How VAR rules denied Nigeria second penalty against Argentina after Rojo's hand ball

Argentina leave it late to pip Nigeria and Iceland for
the second knock out spot in Group D
- Argentina advanced to the round of 16, and have a
mouth-watering tie with France, after a fittingly
dramatic conclusion to their chaotic Group D
Lionel Messi’s 14th minute goal was cancelled
out by a Victor Moses penalty early in the second
half, before Marcos Rojo handed Argentina the
win with the two minutes remaining on the

But there was a moment of drama in the game,
with the biggest talking point being a penalty
appeal which the referee waved away despite the
ball appearing to hit the hand of Argentina
defender Marcos Rojo.
An attempted header from the Manchester
United rear-guard ended up hitting his hand off
his shoulder, sparking wild protests from Nigeria
However, Turkish referee Cuneyt Cakir would
have none of that, despite consulting the VAR.
After the game, Nigeria captain Mikel Obi
described the situation as a “clear penalty”, but

it has been explained why it was not given.
According to the VAR rules, once the ball comes
off another part of the body before hitting the
player’s hand, it is no longer a penalty.
The rules state: “ If the ball hits the hand, off another
part of the body first, then it will not be considered a

voluntary hand ball. ”

NDLEA raises alarm over Adamawa youths' use of urine, dry plantain leaves, burnt tyres to get high

Youths in Adamawa have been reported by the
National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) to
have turned to human urine, dry plantain leaves and
burnt tyres as substances for intoxication
- The NDLEA said that because suspects involved in
the act use motorcycles to sell the substaces, arresting
them is very difficult
- Yakubu Kibo, the command of the agency in the state
called for joint effort of the public to curb the crime

According to the news from the (NDLEA)

The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency
(NDLEA) command in Adamawa has cried out
over some youths in the state who now use
human urine for intoxication.
NDLEA's commander in Katsina state, Maryam
Sani, had said that suspected drug dealers no
longer stay in the shops, but use their
motorcycles and cars to sell drug, making it
difficult for the command to arrest them,
Vanguard reports.

Moreover, the Adamawa state commander of the
agency, Yakubu Kibo, speaking in Yola, said
other new items abused include dry pawpaw
leaves, dry plantain leaves, burnt tyres, as well
as a solution made from candies and beverages.
Kibo said: “It is important for parents to know and pay
attention to the recently discovered substances of abuse like
dry paw paw leaves, tom tom in lacasera drink, 10 days old
human urine, methylated, spirit in coke drink, dry plantain
leaves, burnt tyres among others.”
Kibo appealed for joint effort to create a drug
free society. He said: “For the drug war to be
successful, the supply and demand reduction must go hand
in hand.
“To that effect, since January, the Adamawa Command has
seized 2,742.358 kg of assorted illicit drug.” Katsina state
commander, Maryam Sani, raising alarm over
new method devised by suspects to outwit the
agency, remarked: "The suspects have gone mobile, with
the sellers not stationed in a place or shop.
“They now use their motorcycles and cars to sell the illicit
drug which now make it difficult to apprehend them. But we
would not relent as they are devising other means we would
also be coming up with strategies to ensure that the menace
is reduced to the barest minimum.”

Garba Ahmadu, the NDLEA commander, Murtala
Muhammed Airport command, gave the warning
at an event to mark the "UN International Day
against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking” in
Ahmadu said that the quantity of Tramadol
coming into the country was of high volume
because traffickers were bringing a lot of it,
apart from other pills such as Methamphetamine
and Ephedrine.

