New picx of Stacy Keibler‏

Love pairing a bright lip with a neon dress for summer!;postID=6497962354895268485

Proposed Bill Would Grant Full Amnesty To Treasury Looters

Looters of Nigerian treasury may get “full and complete amnesty” based on a proposed law currently being considered by the House of Representatives.
The proposed law seeks to give the looters leeway to escape any form of probe, inquiry or prosecution after fulfilling certain conditions.
Besides, such looters shall not be compelled by any authority to disclose the source of their looted funds. The scheme is to last for three years, but it could be extended at the instance of the Federal Government, the bill provides.
The proposed law is titled: ‘A Bill for an Act to establish a scheme to harness untaxed money for investment purposes and to assure any declarant regarding inquiries and proceedings under Nigerian laws and for other matters connected therewith.’
The bill was introduced and read for the first time on June 14 on the floor of the House. It now awaits second reading where it would be debated.
Sponsor of the bill, Linus Okorie (PDP, Ebonyi), said the bill “seeks to allow all Nigerians and residents, who have any money or assets outside the system or have acquired such money or assets illegally (looted or any variant of the cliche) to come forward, within a set time frame, to declare same, pay tax/surcharge and compulsorily invest the funds in any sector of the Nigerian economy; and be granted full amnesty from inquiry or prosecution.”
The draft law covers all assets whether held in Nigeria or outside the country.
The bill, dubbed ‘Economic Amnesty,’ provides in Section 4 a 30 percent tax and additional surcharge of 25 percent of such tax. While the proposed tax would be remitted to the federation account for distribution to all tiers of government, the surcharge is to be remitted directly to specific agencies towards agricultural and infrastructural development of the nation, the lawmaker had said.
The agencies are the National Agricultural Research Development Fund and the Nigerian Infrastructure Fund.
The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is to manage the scheme, while the declaration would be made to the chairman of the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS).
The proposed law also exempts all declarations made from further assessment/taxation by any tax authority within Nigeria, outside the tax and surcharge provided therein.
In the bill, the Federal Government has powers to make consequential “orders not inconsistent with the Scheme to remove any difficulties” that may arise in the course of implementation.
It provides in Section 3 (1) that “...any person may make, on or after the date of commencement of this Scheme but before a date to be notified by the Central Bank of Nigeria in an Official Gazette, a declaration in respect of any income chargeable under the income-tax law for any assessment prior to the enactment of this Act.”
Section 3 (2) states that: “Where the income chargeable to tax is declared in the form of investment in any asset, the fair market value of such asset as on the date of commencement of this Scheme shall be deemed to be the undisclosed income for the purposes of sub-section (1).”
In Section 5, the bill proposes that “the amount declared from the undisclosed income shall (after payment of the tax, surcharge in respect of the declaration) be invested in Nigeria by the declarant in any sector of the Nigerian economy.”
“Being an interventionist Scheme, the bill proposes a time-frame of three years for the commencement of its implementation unless extended by the Executive, through CBN.
“In return, the bill proposes a total and comprehensive amnesty for all declarants from all otherwise repercussions under Nigerian laws and further provides that all such declarations shall be inadmissible in evidence against the declarant except in ‘matters of national security,” the lawmaker said.
Matters of national security are those facts and issues to be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction before effect is given to the exception, the bill says.
“Outside the exception on grounds of national security, no declarant shall be required to state the source or sources of the assets or income declared,” the lawmaker said.
He said the bill was “proposed as a practical, though temporary, solution to a national cankerworm - corruption - which has afflicted all generations of our society, since independence and force us continuously down the development pyramid.
“It provides a window to the quagmire facing all repentant (past and present) actors, who may have assets and resources within and outside Nigeria and find it difficult to acquit themselves under extant anti-corruption and related criminal laws of the land,” he said.
Additionally, the lawmaker said the scheme would be a workable solution to reverse capital flight that has bedevilled the Nigerian economy and initiate a reverse flow through resultant repatriation.
“It is estimated that with the quantum of resources envisaged to be declared and invested in the Nigerian economy, micro and macro-economic stability would result and in turn engender massive economic growth and prosperity with a short time,” he said.
“It would further enable national institutions and operatives to gain valuable insight and intelligence in assets tracing and tracking through professional analyses of generated information,” he said.
“The full and successful implementation of the proposed scheme will result in the purging of the rather accommodative mindset of most Nigerians of corruption and engender a new desired national attitude against crass acquisition of wealth to the detriment of the common good,” the lawmaker added.
Proposed law self-serving, anti-people - CISLAC
Meanwhile, the Executive Director of Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC), Awwal Musa Rafsanjani said the proposed law is an attempt by the Nigerian elite to legitimize the looting of public treasury.
While describing the draft law as ‘self-serving and anti-people,’ Rafsanjani called on Nigerians to rise against such laws.
“This bill that is proposed in the House clearly shows the desperation by people that looted the country to hide. It is an attempt to legitimize stolen funds. This is a calculated attempt to further deepen and institutionalize corruption in Nigeria, whereby you can steal as much as you want then come and declare whatever you deem fit.
“One can steal N10 billion and declare just N100 million. The proposed law is anti-people, unacceptable and not in the spirit of the fight against corruption. It won’t scare those that looted the public treasury. It is another means of giving them confidence.
“We reject this idea in totality because it won’t help in the fight against corruption. We call on the National Assembly to desist from considering it. In the event that they pass it, we call on the president not to sign it and we call on Nigerians to rise against it,” he said.
Asked about the provision that compels looters to invest the looted funds in the Nigerian economy, Rafsanjani said: “It’s not workable to force them to invest the looted money back in Nigeria.
“The only thing is to force them to refund the entire money. So, for us this isn’t an appropriate thing. When people know that they’ll refund the entire money, it would discourage them and others.
“What they’re trying to do is to give legitimacy to what is clearly illegitimate. Looting is a crime against Nigeria and Nigerians because it denies provision of infrastructure such as roads, water and other things. As far as we’re concerned, this is wicked.
“There are enabling laws in existence, so they should strengthen them instead of giving legitimacy to looting. They should create an atmosphere that looters will find everywhere un-conducive to steal and hide money,” he said.

