How to toast a girl on the street?

9Many women like meeting new men on the
street. However, toasting a girl has never been
an easy thing, especially in public, when she
immediately can put you down by a strict reply.
A man should always know what to say and
what to do to attract a girl`s attention. We offer
you the best tips on how to toast a girl on the
How to toast a girl on the street?
A man should always be polite with a woman. It
is a universal rule. When you want to toast a
Nigerian girl on the street, you must never be
arrogant but confident. Is there any difference?
Of course, there is. Many men might say:
“Hallo, beauty. I am taking you to the cinema tonight.”
In this case, you leave no choice for the girl and
make a decision instead of her. Women hate this.
Therefore, you will immediately get the following
“Of course, you are not.”
Instead of this, you should always be confident,
polite, and thoughtful towards a girl. Women
adore such men.
How to toast a Nigerian girl on the street
Depending on the time of day, the considerable
part of girls is out in public because of certain
reasons. They go/from the work, shop, university,
etc. They might walk with a dog or go to the
hospital. Therefore, women might not be
interested at all to find their love on the street.
Moreover, most women hate men approaching
them on the street.
READ ALSO: 8 best tips on how to seduce a girl
The best tips on how to toast a girl on the street
How to toast a girl on the street?
If you do not know how to toast a girl for the first
time, the best tips are:
When you pass by, you should always try to
make eye contact
Look back and watch if she has paid attention
to you
How to toast a girl on the road
When you catch up to a girl, the first thing
you should do is to say sorry for getting her
Always start your conversation respectfully
and politely
Take cues from her whether she is ready to
continue the conversation with you. Please
remember that if a girl desires further
communication with you, she will always
her part to retain the conversation
Always approach a girl with confidence
Try to break the ice with a couple of
unplanned comments about your immediate
surroundings. For example, if you are in front
of a cafĂ©, you might say, “Coffee smells
perfect, does not it?”
Say a particular compliment to the girl. Please
note that there are words to toast a girl you
must never pronounce. Just remember! No
compliments about sexiness, her butts, or
other body parts. Such words will offend the
girl forever
Concentrate on nonverbal communication.
Keep in mind that 60 % of human
communication is always visual, and 40% is
always verbal. Therefore, your body language
and the way you talk are the most important
Keep eye contact and smile
Always continue the conversation if it seems
welcome. Talk about any current events, new
film, weather, etc. When you keep talking
with a new girl on the road, it never
what you say. Just keep on talking. The longer
your conversation is, the better chances you
have to ask her telephone number

How to disvirgin a girl without pain?

How to disvirgin a girl without pain? It`s quite a
question which is needed to be answered. It can
be quite impossible as a girl might still feel a
little tinkling in the abdominal part. Moreover,
how to deflower a girl without pain might not be
a question at all. Her very first experience might
be painful and less sexual experience than for
you. Men do not feel the same pain as the girls
do then you might need to help her to
understand that how to disvirgin a girl without
her feeling pain is almost unreal. It depends on
the individual physiology.

Show her that you love her
Disvirgin without pain at all can be quite unreal.
Therefore, you might need to show her that you
have a true affection for her. It means that you
love her. The very first sexual experience for a
girl should be with a man for whom she feels
true affection and true love. This can help her to
overcome the pain and understand how to
disvirgin without pains at all. What she needs is
your love right now and true affection to her.
When she feels safe and needed, then the
hormones of happiness can help her to overcome
any pain in her mind.
How to disvirgin a girl without pain?
Create an atmosphere
If it`s the first time for your girl and you have
no clue about how to disvirgin a girl without
pain, then you might create a certain atmosphere
for her. Try to find some relaxing music and
make the place safe for her. You might help her
to undress. Right now she is a real flower.
Therefore, do not try to spoil this flower or take
too soon. It`s necessary for her to feel your
patience in this delicate question.
Foreplay in how to disvirgin a girl without pain
You might need to start slowly. Try to whisper in
her ear that you love her and you are about to
experience something unforgettable. It means
that you need her right now and you need her
love. Start with slowly kisses to her lips, then
around her neck. Do not rush things. Start slowly
from up and gets lower down there. Do not forget
about her boobs. She might like it. It`s quite
necessary to her that you also feel the same
feelings as she. You can come up to her most
private part and start kissing there. It might help
her to relax and get aroused for the real actions.
How to disvirgin a girl without pain?
How to disvirgin a girl – real actions
The best sexual pose for the first sex for a
woman is the missionary pose. In this position,
she feels totally relaxed, and you can surely
control all the actions. Do not forget about
contraceptives! When you get your gentleman in
its suit, you might start the insertion. How to
deflower a girl? It might be still painful to her,
but if you look directly into her eyes while you
are making love if you touch her and whisper
lovely words, then you might help her to feel no
pain. Moreover, do not start bumping her at
once. Start slowly and speed up when she feels

What words to use when toasting a lady?