Man pays N2.1 million bride price then finds out his bae is already taken

A man paid N2.1 million for a woman who played
him, and now her family won't give the money back
- His story led to another man sharing a similar
incident, where he paid N1. 8 million for a woman
who cheated on him
- Their stories led to social media users thinking
fathers were using their daughters to get rich

According to a post on Facebook man pay 1.8million 
A man paid N2.1 miilion for a woman he loved in
then he found out she was busy with someone
else. Now, her family won't give his money back.
Metro FM posted the man's story on their
Facebook page. In 2016, an unidentified man
paid a lot of money to marry the woman of his
dreams, but after he found out he was not the
only man in her life, he asked for his N2.1
million back.
However, her family has since refused to pay

back the lobola he paid for their daughter.
I paid N2.1 million for the woman I loved back home in
KZN in 2016 but found out that she’s busy with someone
else. All I want is my bride price money back ", he said.
Man pays N2.1 million bride price. Photo credit: MetroFM/
And, he is apparently not the only man who got
swindled out of a lot of money. A Facebook user
named Nathan Simonson had a similar incident.
However, Simonson does not care about getting
his money back.
"I paid N1.8 million. Bought a house for her. SHE cheated
on me and i don't want anything to do with her ever again.
I don't want my money one forced anyone to pay
bride price #fellas if you paid pride price and ended up not
making her your wife, let it go. forget the money and move
on.act as if you bought her a gift.(she'll never forget
you).she might even come back to you to ask for your

forgiveness.", he said.
Social media users gave their opinions on the
two men's stories, with many feeling families
should not hide behind culture- they should give
back the men's money.
George Ash wrote, " People need to stop using culture
to cover bullish, he must get his money back. If it was a
women, most of y'all would recommend her to leave."
Man pays R80 000 lobola then finds out his bae is already
Facebook users weigh in on the man's issue: Photo credit:


Sudanese bride's death sentence for killing her husband gets changed to 5 years in jail

A 19-year-old girl who was sentenced to death for
killing her 35-year-old husband receives overturned
- The young lady has been given five years jail term
after Amnesty International came to her rescue
- Young Hussein who married her husband at 16 had
killed him after he attempted to rape her

According to the post on the amnesty international account on tweeter
A 19-year-old Sudanese girl identified as Noura
Hussein who killed her husband for attempting
to rape get five years jail sentence. The young
lady was originally given a death sentence before
Amnesty International intervened.
The young lady had been married off to her
husband at 16 by her father. It was gathered that
her husband had raped her the previous day
with the help of his brothers who held her down.
He reportedly tried to do the same the next day
when she grabbed a knife from the kitchen and
stabbed him with it. Hussein's death sentence
had been overturned after her case sparked

international outrage.

Amnesty International led the campaign for the
young lady's justice. Her campaign was tagged
'Justice For Noura'.
Seif Magango, the Amnesty's regional deputy
director, expressed that she was a victim of an
attack and she acted in self defense. Magango
said: "She was the victim of a 'brutal attack' by her
husband and acted in self defense."
Magango further stated that the country needs to
reform her laws on child marriages. "The Sudanese
authorities must take this opportunity to start reforming
the laws around child marriage, forced marriage and
marital rape, so that victims are not the ones who are
Hussein was ordered to pay 337,500 Sudanese
pounds (N4,380,000).
According to DailyMail, the young lady was
married off against her wish to Abdulrahman
Hammad and the marriage ceremony involved a
signing of contract between her father and her
She was forced to move into her husband's home
after completing secondary school in April 2017.
It was gathered that her husband invited two of
his brothers and a male cousin to help him rape
her after she refused to consumate the marriage.
Hussein was said to have been handed over to
the police by her father after she fled the scene
and went back home. She was sentenced to death
in July 2017, and her sentenced was overturned
this June.