Security alart Security Agents Close In On Igbo Quit Notice Sponsors

The police and other security agencies are searching for the sponsors of the 16 Northern youth groups that issued an October 1 quit notice to Igbo living in the North, it was learnt yesterday.
A covert profiling of the youth groups and their sponsors has been going on in the last three weeks.
But the arrest of leaders of the youth groups has been put on hold following intelligence report that their sponsors may have planned to set the nation on fire.
It was learnt that Kaduna State Governor Nasir El-Rufai was awaiting a briefing from the police and security agencies on why they had not arrested the youths.
A top security source said the police and other security agencies were trailing suspected sponsors of the Northern youths.
The agencies are said to be of the opinion that it is better to “get to the root of the hate crisis” rather than just arresting the youth leaders.
Another source privy to the ongoing investigation said: “We are searching for the sponsors of these youths and we are closing in on them gradually. Part of the intelligence report we received was a plot to use the arrest of the youths to trigger off spontaneous attacks in the North.
“The police and security agencies, however, beat the plotters to their game by staying action on the arrest of the youths. Besides, the Ramadan period could be volatile in the North.
“The activities of these youths were partly politically-induced and ethnically-motivated. This is why we are trying to unmask the sponsors and why they will prefer to set the nation on fire.
“They also have a few others suspected to be bankrolling these youths.”
The source added: “We are already conducting the profiling of all the 16 groups, their patrons and past activities. We are closing in on their sponsors
“No doubt, the boys who issued the quit notice are known; they are not above the law but we will not arrest them now based on the intelligence at our disposal
“It is better to dig  deeper than doing a hasty job. Even the political authority prefers a cautious approach to the matter.
“We know the right thing to do but the police and security agencies cannot operate in isolation of the larger picture before the political leadership.”
The source also said the police and security agencies were being proactive before any clampdown.
All police commands and security agencies have been directed to strengthen surveillance and security for the Igbo in the North.
The quit notice was designed to cause mayhem and create sudden security challenges in the North.
“At the appropriate time, the law will take its course on any group or individual trying to set the nation on fire,” a security source said.
Asked what has been done, the source added: “We have placed all the 16 youths on special monitoring.”
El-Rufai has not received the report from the police and security agencies on why the youths have not been arrested, according to a source who said: They had not given any reason for not arresting the boys.
“The position of the governor is that the youths must be arrested. It is dangerous to leave these boys because we don’t know what will play out on or before October 1,” the source said.
Sixteen youth groups, under the aegis of the Coalition of Northern Youths, on June 6 gave the Igbo up to October 1 to vacate the three geopolitical zones in the North.
Some of the youth organisations at the Kaduna meeting are Arewa Citizens Action for Change, Arewa Youth Consultative Forum, Arewa Youth Development Foundation, Arewa Students Forum and Northern Emancipation Network on the Igbo Persistence for Secession.