What are the effective sweet words to toast a
lady? Most likely, many people asked such
question. Let's find out, how to interest a girl and
make her like you.
In the circumstances, it is possible to use several
questions, which you will ask the pleasant girl.
By means of them, it is possible to force to toast
practically any person. So, do you know what to
ask the girl? To invite the beautiful girl to date
sometimes is very difficult. You should know that
many beautiful girls treat flirtation very
carefully and to get them is not absolutely easily
as it seems at first sight. It is necessary to know
that it is much simpler to toast her with words
than to invite to the dating. Besides you rather
easily will be able to force she to be confused,
using simple sexual compliments. It isn't always
interesting to the girl to hear about the dating as
she begins to think that you just want to get her.
You should be careful, but not to forget curiosity
and desire, without stopping at nothing.
However, it is worth showing all the care! Some
girls can fall in love very strongly.
What words to use when toasting a lady?
Several moments, about which it is worth to
remember at conversation
So, which words to use when toasting a lady? It
is the best of all to start a conversation on
something important while you sit near her. But
in the case when she at the same time feels not
too comfortably, then it isn't necessary to show
the persistence and haste. There is a probability
of missing all the opportunities. And, most likely,
you won't be able to correct a situation. In the
case when the communication is based on SMS
messages, then there is always an opportunity to
make of everything light if there is no
What is it necessary to know about words?
It is worth discussing at once how to say the
compliments to the girl. For this purpose it isn't
necessary to strain strongly, selecting a suitable
case. Girls like compliments by men, and it isn't
so important in what situation they were made.
Just asking the questions, and attentively
listening to answers, it is always possible to find
an opportunity for a compliment.
By the way, in consideration of a question of love
words to toast a lady, it is worth noticing that it
is the best of all to ask all questions of sexual
character at night. At such moments the
imagination of woman becomes higher. You
shouldn't hesitate to ask questions to the
beautiful girl, a lot of things depend also on how
you will make them. For example, uncertainty
asked the question: 'What are you wearing now?'
- cannot only not bring closer to the purpose, but
also distance from it. Besides, in spite of the fact
that such question like 'Are you alone?", at first
sight, doesn't have anything sexual and toasting,
it is worth knowing that it will allow defining
that the girl is ready to flirtation. There are also
some types of questions, which you can ask the
• What are you doing now?
• Do you like to embrace, lying in a bed?
• What does look best of all in your opinion?
• What characteristic in man is pleasant for you?

What words to use when toasting a lady?
Also, you can use sweet words to toast a lady on
the internet. Some of them can be used offline.

1. Each girl reacts in an own way when she
receives the message from the man. But there
are some tricks, which work for most of the
girls well.
2. Don't make grammatical mistakes. If you send
the message, be convinced that you use the
correct grammatical rules. Don't think that it
is unimportant for the girl to whom you write.
Try to avoid reductions and write without
mistakes as girls not really love illiterate
3. Be always focused on contents of the
4. Learn what is pleasant to her. All people are
different. Therefore it is important to learn
what is pleasant to your lady. If you seek for
the development of intimate relations, it is
very important for you to know what excites
5. Draw images in her imagination. Use words so
that she could present in her mind that you
want to show her. Instead of the word touch,
for example, use a soft touch. Anyway, the
adverb or an adjective will never be excess.
6. Tease her with the messages Girls love it, so
use it. Play and continue to tease the
girlfriend. Don't allow her to miss and be not
7. Don't forget to maintain her interest. Always
finish your phrases so that she could manage
to tell anything in answer irrespective of what
she wants. If she asks how you have spent the
day, be not limited to something banal like
'Everything is OK'. It will hardly be pleasant
to her. You risk being left without the answer.
8. Ask questions correctly. Pictures have to
appear in her mind. Ask her about intimate
things. For example, 'What are you wearing
now' or 'how soft your underwear is?' As such
questions generate the pictures in her mind,
you can be sure that she will begin to send
you response messages.
9. SMS work well when she goes to bed.
Remember that at night the girl that you want
usually goes to bed, or perhaps is even going
to sleep. So send her messages when she is
already in a bed. Any bed reminds about love
caress. It can excite and force her to think
about you beginning to flirt with her when
she goes to bed.
10. Be not afraid to flirt with her. You shouldn't
be afraid to ask her questions when you flirt
with her. If at the same time anything doesn't
develop, you have to calm her, saying that all
that you have told, was just a joke. At last,
when she will begin to enjoy, she will begin to
respond to your messages more freely.
As you see, it’s not very hard to toast the girl
with words. All you need is to be gentle and
kind, and not to forget about the sense of humor.
Remember that any word has a meaning.

Sultan sends message to Muslims concerning Ramadan

The Sultan of Sokoto called on Muslims to be on the
lookout for the new moon
- He said the moon may be on on Wednesday which
my mean Ramadan will start on Thursday
- If this does not happen, the Ramadan fats will
automatically begin on Friday
The Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammadu Sa’ad
Abubakar, ha called on Muslims all over the
country to be on the lookout for the moon on the
night on Wednesday, May 16 which will signal
the beginning of the Ramadan fast.
Daily Trust reports that the Sultan who is also
the president general of the Nigerian Supreme
Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) gave this call

This was contained in a statemebt issued by the
deputy secretary-general of the NSCIA, Prof.
Salisu Shehu.
He said if the moon is not sighted on Wednesday
night, Friday will automatically become the first
day of Ramadan fast.
He said: “Following the advice of the National Moon
Sighting Committee (NMSC), the President-General enjoins
the Nigerian Muslim Ummah to search for the crescent of
Ramadan 1439 AH immediately after sunset on Wednesday
16th May, 2018 equivalent to 29th Sha’aban 1439 AH. If the
crescent is sighted by Muslims of impeccable character on
the said evening, His Eminence would declare Thursday,
17th May, 20187 as the first day of Ramadan.
“If, however, the crescent is not sighted that day, then,
Friday, 18th May, 2018 automatically becomes the first of
Ramadan, 1439 AH. The council hereby enjoins the Muslims
all over the Country to be on the lookout for the
announcement of His Eminence, the President-General of
NSCIA, on the commencement of the 1439 AH Ramadan
Meanwhile, the sum of N63.5 million was
approved by the governor of Yobe state, Ibrahim
Gaidam, for providing Ramadan feeding for the
less privileged , Daily Trust reports.
The development was made public in a statement
released by the governor’s director general of
press affairs, Abdullahi Bego.

Adegokblog .com gathers that the money would also
cover the conduct of Tafsir during the Ramadan
Bego disclosed that the free feeding would be in
42 centers across the state’s 17 local government