Libya demands Spain return smuggled antiquities

According to International newsnow 
Libya's UN-
backed deputy Prime Minister Ahmed Maiteeg
on Sunday demanded Spain hand over
smuggled Libyan antiquities recently seized by


Libya want there peaple back from Spain in Madrid

Maiteeg made his remarks during a meeting
with Spanish Ambassador to Libya Francisco
de Miguel in the capital Tripoli, according to a
statement by the prime minister's media and
communication department.
The Spanish ambassador expressed his
country's readiness to cooperate with Libya on
the return of the smuggled items.
Meanwhile, Maiteeg confirmed that the Libyan
embassy in Madrid has presented a
Memorandum of Understanding regarding
judicial cooperation and protection of Libyan
cultural heritage.
He also expressed hope for the return of
Spanish companies to Libya, especially in the
field of water desalination.
The Libyan Archaeological Authority said in
March that smuggled Libyan antiquities of the
Greek era would soon be restored after the
negotiation with the Spanish authorities.
According to the authority chief Mohamed
Faraj, there are nearly 25 smuggled pieces
held in Spain.
In 2017, the Libyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs
revealed it was following up 11 antiquities
smuggled to Spain, the sale of which was

stopped by the Spanish authorities.

Catalan Chief to Ask Spain for Secession Vote

According to Association press

(The president of the Catalonia regional
government, Quim Torra, speaks during an
interview with the Associated Press at the Palau
de la Generalitat in Barcelona, Spain, June 25,

From Barcelona SpainCatalonia's new
separatist chief plans to deliver one message to
Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez in their
highly-anticipated meeting next month: an
authorized ballot over Catalan secession from
Spain is the only solution to the country's worst
political crisis in decades.
"We will go to the meeting with the Spanish
Prime Minister ready to discuss the major
issue... which is the right to self-determination
for Catalonia,'' Catalonia's regional president
Quim Torra told The Associated Press in an
interview on Monday. "We won't budge from it."
Sanchez, who like Torra has come to power in
recent weeks, invited Torra to a meeting in
Madrid on July 9.
It will be the first meeting between the heads of
Spain's central and Catalonia's regional
governments since Torra's predecessor Carles
Puigdemont defied Spanish authorities and held
an illegal referendum before making an
ineffective declaration of independence last
October. The moves won no support
internationally and led to a crackdown by Spain,
which took over running regional affairs until
earlier this month.
Sanchez's predecessor, former Prime Minister
Mariano Rajoy, had repeatedly rejected requests
to authorize a formal Catalan referendum on
Torra said that he welcomed the new Spanish
government's willingness to talk, but he added:
"Until we can vote, and vote in a referendum
that is legal, binding and has been recognized by
both parties as valid, then it is possible that we
will never find a solution."
Polls and recent elections show that the 7.5
million residents of the wealthy region are
roughly split down the middle over the question
of independence. When asked about the millions
of Catalans who do not want to put up a border
and cease being Spanish, Torra said that "all of
us form part of the same community."
Torra, 55, is a fervent Catalan nationalist who
has had to apologize for his anti-Spanish views
expressed in articles and social media posts that
his critics have called xenophobic. He was hand-
picked by Puigdemont in May to carry on
leading the independence cause while
Puigdemont fights extradition back to Spain from
Sanchez, the head of Spain's Socialists, took
power at the beginning of this month by ousting
Rajoy in a no-confidence vote after a major
court ruling into a corruption case involving
Rajoy's conservative party.
Sanchez's government has distanced itself from
Rajoy's hard-line approach by proposing to
amend the Spanish Constitution to create what it
calls a "federal model" for Spain that would
apparently increase the already significant
degree of self-governance enjoyed by the
regions. Catalonia, for example, has a large
amount of control over education — which is
mainly in the Catalan language — and runs its
own police, hospitals and prisons.
Torra, however, said that the only reworking of
the Constitution that would satisfy Catalonia's
secessionists would be one that includes the
right to vote on founding a new European state
for the northeastern corner of the Iberian
"Nobody should expect [.] that we will
renounce'' aspirations on independence, Torra
said. "Until we resolve the question of self-
determination it is very difficult for the situation
in Catalonia to change."
Before his meeting with Sanchez, Torra will visit
Washington, D.C. this week to attend an event at
the Smithsonian "Folklife Festival," which this
year will feature Catalan traditional culture.
Torra said he will use the trip to the United
States to try to drum up support for the
separatist cause and the release of nine high-
profile Catalan separatist who are in jail while
they await trial for their role in last year's failed
breakaway attempt.
"We are going to make use of every chance we
have [in Washington] to send this message,"
Torra said.
The separatists were jailed while Puigdemont
and other collaborators fled the country to avoid
summons by a Spanish judge. Those leaders who
remained in Spain were imprisoned due to the
flight risk they posed and the threat of them
continuing to push for secession.
In another move that many hope marks a
thawing of relations between Madrid and
Barcelona, Torra met with Pablo Iglesias, the
leader of Spain's far-left Podemos party, on
Monday. Torra said he would also meet with
Alberto Garzon, the leader of Spain's United
Left, next week, ahead of his sit-down with