Hajj ; Nigerian Government Approves Purchase Of Abuja Metro Plaza For Hajj Commission Headquarters

The Federal Executive Council, FEC, has approved the purchase of the popular Metro Plaza building to serve as the permanent Headquarters of the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria, NAHCON.
The approval was given Wednesday at the FEC meeting still holding inside the council chamber of the Presidential Villa, Abuja.
The meeting is being chaired by Acting President Yemi Osinbajo.
The chairman of NAHCON, Abdullahi Mohammed, said the commission has been operating in a temporary office since its establishment in 2006.
“In fact, it can be argued that all the bodies responsible for Hajj operations have been occupying temporary offices for over a 100 years,” he said.
Nigerian pilgrims embarking on hajj

Pension ; Federal Government Fails To Implement 18% Pension Contribution For Workers

Three years after the Pension Reform Act of 2014 mandated public and private sector organizations to increase the minimum pension contribution of both employers and employees to the Retirements Savings Account of workers from 15 percent of the total monthly emolument to 18 percent, the Federal Government has yet to comply with the law.
The PRA 2014 states that employers should increase their contributions to the workers’ RSAs to 10 percent, while the employees’ contribution should rise to eight percent, from the former 7.5 percent each.
Some operators who spoke to our correspondent on the development attributed the non-compliance of the Federal Government to the recession, which has taken its toll on the economy.
They, however, stated that the under payment was to the detriment of the workers because they would have less funds in their RSAs and this would affect the amounts they would be receiving as returns on investment on their accounts with their respective Pension Fund Administrators.
The President, Trade Union Congress of Nigeria, Bobboi Kaigama, said that the labor union have always been on the board of the National Pension Commission and that it was concerned about the under payment into the workers’ RSAs.
He, however, expressed worry that the board of PenCom had not been constituted for a long time, a development he noted was dragging back many decisions that should have been taken.
Kaigama attributed the failure of the government to fulfill its obligation to the workers to the inability of PenCom to play its role due to the failure to constitute its board.
“The board of PenCom should be put constituted as the delay is creating a lot of administrative bottleneck. The moment we get in there, we will find out why those things are not,” he said.
The TUC president also said the union was urging the government to make gratuity compulsory for all retirees in the public sector in order to augment the lump sum they were entitled to at retirement.
He observed that many workers were retiring and getting little amounts as gratuity and monthly pensions under the Contributory Pension Scheme, a situation he noted was not encouraging.
According to him, the government must provide extra funds as gratuity to augment the lump sum that the retirees were getting.
Investigation also revealed that many private sector employers were had to comply with the 18 percent minimum pension savings for workers.
The Chairman, Pension Fund Operators Association of Nigeria, Mr. Eguarehide Longe, said employers must be encouraged to comply with the provisions of the law.
He observed that many people were currently grappling with serious economic challenges in the country, and therefore should not be forced into making extra commitments.
“Paying the 15 percent or pension at all is a real challenge for many employers. If we insist on the 18 percent, we just want to make it more difficult for people who are trying,” he said.
Pensioners protest non-payment of pensions

Five Bombers Dead In Failed Suicide Mission Near Maiduguri

At least five suicide bombers suspected to be members of Boko Haram died on Tuesday night before reaching their target near Maiduguri, according to Civilian Joint Task Force (JTF) sources.
The attempted attack occurred in Manmannti of the Molai general area, roughly 4 kilometers outside Maiduguri city. All five bombers - four women and one man - died without killing any targets.
A Civilian JTF source revealed that the suicide bombers detonated explosives wrapped around their bodies near military trenches. All five terrorists died almost instantly.
"We have gone to the scene of the failed mission of the terrorists early this morning. Only the bombers are dead; there were no civilian casualties. The bombers included four females and a male,” the source told our correspondent.
“We saw their bodies scathed in all places. They almost crossed the trenches before their bombs exploded. It was awful."
In recent months, Boko Haram has intensified its suicide bombing missions, killing dozens of civilians. Tuesday night's attempted attack came just two days after terrorists killed 16 people at the University of Maiduguri.
Police in Maiduguri

