteria for such in
all post-secondary institutions.
It should be made UNLAWFUL and ILLEGAL for FederalGovernment to
interfere in the internal affairs of post-secondary institutions of
which the most important is admission policies and contents of teaching.
The Senate Council of such institutions should be given controls and
powers subject to the internal democratic control of members.
- All health policies and infrastructure management shall be an
exclusive responsibility of the PUs. The Federal Government shall not
have any power to interfere in such matters, no matter how remote. Any
arm of Federal Government that has Health issues as its concerns, shall
be related to the PUs purely on an advisory basis and shall have no
power whatsoever to compel any PU against its will.
The Federal Government shall not have any power directly or indirectly
to determine agricultural policies in the PUs. This shall be an
exclusive responsibility of the locals and their PUs. There shall be no
Federal Ministry of Agriculture under any disguise for that matter. It
shall be unconstitutional to use the common purse for agricultural
development in any PU to the detriment of other PUs.
- There shall no longer be any road within the borders of the PUs
designated as FEDERAL ROADS. The PUs shall have the full power to
develop it's road infrastructures without let or hindrance. Airlines,
Railways, Waterways, and other forms of transportation shall be the
exclusive management and administration of the PUs. The international
laws guiding transportation of all genre would be adopted to guide
transportation relationship between the PUs.
The political units (PUs) should have total control of its resources of
all kinds whether on the ground, under the ground or in the sky. Each PU
must be free to determine the exploitation or otherwise of such
resources. Each PU should and must be free to enter into local and
international agreement on how to manage it's resources.
Such PUs
should determine its taxes and rates of importation to as well as
exportation from its territory. All the resources must be deployed to
the development and progress of the PUs as determined by its people.
the PUs that are constituent units must agree at a percentage of their
resources not lower than 2.5 and not greater than 5.00 percent as
contributions to the Federal Government. The percentage, when agreed
upon must be uniform and not discriminatory.
management of the economy of the PUs would follow the same format as in
the management of the resources in relation to the Federal Government.
Each PU shall determine its own economic policies and have its own
CENTRAL BANK to protect it against hostile action by an antagonistic,
vindictive, quarrelous and envious Federal Government. Each PU would
decide its economic relationship with other PUs or other Nations of the
world as well as international bodies.
TAXES - The Federal
Government shall not and must not have the power to tax any citizen or
PU. A situation where VAT or Value Added Tax on liquor, for example, is
taken from Oyo State to support Kano State that hates such is an
injustice. The Federal Government shall and must solely depend on the
mandatory 5℅ maximum contribution from the PUs.
COMMERCE - All regulations and rules that govern ethics, practices of
commerce and trade shall be jointly put in place by the Federal
Government and the PUs. Where there is a conflict of rules, the PUs
shall have the final say or superior authority. Each PU shall not need
or require the Federal Government's approval or authority to enter into
bi - lateral or multi - lateral trade deals with any country or
international bodies in the world. The PU shall have the freedom to
determine what is in their best interest and pursue such without let or
THE ARMED FORCES - Each PU should and must have as
well as total control its armed forces and it's security apparatuses.
Each PU would determine the extent and size of its Army, Navy and
Airforce as it deems fit. It shall be able to decide how they are
trained and how much is expended on them.
Each PU shall have its own security apparatuses and determines the
welfare packages, emoluments, promotions, training of its personnel.
At the Federal level, there would be a Military Advisory Council
(MAC) which duties shall remain advisory in capacity. It's decisions
would not be binding except by persuasion. MAC shall advise whether
Nigeria can go to war or not. Such advice shall be unanimously accepted
and or agreed to through persuasion alone and not by force.
Each PU shall decide its own contribution to the war effort as it
deems fit and according to its capacity and resources. A PU may be able
to opt out of a war effort if it's leadership decides so at any point in
IMMIGRATION - This shall be a joint responsibility of both
the Federal Government and the PUs. Where there is conflict in matters
of immigration, the PUs shall have the FINAL SAY as determined by its
policies and its leadership.
As we have in ECOWAS, free movement
within the PUs would be encouraged since it would still be the same
country, but with an agreed form of identification to check crimes and
protect security concerns.