Major EU states will block UK access to single market, warns Spain

Influential EU states such as Germany, France and
Spain will block any attempt by the UK to remain
within the single market for goods without freedom
of movement, the Spanish foreign minister has said.

Josep Borrell said that some smaller EU states might privately
be willing to negotiate reform of the bloc’s free movement
rules in order to keep easy access to UK products.
But he told The Guardian: “They will not win the battle. They
have not enough power. Germany will say no, France will say
no, Spain will say no.”
Mr Borrell said that Berlin and Paris were “angry” with Britain
over Brexit, which he described as a “pain in the ass” which
was distracting energy from issues such as immigration and
eurozone reform.
This week’s summit of the European Council will focus on
migration, security and the economy on Thursday, though
leaders of the remaining 27 EU countries will discuss Brexit in

Theresa May’s absence 
 (When we should be discussing eurozone
and immigration, we are discussing what
to do with someone who wants to leave

Josep Borrell, Spanish foreign minister)
Asked how he would characterise the progress of Brexit talks
since the last summit in March, European Union spokesman
Margaritis Schinas told a Brussels press conference: “Average,
with a potential of improvement.”
The comment came as Mrs May celebrated Royal Assent for
her flagship EU Withdrawal Bill, telling Cabinet it was “a major
building block for the UK’s bright future outside the EU”.
Reports suggest that plans for a future trading relationship
expected to be outlined by the Prime Minister in next month’s
Brexit white paper could include proposals for regulatory
alignment on goods, to preserve continental markets for UK
producers without tying Britain to accepting foreign workers.
The expected move comes as major companies including
BMW and Airbus warn of the risk of activities being
transferred to the EU if Britain leaves the customs union in a
“hard Brexit”.
And London Mayor Sadiq Khan told MPs that major job losses
can be expected in the capital if the Government allows
service industries to “fall off a cliff edge” after Brexit.
Speaking ahead of a meeting of the EU’s General Affairs
Council in Luxembourg, Mr Borrell told The Guardian: “There
are many European countries who would support the (UK)
idea. Because they are against free movement of people. But
not the big, powerful ones.
“Spain will not accept. I don’t think France or Germany will
accept that.
“They are quite angry with the United Kingdom. Because of all
this mess, all the trouble created, all this time lost on
negotiations. When we should be discussing eurozone and
immigration, we are discussing what to do with someone who
wants to leave. It is really a very bad allocation of intelligence,
resources and money.”
Mr Borrell dismissed the idea of a hard border in Ireland as
“impossible” and said the UK Government’s “maximum
facilitation” proposal to use technology to avoid the need for
customs checks would not work, leaving only the options of
keeping Northern Ireland or the whole of the UK in the
customs union.
Speaking to the House of Commons Public Administration
and Constitutional Affairs Committee, Mr Khan said Mrs May
had her “priorities all wrong” in Brexit negotiations and should
give greater emphasis to sectors such as financial services,
accountancy and the legal profession.
City of London warnings of 10,000 job losses in a cliff-edge
Brexit were “a conservative estimate”, he told the cross-party
“I welcome the Government announcing there should be a
backstop agreement in relation to frictionless trade for
goods,” he told MPs. “It needs to extend though to frictionless
trade for services as well.
“We can’t afford that situation where after (a) transition period
we fall off a cliff edge in relation to trades in services.”
Around 92% of London’s economy is made up of the service
sector, the same as Manchester, while it accounts for 91% in
Edinburgh, 83% in Leeds and 82% in Birmingham.
Mr Khan said: “We are already seeing major banks establishing
subsidiaries in other EU countries, or moving part of their
business out of the capital because EU law requires them to
be legally compliant from the day the UK leaves the European
Sadiq Khan says the PM has her priorities wrong on Brexit

