friend request

                                    episode 11

Aleesha had still not read that message. He would have eagerly expected her reply in
any other normal situation, but at this moment, he was praying not to receive any
message from Aleesha. When he checked the phone for the twentieth time, he saw the R
symbol above the tick mark. Aleesha had finally read the message.
Oh, fuck! Oh, shit! He was really nervous.
Aleesha is typing a message, showed the BBM screen. His eyes popped out of his
head and before she could send the message, Akash quickly typed a message and sent
I am extremely sorry for last night. Ignore the message. It wasn’t intentional. I was
just kidding. Don’t take it seriously. I was not in my senses.
He tried to hide his panic. He tried his best to make things sound normal for he knew
the intensity of the blunder he had committed.
As soon as he sent the message, Aleesha’s message popped on his screen.
Hey dude, are you insane? Were you out of your senses? From where did you copy
paste it? Don’t tell me you were serious! As if it’s love at first sight. Two things I love in
men—they never stop trying and they never miss an opportunity. Ha ha!
His confidence grew a little. Akash decided to take a chance with the conversation.
His fears had taken a back seat.
Akash: I just tried to make you laugh and I think I succeeded in doing so. I am too
Aleesha: Huh? Why do you think I am messaging you? Is it because I care? Or
because I miss you? Or because you have become my secret crush? No. It’s because I
need someone for time pass. I am getting a little bored here. :D Rofl. I am the best.
Akash: Err… That was rude.
Aleesha: I’m just kidding. Chill!
Akash: Hmm. I know. But trust me, you were looking lovely last night. You were
Aleesha: Okay stop.
Akash: Stop what?
Aleesha: Thinking about me and stop flirting. We hardly know each other. We are
not even friends. :P Chalo c’ya, I need to freshen up.
Akash: Let’s meet in the evening for a cup of coffee. You know, a lot can happen
over coffee. Let’s give it a try. At least for the sake of our new friendship. What say?
Think over it, am not that bad.
Aleesha: Nope. Get over it dude.
Akash: Oh come on, I am asking you out just for a coffee. You’re reacting as if am
asking you out on a date.
Aleesha: Byeeeee.
Akash: Atleast gimme your number so that I can call you.
Aleesha: I said byeeeee. :D
Akash still tried his best to convince her and continued to chat with her for next
couple of hours. He finally managed to convince her for a cup of coffee. He knew she
was not going to turn him down and was just being a little difficult like all girls are
initially. After all, she knew that Akash would keep on trying until she agreed. It
happened exactly the way he wanted. Though they didn’t exchange their numbers, they
finally decided to meet at CCD in the evening.

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