BORDER CONTROL - This is expected to
be under immigration. But I decided to focus on it separately in lieu of
our experiences. Each PU shall have the final say on who and how
people enter into, move around, work and live within its borders. It
shall have the unrestrained power to expel or jail anyone that breaks
it's rules, regulations, and laws.
DIPLOMACY - As we had it after
Independence in 1960, each PU shall and MUST have the right to engage
in international relations and choose which countries it wants to have
embassies and ambassadors.
JUDICIARY - The final arbiter of and
for justice shall be within the judicial set up of each PU. Each PU
shall design and operate it's unique judicial system. At the Federal
level, all PUs must agree on the structural set up of the National Court
to hear cases of dispute among PUs. The structure shall not have the
power to interfere in the internal judicial structure of the PUs. Judges
on the Federal Courts shall not be permanent and should be on ad hoc or
case by case basis. The judges at Federal level shall not earn any
remunerations since they would be representing their PUs at such time.
They shall not sit on more than one or two cases at most in a lifetime.
In a situation of conflict between two PUs, the Federal Court shall hear
such case and determine it. But such case must be subject to appeal to
International Court and a clause approving this would be enshrined in
the new Constitution.
POLITICAL UNITS (PUs) - It is my view that
PUs should be determined based on linguistic demarcations and not on
artificial regions. There are 376 languages spoken in Nigeria. Some
would complain that this would be too many. But it is my view that the
distinct characters of all the units be maintained. Where necessary,
referendum, under the principle of SELF DETERMINATION could and should
be held by any unit to decide which other units they want to be grouped
with for purposes of viability.
If a country of just 93,000
(Seychelles) can survive, a constituent unit of the same population or
less would survive. No PU, no matter how big or small shall have the
right, no matter how infinitesimal, no matter how it is defined, to
decide the destiny of others as to how and where they are grouped.
To ensure equality of responsibility and opportunity among all
constituent units or PUs, the mono - camera National Assembly would
have 376 members which would be far fewer than the present size of 469
members in the bi-Camera Assembly. This would mean a representative each
from all the linguistic units constituting Nigeria, regardless of size
in population or land mass.
The members shall be totally on a Part-time basis and without
remunerations. Their membership of this Assembly shall be purely on a
patriotic commitment basis. It shall not sit more than 21 days in a row
and more than four times in a year. Its enactments shall be purely
advisory and subject to review and acceptability by the Assemblies of
the PUs.
The internal political structure of each PU shall be its sole
responsibility without any interference whatsoever from any outside
HOW TO RESTRUCTURE - The modality of carrying out the restructuring
must be based on equality of all constituent units regardless of
population size or land mass. This would mean that a CONSTITUENT
ASSEMBLY of 376 members representing each ethnic nationalities would
meet to discuss matters of common interest in relation to the continued
existence of Nigeria.In the course of focusing on itemized issues above
and others that might come up, they would unwittingly but consciously
construct the framework for a new Constitution to be approved back home
in the PUs.
Any PU that disapproves or disagrees with the new Constitution should
be allowed to reconsider and review it's decision or be allowed to form
its own country. Regardless, the new Constitution must include a clause
that allows a referendum in any ethnic nationality that seeks to leave
the Union to do so as long as it is the wish of the majority of its
The operating principles of and for the RESTRUCTURING are and should
be self-determination, freedom from oppression, equity, justice,
balance, sense of equal belonging and equality in all ramifications.
piece is without any prejudice to my hope, dream, and aspiration for
the Oòduà Nation. This is because any discussion about a country, Nation
- State or a Nation is ultimately about a people. The prime motive of
and for my agitation for the coming Great Yoruba Nation is the well
being of my Yoruba people.
It must be understood that on the tough and rough path to FREEDOM of
the Yoruba people, their survival and well-being must be the constant
and consistent denominator. This piece is purposed by that denominator.
"In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been
granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I
do not shrink from this responsibility – I welcome it.”
- John F. Kennedy, in his Inaugural Address January 20, 1961
Please follow me on Twitter: @OyeyemiRemi