“If the Government does not change its approach and strike a
deal that secures access to the single market for services, this
trend will only continue.
“The result will be fewer jobs, less investment and less
prosperity the length and breadth of the country.”
Mr Khan’s message was echoed by the chairman of the
European Services Forum Noel Clehane, who said: “The
business community requires legal certainty as early as
“We therefore call on the negotiators to take all necessary
steps to minimise business disruption, to provide clarity as
soon as possible on the withdrawal agreement, and to allow
some flexibility in the management and duration of the
transition period.”
Mr Khan’s intervention came as the Society of Motor
Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) called for the
Government to end uncertainty over Brexit as it
said investment in the British motor industry has fallen by
nearly a half in a year.
The SMMT said £347 million of investment was earmarked for
new models and facilities in the UK in the first half of this
year, compared with £647.4 million in the same period in

Podemos meets with Catalan nationalists on behalf of Madrid

From the Spain news pepper

According to the news from Spain
Podemos leader Pablo Iglesias met Catalan regional premier
Quim Torra Monday in an attempt to work out a deal between
the regional Catalan authorities in Barcelona and the new
minority Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) government in Madrid.
The meeting showed that a key purpose of the installation of
the PSOE, in which Podemos played a leading role, was to try
to put a more “democratic” face on the brutal police
repression last October of the Catalan independence
referendum. Iglesias acted throughout as an emissary of
PSOE Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez.
After nearly a decade of escalating conflict between Madrid
and Barcelona over how to impose European Union (EU)
austerity, violent conflict erupted last year in Catalonia.
Madrid declared the independence referendum illegal. The
right-wing Popular Party (PP) government tried and failed to
crush the referendum, mounting a massive police crackdown
on peaceful voters that left nearly 1,000 people injured. With
declarations of support from the PSOE, the PP arrested
Catalan nationalist leaders and imposed an unelected
After January elections held under this police jackboot led to
Torra’s installation, and after Podemos helped install the
PSOE in power, Iglesias is now trying to smooth over the
conflicts on the basis of accepting Madrid’s anti-democratic
policies in Catalonia. He said, “My will is to help ensure that
there is a climate of understanding between the Spanish
Government and the Catalan political forces.”
Details of the hour and a half discussion in the Catalan
government headquarters emerged after the meeting during
the press conference. A key issue discussed was the jailing of
Catalan nationalist politicians such as Omnium Cultural
president Jordi Cuixart, former Catalan National Assembly
head Jordi Sànchez, former Catalan Vice Premier Oriol
Junqueras and other Catalan regional government ministers.
Iglesias told Torra that Sánchez is willing to transfer them to
Catalan jails. “I know that because Sanchez has said this to
me,” he assured, adding that this would “de-stress” relations
between Catalonia and Spain.
Catalan government spokeswoman Elsa Artadi replied that
“the position of the [Catalan] government is not to negotiate
the transfer of the prisoners nor to improve their situation, but
to free them.”
Podemos did not support freeing the political prisoners,
however. Iglesias only proposed a transfer that would “be a
first step and an improvement of the current situation”, that is,
that they would rot in jail in Catalonia rather than in Spain.
Iglesias added that he would visit the imprisoned leaders,
demagogically claiming that Podemos supports a referendum
on self-determination in Catalonia. Iglesias proceeded to
downplay the significance of the jailings. He claimed that the
conflict between the Catalan and Spanish governments over
self-determination should “in no way prevent dialogue and
exploring democratic means to manage the conflict in
Also present in the meeting was the leader of Podemos-
backed Catalonia in Common party, Xavier Domènech. Earlier
this month, Domènech offered to support the Catalan regional
government as it passes an austerity budget. The Catalan