Nigerian Woman Survives Ten Days In Sahara Desert

A 22-year-old Nigerian woman attempting to migrate into Europe via the harsh Sahara Desert survived after being abandoned by traffickers for 10 days.
The International Organisation for Migration said the woman, given the nickname Adoara, was the only female among the survivors of a rescue mission on May 28.
“She left Nigeria in early April hoping for a better future in Europe.
“There were 50 migrants on the pick-up truck when it left Agadez for Libya, but only six are still alive today,” Giuseppe Loprete, Niger Chief of Mission for IOM, said.
Recounting her ordeal, the Nigerian survivor said: “We were in the desert for 10 days. After five days, the driver abandoned us.
“He left with all of our belongings, saying he was going to pick us up in a couple of hours, but he never did,” she recalled.
During the next two days, 44 of the migrants died which persuaded the six left to start walking to look for help.
“We had to drink our own pee to survive,”  said the woman now in an IOM camp in Niamey, Niger.
She had left Nigeria with two close female friends, who both died in the desert.
“They were too weak to keep going,” she sadly remembers. “We buried a few, but there were just too many to bury and we didn’t have the strength to do it,” Adaora adds.
“I couldn’t walk anymore. I wanted to give up,” she recalls.
Two other migrants carried her until a truck driver picked them up and took them to local authorities who then alerted IOM staff in Dirkou in the Agadez Region of north-eastern Niger.
By the time the six survivors reached IOM’s transit centre in Dirkou, Adaora was unconscious.
She received medical assistance, and once recovered, she gave a detailed account of her experience to both the authorities and IOM staff. Two of the other migrants from the group went back with IOM staff and the authorities to find the bodies and identify the victims.
After having received medical assistance at IOM’s transit centres in both Dirkou and Agadez, Adaora is currently recovering at IOM’s transit centre for migrants in Niamey, awaiting her imminent voluntary return to Nigeria.
Adaora says she had no idea what the route was going to be like, otherwise she would have never left Nigeria. Going back, she wants to continue her work as a nurse. “I think it’s important we all assist each other when we are in need,” she says.
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) said it rescued no fewer than 600 people since April 2017 through a new search and rescue operation that targeted migrants stranded in Sahara Desert.
The UN migration agency, however, regretted 52 migrants, mostly from The Gambia, Nigeria, Senegal and Cote d’Ivoire, died over the period, according to its statement on Tuesday.
“We are enhancing our capacity to assist vulnerable migrants stranded in Northern Agadez, towards the Niger-Libya border.
“Saving lives in the desert is becoming more urgent than ever.
“Since the beginning of the year we have been receiving frequent calls to rescue victims who embark on this route‎,” Giuseppe Loprete, Niger Chief of Mission for IOM, said.
On June 9, another 92 migrants were also rescued through an IOM search and rescue operation; among them were 30 women and children.
More recently, 24 migrants were taken to Seguedine, where one died on arrival.
“Among the 23 survivors are migrants from Gambia, Nigeria, Senegal and Cote d’Ivoire. It was not clear for how long they had been walking in the deserts of central Niger.
“They had been in a group of 75 migrants in three different cars, eventually abandoned by smugglers during the journey north,” Loprete said.
IOM said it had recorded 52 deaths since it launched a new project “Migrants Rescue and Assistance in Agadez Region” (MIRAA) in April.
The project will last for 12 months, and aims to ensure the protection of migrants in hard-to-reach areas while also strengthening the management of migration by the Government of Niger, it said.
MIRAA is complementary to the larger initiative “Migrant Resource and Response Mechanism” (MRRM), which aims to bring together in one mechanism a wide range of services and assistance for migrants, including assisted voluntary return to their countries of origin and reintegration once they return.

