friend request

                                                                   episode 9

                                                    A Date on BlackBerry

After a memorable Saturday night, Akash woke up late the next morning. The night
before, he had lost his heart to a gorgeous looking girl. Aleesha. He was still half asleep
when he felt like someone was hitting him with a hammer. He soon realized that the
throbbing headache was a result of the hangover. He had a bad headache, which meant
that either he had had an awesome night or that he was going to have the worst day
Still in bed, he stretched out his hands fumbling the side table for his mobile. He
hardly remembered what happened last night. He wished he had slept for one more hour.
The headache was getting unbearable. Everything around him seemed blurred. He finally
got up from bed, still thinking about the previous evening. He unzipped his pants and
was about to take a leak when he realized he was in front of his window and not the
‘Err!’ he said to himself, ‘Oh God, I hate mornings. It’s the lack of sleep that causes
hangover, not drinks.’
He came back to his bed and saw his mobile lying dismantled on the floor. Its battery
was in one corner and the cover was under the bed. His body refused to allow him to
bend down and pick them. He struggled hard to put his phone together in one piece. He
switched on the cell phone and again lied down on the bed covering himself with his
blanket when his phone rang.
‘Good morning,’ Akash said, still hungover.
‘You bloody swine… were you sleeping or dead? I called you at least ten times to
check if everything was alright at home,’ I yelled at him.
‘Ya bhai, I am okay. I don’t remember much from last night, but the fact that I was
about to pee through the window suggests that I had an awesome night,’ he managed to
‘Just check your messages. We almost landed up in jail because of you yesterday.’
Akash opened WhatsApp to check my message.
Fuck you asshole! I am sure you have gone off to sleep. Do you even remember what
you did last night? I kicked you out of the disc after you flirted with that girl in the black
dress. I think her name is Aleesha since you kept shouting her name while walking out of
the disc. But you ran straight into the small light post and if I wouldn’t have dragged you
away quickly, it would have almost landed on your head. You refused to let me drive,
got into the car, and took off. From there we went straight down the wrong side of a oneway
road. Needless to say, our luck ran out. A cop was waiting for us. When he asked us
where we were coming from, you replied that you had killed a girl and her dead body
was in the boot space of the car. ‘Laash dikki me hai’ you had said. Then what, I lost 500
rupees for such behaviour courtesy ‘YOU’ and we reached home two hours late.

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