government has already said it would reduce the deficit set at
0.4 percent of the GDP for 2018, at 0.1 percent for 2019, and
at zero for 2020, to comply with Madrid’s commitments to the
EU. This will mean around 688 million euros in social cuts or
tax hikes in the region this year.
During the meeting, the Catalan nationalists hailed Iglesias.
Artadi said, “the role of Podemos in Spanish politics is
important,” as a “much of its [the Spanish government’s]
strength comes from Podemos.” She added that even though
they are not in government, “we should not underestimate the
importance that this party can have for the future”, calling
Podemos a party that “recognizes the situation” in Catalonia.
Iglesias also promised to develop Torra’s ties with Sanchez: “I
have found the regional premier with an absolute disposition
for dialogue, so I will convey this to the President of the
Iglesias said they both shared “republican values,” though
Torra is infamous for his anti-worker and anti-Spanish vitriol
when he worked as a journalist, when he praised Miquel and
Josep Badia as the “best examples” of Catalan nationalism.
Both founded fascist para-military squads in the region during
the 1930s to terrorise the working class and gun down
anarchist leaders.
Iglesias is working to prepare talks between Torra and
Sánchez scheduled for July, acting on behalf of Sánchez and
Spanish finance capital. Podemos and the PSOE speak for
factions of the ruling class, in Spain and internationally, who
fear that amid growing strike action by workers in Spain, anger
over the Catalan crisis could prove politically explosive and
needs more careful handling.
In this, they speak for powerful sections of the ruling class.
The president of Santander Bank, one of Spain’s largest
banks, recently called for “rebuilding bridges” between
Barcelona and Madrid who, he said, need to “work together”.
He said Spain should “make all Catalans attracted to Spain
The anti-secessionist Barcelona business lobby Círculo de
Economía also released a statement calling for the end of
Spain’s “worst crisis since the Constitution was approved in
1978.” In line with the traditional Catalan-nationalist demands,
it called for “greater powers to legislate, manage, collect and
inspect” tax revenues by regional governments, which would
share their “tax bases” with Madrid.
Iglesias’ alignment with the banks and business lobbies
exposes the role of Podemos. At the height of the crisis last
October, it sought to defuse deep-seated opposition among
workers and youth to police-state measures, issuing bankrupt
appeals to Madrid and Barcelona to negotiate with the
Catalan separatists while the PP escalated repression.
At the time, the PSOE backed the PP. In a letter to PSOE
members just after the crackdown, Pedro Sánchez defended
PP repression as “a response comparable to that of any
country” and “the inevitable response to an unprecedented
attempt to break the integrity of the state.”
Now, Podemos is championing a PSOE-Catalan nationalist
settlement that would be a reactionary deal made at the
expense of the workers.
The Catalan nationalist parties, Torra’s Catalan Democratic
Party (PdeCat) and the Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC),
have already signaled that they are open to such a deal. They
accepted the legitimacy of this year’s elections held at
gunpoint by Madrid’s unelected regime in Catalonia. They are
seeking a deal, that could perhaps be passed off as a victory
based on the improvement in the conditions of the political
prisoners, but based on militarism and stepped-up austerity.
The Sánchez government, barely a month old, has signaled
that it will keep the previous PP government’s budget, which
imposes deep cuts to social spending and massive hikes in
military spending. A new austerity budget is in preparation for
the end of this year.
On Sunday, in an interview to daily El País, Sánchez said, “The
days when the Spanish government made the problems with
Catalonia even worse are over. We have to take this one step
at a time and rebuild the trust and loyalty that were broken
during these years of conflict between the governments of
Catalonia and Spain. That is the message I am going to
deliver to Torra when I meet him on July 9. There are many
things that can be done.”
The policy Sánchez is laying out would be a right-wing and
militarist policy, sealed on the basis of police-state repression,
and in which Podemos is fully implicated.

