friend request

                                      episode 14

to her. Else, I will kill you,’ I teased him looking at his nervous face.
We reached McD’s in an hour and for a change, Aleesha was waiting for us. Akash
waved out to her. Akash was absolutely right, I thought. She looked ravishing.
Aleesha had worn a pink top and blue denim hot pants.
‘Sexy. Hot. Seductive. Freaking beautiful,’ I said with a wicked smile on my face.
‘I told you. This is not the only reason why I liked her, I love her nature too. Our
wavelengths match,’ Akash blushed.
He introduced me to her and we took a seat on a vacant table nearby.
‘So what will you both have?’ I asked them.
‘I will have one Mc Aloo Tikki and small French Fries,’ Aleesha said looking at
Akash and giving him the sweetest smile.
I got up and went near the counter, which gave them some more time to talk. I took out
my mobile phone and sent Akash a message on WhatsApp.
Don’t waste time. I am taking more time here to give you privacy. Tell her your
feelings. Don’t be shy or afraid. Go ahead. Yo!
I turned back and looked at him. He read the message and stared back. He slightly
nodded his head in nervousness. However, for the next few minutes, he hardly spoke
I was cursing him for his silence and shyness.
Show your balls, you ass. Speak up! Don’t cry in front of me afterwards. Why are
you missing this chance, I messaged again.
I am trying. But I don’t know how to start the conversation, Akash replied.
I couldn’t delay my arrival anymore and got back to the table. I sat diagonally
opposite to Akash and Aleesha sat beside him. I looked straight into his eyes and
gestured for him to initiate the conversation.
‘Should I get ketchup sachets from the counter?’ Akash asked Aleesha. She nodded
her head and Akash went to get them.
‘So Aleesha, how is life in Mumbai?’ I broke the silence.
‘It’s different from Kolkata, definitely. Kolkata shows you a different culture while
Mumbai is totally different,’ she smiled. I melted looking at her cute smile.
‘And how are the people?’ I continued with my questions. Akash gave me a tough
look when he spotted me being comfortable with Aleesha.
‘Nice. Helpful.’ she replied in as little words as possible.
‘And Akash?’ I continued. This was the question I wanted to ask her all evening. The
first two questions were just to create a base to reach to this one.
She kept quiet for some time but her silence spoke a thousand words. I repeated my
question again and just as she was about to answer, Akash came back.
‘So what were you both talking about?’ he asked us expecting an answer.
‘Does it make you jealous seeing me talk to her?’ I said and laughed.
She looked down shyly taking a bite of the burger while tucking back the strands of
hair that had come lose. She looked up at me from the corner of her eyes and saw me
looking at her. She smiled in agreement to my question.
I blinked my eyes, an indication that Akash felt the same, and immediately messaged
C*****, go ahead tell her. She loves you. Trust me. Don’t waste your time. Show her
that you are a man.
Akash looked at me and replied: I don’t understand how some people have the
courage to express their love to their crush when I don’t even have the courage to ask her
for extra ketchup.
We chitchatted for the next half hour or so and then decided to disperse. I kept on
signalling Akash, asking him repeatedly to speak up. But he didn’t.
‘Hey, why don’t you both join me for the freshers party in my college? I can manage
to get entry tickets for you. It will be fun,’ Aleesha said just before leaving.
‘Sure. Why not!’ Akash replied and bid a goodbye to her. She left soon after.
We walked back towards our car. No one spoke a word. When you are in love, you
dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening, and live like it’s heaven on
earth. Akash did nothing of that sort. From her smile and her positive reaction it was
evident that she too loved Akash. I made him understand the fact that Aleesha won’t take
the first step but will wait for him to speak those golden words which every girl wants
to hear. Every girl wants her boyfriend to be different and unique when he proposes to
her. Aleesha was no different. Even she wanted it to be memorable.
Love is the feeling of cold in summers. Akash was feeling this love but was afraid to
express it. Aleesha was waiting for the moment when her love would give her a
passionate kiss and transport her in to a different world altogether

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