Top EFCC Investigator Shot In Port Harcourt

A top investigator with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) on June 24, 2017 escaped death by the whiskers when gunmen opened fire on him in Port Harcourt, Rivers State.
Mr. Austin Okwor, an operative in the Property Fraud Section of the EFCC Zonal office in Port Harcourt, had closed late for the day, and as he left the office, he was suddenly accosted by a gang of daredevil hoodlums who opened fire on him. Luckily for him, he was able to shake off his assailants but not without sustaining some bullet wounds as they kept firing at him.
He was rushed to a private hospital in Port Harcourt where he is receiving treatment. According to Ishaq Salihu, Head of the Zonal office, the incident has already been reported to the Police in Port Harcourt.
Okwor is one of the operatives investigating some sensitive cases including that pertaining to corrupt judicial officials.
Before the incident, the officer had been receiving threatening messages. One of such messages which he received sometime in May 2017 was reported to the Police.
This incident underlines the hazards which operatives of the Commission are daily exposed to in the discharge of their duties.
In 2010, precisely September 14, the head of the Commission’s Forensic Unit, Abdullahi Muazu was shot and killed by unknown gunmen in Kaduna.
Six months earlier a team of prosecutors returning to Enugu after a court appearance in Owerri, Imo state was attacked by gunmen who opened fire on them. Sergeant Eze Edoga, the police escort, was cut down while a senior counsel with the Commission, Joseph Uzor, was critically wounded but survived.
EFCC operatives

Fayose on Buhari On Life Support For 20 Days, Needs Prayers

The Ekiti State governor, Mr. Ayodele Fayose, has claimed that President Muhammadu Buhari has been on life support since June 6 at a hospital in West End, London. The governor made the claim in a personally signed statement issued on Wednesday.                        
According to Mr. Fayose, the President needs prayers to surmount his health challenges and called on him to resign from office to attend to his health. He also called on the Presidency to be honest about President Buhari's health status, saying it has been handled with a lot of opacity.                        
Gov. Ayodele Fayose He noted that Wednesday makes it 53 days since President; Muhammadu Buhari left Nigeria for treatment abroad and there has been no official information as to his whereabouts and his state of health.
Mr. Fayose said he does not wish the President dead, the reason he claimed to have maintained a "dignified silence" since the President embarked on his second medical trip abroad this year.
He described the recorded audio message released by the Presidency as a damage control strategy, one which moved him to set the records straight with his statement.
"No doubt, the audio message was only a damage control strategy aimed at further deceiving Nigerians. The audio message does not represent the truth as our President does not only have voice impairment, he has been on life support since 6 June at a West-End, London, Hospital," Mr. Fayose said.
He similarly claimed that the President's wife, Aisha, was not allowed to see her husband during her last visit to the United Kingdom, but she is unwilling to admit what happened.
"Only three Nigerians, who are of the President’s cabal, are allowed access to the President. I will keep their identities for now. Anyone with a contrary claim should produce the President to Nigerians within the next 48 hours. It is obvious that Nigeria is drifting like the last days of the Yar’Adua government," the governor said.
He stated that he warned Nigerians against electing President Buhari on the account of his age, health and mental capacity. He also claimed that when the Presidency released pictures to the press claiming that President Buhari had an interview with Kemi Fadojutimi of “All Eyes on Africa” TV Show in London, on 23 February 2015, he proved that the interview was conducted in Suite 881 at Transcorp Hilton Hotel, Abuja.
"Hate me or like me, again, I am putting Nigerians on notice on the present state of health of our President. Let me state that I am not unaware of the various attempts on my life. I am undaunted, as I remain committed to truth and fearlessness because a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. It is time that the President takes the interests of Nigerians above his own and resign from office so that our country can move forward," Mr. Fayose stated.
President Muhammadu Buhari in London

How Zamfara Gov. Abdulaziz Yari Bought $1m US Mansion, Kept Foreign Accounts Two Years After Assuming Office