CBN injects $210 million into Forex market

$210 million have been injected into the foreign
exchange market
- The injection of the fund was confirmed by the
Central Bank of Nigeria
- According to the CBN, the new intervention will
cater for requests in the wholesale segment of the
Forex market

Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has injected 210
million dollars into the foreign exchange market
(Forex) to meet customers’ requests in various
segments, Mr Isaac Okorafor, acting director,
corporate communications says.
In a statement on Tuesday, June 26, in Abuja, he
said 100 million dollars was allotted to
authorised dealers in the wholesale segment of
the market, while the Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs) segment got 55 million

Okorafor notes that according to the bank’s
figures, customers requesting foreign exchange
for invisibles such as tuition fees, medical
payments and Basic Travel Allowance (BTA),
among others, are also allocated 55 million

He recalled that the bank, on Thursday,
intervened with 210 million dollars to cater for
requests in the wholesale segment of the Forex
Meanwhile, the Naira continued its stability in
the foreign exchange market, exchanging at an
average of N360 per dollar in the Bureau De

Change (BDC) segment of the market.

SARS operative allegedly shatters Ogun teacher’s leg with bullet

A school teacher in Ogun state has accused SARS
operatives of shattering his leg with bullets
- The Ogun state civil servant said the trigger-happy
police officer opened fire on people including
commuters and traders in Ibara area of Abeokuta
- According to Ola Hammed, the operative accosted
him and accused him of being among the mob

An operative of the Federal Special Anti-Robbery
Squad (F-SARS) has been accused of riddling the
left foot of an Ogun state civil servant with
Ola Hammed, a Physics teacher in Ogun state
said he the operative was among a team of SARS
officials attacked by some residents in the Ibara,
Abeokuta area of the state, after a man was
brutalised for videoing a brawl involving the
Hameed alleged that the trigger-happy police
officer opened fire on people including
commuters and traders in the area.
According to Hammed, while people while
running for safety from the gunshots, the SARS
operative accosted him and accused him of being

among the mob.
Hameed said: “My ordeal in the hands of the Federal
SARS men happened on June 12, 2018. A fight erupted from
an argument between a man and a FSARS team stationed
under the Ibara Bridge, Abeokuta.
“The incident, which lasted for hours, drew the attention of
many passersby and okada riders. At a point, one of the
SARS officers spotted a guy among the crowd taking a
video coverage of the incident. He approached the guy and
started beating him up.
“The disgruntled crowd got angry and started throwing
stones at the SARS operatives. The next thing we heard was
that they (FSARS) opened fire, shooting continuously. They
aimed at people with the intention to kill.
“Though some people were miles away from the scene of
the incident, we all took to our heels, running for our lives

because of stray bullets.
“One of them (cops) accosted me. I told him that I did not
have anything to do with the stoning. I was saying that and
moving away from him. He said, ‘I will spoil your leg,’ and
the next I heard was a gunshot," Hammed said.
Stating that the police has refused to investigate
the matter, he however said he was rushed to
the hospital after he discovered he was hit in the
left foot.
“I can barely leap on the other leg. I cannot sleep at night
due to the pains I go through, while the person that
perpetrated this inhuman act is out there in the comfort of
his home,” Hameed added.
I want the Ogun State Government to act fast on the issue
before the operatives wreaked more havoc on innocent and
defenceless citizens. The conduct and operations of the
SARS men have sent many Nigerians to their early graves,”

he said.

Meanwhile, previously reported that
some operatives of the F-SARS team have been
arrested in Abuja, Nigeria's capital city.
The arrested operatives were said to have been
arrested by the Nigerian police and detained in
It was gathered that the affected officers - 32 of
them - are yet to be allowed to see their families
and lawyers.