friend request

                                                episode 13

in a dejected tone.
I got up from the couch and gave him a tight hug to make him feel better, all the while
wishing that Aleesha would message or call him. We waited and then walked to the
parking area and drove back to our respective homes.
Akash was disturbed but somewhere deep down he knew it couldn’t end this way.
He had dinner and checked his cell again. He had received three messages. There was
one from Aleesha!
Hi Akash. I am extremely sorry. My net pack expired and I didn’t know about it. I
thought you didn’t message me and had cancelled the plan. By the time I realized that my
net pack had expired, it was too late. Sorry to keep you waiting. I am texting you my cell
number. You can call me after an hour or so. Bye. Sorry again.
One message from Aleesha and Akash couldn’t control his excitement. He
immediately called and informed me that Aleesha wasn’t bluffing after all.
Akash waited for the clock to strike 11. It was around 10.45 pm and he thought of
calling her up. But he again dropped the plan and decided to wait for another fifteen
minutes. Those fifteen minutes seemed never-ending. He didn’t want to show how
desperately he wanted to talk to her. But he had unknowingly made the mistake by
immediately agreeing to call her. He was recollecting all the things he had to say to her.
He noted down a few things on his hand so that he wouldn’t forget. He seemed to be
more cautious this time around and the reason was obvious. He didn’t want to lose on an
opportunity and regret it later. In the pin drop silence of the room, the only sound audible
was that of his heartbeat. If anyone had seen how anxious he was at that time, he would
have rolled on the floor laughing. Who notes down things to be said to one’s beloved?
Akash did. He was just walking in his room repeating the lines in his mind over and
over again as if he had a competitive exam to sit for. All the incidents that had happened
in the last 24 hours showed that he was in love. Being deeply loved by someone gives
you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. He had gathered all the
courage to talk to her for the first time after their short meeting at the disc. It was 11 pm.
He dialled her number and Aleesha picked up the call.
‘Hi. What’s up?’ Akash asked.
‘Just had dinner. What about you?’ Aleesha replied in a whisper.
‘Me too. By the way, your caller tune is really romantic. Should I sing it for you? I
hope you don’t mind. Though I am not a good singer, I can sing it for you.’ Akash had
completely forgotten what he had penned down and spoke what was in his heart.
‘Shut up, Akash. Thank God you are not angry. I am extremely sorry that I couldn’t
meet you in the evening. Really sorry,’ Aleesha apologized.
There’s no need to be sorry. I am happy you trusted me and at least shared your
number with me, Akash thought to himself.
‘What happened? Say something.’ Aleesha tried to break the silence.
‘If you are free on Tuesday, can we meet? It’s my weekly off that day,’ Akash said
giving it another try.
This time she agreed. Akash was convinced by Aleesha’s seductive voice that she
would not ditch him this time. He couldn’t question her anymore. They talked for a few
more minutes before eventually hanging up. Akash was on cloud nine and he felt like he
was dreaming. Exactly 24 hours back he had met a girl, so beautiful that he instantly lost
his heart to her. His heart skipped a beat as soon as he saw her in the disc. He was not
the same guy anymore. The brief meeting with her had changed him. Akash had already
started planning to make the most of the opportunity and to propose to her. A strong gut
feeling was telling him that she liked him too. It was pretty evident in the way she spoke
to him. He closed his eyes and fantasized about going out on a date with her. Within a
few minutes, he fell asleep after hours of restlessness. He was relaxed and happy at the
end of the day as he had talked to his dream girl for the first time on the phone.
Just before going to sleep, he uploaded his status on BBM so that Aleesha could see
You should see my smile when you call or text me! Gn Aleesha. Your voice is
Though Aleesha hardly expressed the way she felt and pretended as if she was not
looking for someone in particular, the truth was that she wanted their casual meetings to
remain a secret, and not let anybody else get a whiff of it.
She changed her status on BBM to: It started with a friend request.
Tuesday morning brought along with it a new hope in Akash’s life. It was not that he
was not nervous, but he took more time than usual to get ready. I was waiting outside his
apartment listening to Radio Mirchi in my car. Once Akash came and sat in the car, my
first question to him was whether he had confirmed if Aleesha was coming.
‘Akash, I am not going to enter CCD until she comes today. We wasted 200 rupees
the last time for no reason. We could have had beer instead of eating sandwiches, man!’
‘Aadi, I told you the reason why she didn’t come. I also told you that since the past
two days we have been continuously in touch with each other. Heck I even know her
favourite colour by now. It’s pink. She also sent me a picture of herself in a pink top. She
looks so awesome in it. After all this, you are still teasing my love! I don’t expect this
from you. And anyway, we are not going to CCD. We are meeting at McDonald’s near
CST Station,’ Akash said.
‘Oh cut the crap, for Christ’s sake. I am joking. Today you are finally going to

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