Two years after taking office, SaharaReporters can exclusively reveal, Zamfara State governor, Mr. Abudal’aziz Abubakar Yari, bought a property in the United States for a princely sum of $950,000. The 2.1-acre property is located at 14800 Bowie Farm Court, Bowie Maryland (Zip code: MD 20721) has six full and two half bathrooms with a jacuzzi in the master bedroom.
Deed documents obtained by SaharaReporters from the Circuit Court of Prince George’s County, Maryland, USA, denote Mr. Yari as the sole owner of the property, which was purchased from a limited liability company, K Hovanian Hamptons, located at Creek 11, Delaware. The company used to be known as Real Property Holding, with an address at Prince George’s County, before changing its name on 25 January 2011.
The deed on the property is dated  August 27, 2012, while the approval of the purchase was granted on 1 November 2012 after Yari paid the princely sum of $950,000 cash, there was no mortgage on the property. Equally captured on the deed document is the sum of $5,225, which was described as “recordation of tax paid” and $13,300, described as “transfer tax paid”, both offering indications that Mr. Yari operated a foreign account in clear breach of Code 3 of the Code of Conduct Bureau.
A real estate property tax information obtained by Saharareporters from Prince George’s County shows that Governor Yari paid taxes on the property up till date, his 2017 estate tax was $16, 583.10.
 Mr. Yari bought the property after his fraudulently awarded N25billion in road contracts in Zamfara in 2012.
The code of conduct law expressly prohibits certain public officials from operating bank accounts in any country outside Nigeria. These include the President, Vice President, governor, deputy governor, ministers, commissioners, members of the National Assembly and the Houses of Assembly of the States.
According to the deed document, Mr. Yari signed the agreement in person, with Kimberley Armstead a notary public of Montgomery County State of Maryland, serving as a witness. Governor Abdulaziz Abubakar Yari
In May, this website exclusively reported that Mr. Yari, Chairman of the Nigerian Governors’ Forum, is building a 100-room hotel in Lekki, Lagos, with the $3million he stole from the Paris Club loan refund to states. Aside from the $3million, Mr. Yari was also found to have diverted the sum of N500million from the Paris Club refund to pay off a loan. He was said to have withdrawn N500million from the N19billion Paris Club refund illegally paid into the account of Nigerian Governors’ Forum as payment to “consultants”. He deposited the stolen sum into a bank account with a mortgage bank from which he had taken an N800million loan to buy properties in 2013. This move, SaharaReporters learned, enabled him to renegotiate his debt from N800million to N500million.
Mr. Yari is thought to have trousered the sum of N2.2billion from the sum illegally diverted into the Nigerian Governors’ Forum Account by the Federal Ministry of Finance. The Senate President, Mr. Bukola Saraki, and his cronies also benefited to the tune of N3.5billion from illegal diversion, which is being investigated by the EFCC. Officials of the anti-graft agency told SaharaReporters in May that Mr. Yari’s hotel, which is under construction, has been listed as a proceed of crime and will be taken over once the EFCC obtains a court order.
Mr. Yari has denied ownership of any hotel in Lagos, claiming he does not even own a plot in the Nigeria’s commercial capital.
In 2017 over 1000 persons died as a result of a meningitis epidemic with Mr. Yari’s Zamfara leading in the number of deaths. At the peak of the epidemic, Yari reportedly said the epidemic was the punishment from God against his people for their sins. Governor Abdulaziz Abubakar Yari's mansion in Bowie, MD Inside Gov. Yari's mansion in Maryland Inside Gov. Yari's mansion in Maryland Governor Abdulaziz Abubakar Yari's mansion in Bowie, MD -Property information Governor Abdulaziz Abubakar Yari's mansion in Bowie, MD -Tax payment for 2017 Governor Abdulaziz Abubakar Yari's mansion in Bowie, MD -Property Deed Governor Abdulaziz Abubakar Yari's mansion in Bowie, MD -Property Deed

Rihanna & her news lover


Earlier in the week, Rihanna was photographed making out with a mystery man in a pool  The identity of the man has now been revealed and he is no ordinary Joe.

Her secret lover is Hassan Jameel, whose family has the exclusive rights to sell Toyota cars in the Middle East country. Hassan happens to come from one of the richest families in the world. He is the deputy president and vice chairman of family business Abdul Latif Jameel, one of the biggest companies in the world.

After steamy photos emerged of Rihanna kissing Hassan during a vacation in Spain, friends of the singer came out to say that she's told them she's really in love with the billionaire, who has a net worth of $1.5billion.

