friend request

                               ‘Kritika, have you prepared the slides for the presentation?’ asked Aleesha,
unpacking her bag. Kritika was busy working on something on her laptop.
The rooms were not as bad as Aleesha had thought. First year students were
allocated rooms on the ground floor of the hostel building. There was a long corridor
with a series of rooms one after the other in a row. Aleesha’s room had two single beds
with an attached washroom. Apart from the wooden beds with cotton mattresses and
pillows, each girl was given a small steel almirah to keep their belongings and a small
dressing table. The wall above the bed was plastered with posters of latest film stars,
probably put up by the room’s previous occupants. What Aleesha liked the most about
the room was that it had an AC and a small balcony as well. There was a canteen
situated on the ground floor itself and had fixed meal timings. Still Kritika had bought
with her a packet of chips which she was munching on while browsing the internet on
her laptop.
‘I am searching for some hot photos of Robert Pattinson. I wish I could find a nude
one. I would take off these posters on the wall and put up just his picture,’ Kritika said
with a naughty smile on her face.
‘Ya, he is fucking hot. I have watched his intimate scene from Twilight so many times
and I still feel goosebumps every time I watch it,’ Aleesha replied.
‘Are you engaged? I mean are you dating someone?’ Kritika asked casually. She was
a complete mismatch to Tamanna. Kritika liked getting involved in the personal affairs of
other people, not because she loved gossiping, but because she was overfriendly.
‘Yes. His name is Akash. He is working at the RS Group here in Mumbai itself. We
met sometime back in a club,’ Aleesha answered.
‘I am sure he is not as hot as Robert. Look at this pic. I could literally bite his lips.
They are so juicy,’ Kritika exclaimed.
They both laughed and together downloaded some hot pictures of their favourite
stars. Aleesha was tired from all the unpacking and fell on the bed, tired. They both had
a long chat about their past, family, friends, boyfriends, and fantasies.
It was Aleesha’s first day in the hostel and she was gelling well with Kritika.
Aleesha had already started making plans of breaking the hostel rules and bringing
Akash in her room at least during nighttime. Even Kritika gave her the green signal. After
some time they switched off the lights of the room and covered themselves with a
‘You are a darling. Love you sweetie,’ Aleesha told Kritika for being such a sport
and letting Akash come at night.
‘Go to sleep baby. It’s too late. Presentations and exams are just round the corner,’
Kritika said jokingly to which both of them laughed.
Aleesha sent a message to Akash before closing her eyes.
Good night Mickey. Your Minnie is tired and needs to sleep badly. Miss you a lot.
Muaahhh. Love

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