A source said: "This relationship is the real deal. Rihanna has told friends she’s in love with him and seems completely smitten. They’ve been spending a lot of time together away from prying eyes and are really serious. They’re really enjoying each others’ company."

Hassan is deeply involved in running his family's business and is known as one of the faces of the company. He has been pictured meeting notable people, including the British Royal, Prince Andrew.

Hassan has been linked with supermodel Naomi Campbell and they have been spotted in the past getting quite cosy. They seemed really affectionate with each other when they were seen together in July 2016  at Barclaycard British Summer Time Festival in Hyde Park.

Tennis star Caroline Wozniacki and other athletes go totally nude for ESPN's body issue

ESPN has lined up a stellar cast of buff athletes who stripped off for the magazine's latest Body Issue.

This one features tennis star Caroline Wozniacki who isn't at all shy to bare it all for the cameras. Other stars include, basketballer, Isaiah Thomas, footballer, Ezekiel Elliott and baseballer, Javier Baez.

Man docked over rape of 9-year-old girl

A 50-year-old man, Abdullahi Yusuf, on Wednesday appeared before a Jos Upper Area Court, sitting at Kasuwan Nama, charged with allegedly raping a 9-year-old girl.
The accused, a resident of Lasisi Street, Laranto, Jos first appeared on May 6, specifically accused of rape.
The police prosecutor, Mr E. A. Inegbenoise, during the arraignment, told the court that the victims’ father reported the matter at the Laranto police station, on March 17.
Inegbenoise alleged that the accused person lured the minor into his room and had carnal knowledge of her.
“The cat was let out of the bag when the victim could not walk properly for days and, upon interrogation, told her mother that the accused raped her and showed bruises she sustained in the process,” he stated.
Inegbenoise alleged that the accused, in a confessional statement, owned up to the crime, but claimed that he did not penetrate her.
“The accused claimed that he only `viciously fingered’ her,” the prosecutor alleged.
During the arraignment, however, the accused denied the allegation and was granted bail by the judge, Mr Mustapha Yahaya, after his Counsel, Mr David Adudu, prayed for it.
Adudu, in his prayer, cited section 36(1) of the 1999 constitution which stated that an accused person was innocent until proved otherwise.
He said that if the bail was granted, his client would not jump bail and would never interfere with police investigation.
The prosecutor, however, objected to the bail, and expressed the fear that the accused person would jump bail.
He explained that the offence was not bailable unless in special circumstances and in the interest of justice, and urged the court to reject the plea.
The judge, after listening to both parties, admitted the accused to bail in the sum of N50,000 .
He ordered the accused to produce one surety who must be a guardian of the accused or a ward head residing within the jurisdiction of the court.
The matter was adjourned until July 21, for hearing.

Man docked over rape of 9-year-old girl

A 50-year-old man, Abdullahi Yusuf, on Wednesday appeared before a Jos Upper Area Court, sitting at Kasuwan Nama, charged with allegedly raping a 9-year-old girl.
The accused, a resident of Lasisi Street, Laranto, Jos first appeared on May 6, specifically accused of rape.
The police prosecutor, Mr E. A. Inegbenoise, during the arraignment, told the court that the victims’ father reported the matter at the Laranto police station, on March 17.
Inegbenoise alleged that the accused person lured the minor into his room and had carnal knowledge of her.
“The cat was let out of the bag when the victim could not walk properly for days and, upon interrogation, told her mother that the accused raped her and showed bruises she sustained in the process,” he stated.
Inegbenoise alleged that the accused, in a confessional statement, owned up to the crime, but claimed that he did not penetrate her.
“The accused claimed that he only `viciously fingered’ her,” the prosecutor alleged.
During the arraignment, however, the accused denied the allegation and was granted bail by the judge, Mr Mustapha Yahaya, after his Counsel, Mr David Adudu, prayed for it.
Adudu, in his prayer, cited section 36(1) of the 1999 constitution which stated that an accused person was innocent until proved otherwise.
He said that if the bail was granted, his client would not jump bail and would never interfere with police investigation.
The prosecutor, however, objected to the bail, and expressed the fear that the accused person would jump bail.
He explained that the offence was not bailable unless in special circumstances and in the interest of justice, and urged the court to reject the plea.
The judge, after listening to both parties, admitted the accused to bail in the sum of N50,000 .
He ordered the accused to produce one surety who must be a guardian of the accused or a ward head residing within the jurisdiction of the court.
The matter was adjourned until July 21, for hearing.

protest ; Ikorodu residents protest over the cult group call Badoo


Residents of Ikorodu community in Lagos state, this morning staged a protest following the recurring attacks in the community by secret cult group, Badoo. 
The cult members in the early hours of today, killed a family of five. The first attack by the cult group happened in July 2016 and security agents have still not been able to unmask those behind the cult group. See more photos of the protesters after the cut.

Nigeria’s Ibrahim Rabiu gets one million euros transfer deal in Slovakia

Nigeria’s Ibrahim Rabiu  has become the most expensive incoming transfer ever in Slovakia after the football club website, Bratislava  confirmed that Rabiu  was paid for a transfer fee of one million euros.
The 26-year-old central midfielder  who was once dubbed the next Jay Jay Okocha of  Nigeria signed for four seasons with the Slovaake vice champion SK Slovan Bratislava after he was released by  Belgian club, KAA Gent.

Sad news of Hollywod ; Hollywood actor, Michael Nyqvist dies at 56 after one year battle with Cancer

Swedish actor Michael Nyqvist, known for his roles in "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and "John Wick," has died after a yearlong battle with lung cancer.
The 56 year old actor "passed away quietly surrounded by family.
Late Micheal Nyqvist played Mikael Blomkvist in the 2009 Swedish films "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," "The Girl Who Played With Fire," and "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest," based on Stieg Larsson's books. 
He also appeared in "Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol" and starred alongside Gerard Butler in an action movie to be released called "Hunter Killer." 
Nyqvist is survived by his wife Catharina, and their children, Ellen and Arthur.

Djokovic placed as second seed at Wimbledon

Three-times champion Novak Djokovic has been placed as second seed for next week’s Wimbledon tennis championships in spite of slipping to fourth in the ATP world rankings.
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that seven-times champion Roger Federer has also benefited from the seedings released by the All England Club on Wednesday.
They have defending champion Andy Murray number one in the men’s singles, with Germany’s Angelique Kerber the women’s top seed.
Wimbledon differs from the other grand slams, in the men’s singles at least.
Previous form on grass in the previous two years come into play to re-order the top 32 in the world rankings.
It is a system agreed with by the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP).
Spaniard Rafa Nadal, who won a 10th French Open last month, is second in the ATP rankings but will be seeded fourth at Wimbledon after a mediocre record there in recent years.
In spite of winning the title twice, the 31-year-old has not been past the fourth round since 2011.
Favorite Federer, fifth on the ATP rankings, is seeded third which means he will avoid one of his biggest rivals for the title until the semi-finals.
Fellow Swiss Stan Wawrinka, runner-up at the French, drops to fifth seed, from his world ranking of three.
Other beneficiaries of the system include Luxembourg’s grasscourt expert Gilles Muller who is seeded 16th compared to an ATP ranking of 26.
Muller won the recent Den Bosch tournament and reached the semi-final at Queen’s Club last week.
Queen’s Club champion Feliciano Lopez, ranked 25, is seeded 19th.
The women’s seeds stick strictly with the current WTA rankings.
Romania’s Simon Halep, who could take over the top spot this week if she wins the Eastbourne title, is seeded two.

Soo sad Former Taraba state governor, Dambaba Suntai, dies at 54

Former Taraba state governor, Dambaba Suntai, has died. According to Sahara Reporters, he died at his home where he had been undergoing rehabilitation for brain injuries arising from the plane crash he was involved in in 2012.

A former commissioner of information in the state, Emmanuel Bello has confirmed news of his demise. The former governor who would have turned 55 on June 30th, was governor of the state from 2007 to 2015. He survived by wives and children.

I wish I could unf*ck some people I f*cked before’ - Huddah Monroe

Big Brother Africa star and high-flying Kenyan socialite, Huddah Munroe, is having regrets over some people she had sex with in the past.
On her Instagram story, the controversial socialite who recently said she would never marry a Nigerian man due to domestic violence, also shared her excitement that she never got pregnant for any of them because she would have lived with regret for the rest of her life.
Huddah Monroe was among those who participated at the Big Brother Africa 'The Chase' in 2013.