EPISODE 20

Deep was a good looking man with a strong built, good enough to charm girls. He
had impressed the people in office by his dedication and hard work. He was strictly
professional during office hours and never shirked from his work and responsibilities.
He had dreams for himself and his family. The dreams also included his future wife
though he was not married yet. However, he was against wrong ways of earning money
or getting appraisals. He hated politics and manipulation in the corporate world. If it
was in his control, he would have forced everyone to follow corporate ethics. But he
knew that the real meaning of office ethics was only in management books, which
provides a good read but is never actually followed by anyone.
‘Hey, do you have a back up of our project files? Remember, I had told you to save
it when I had shared it with everyone?’ Tamanna enquired. She was on the phone with
one of her teammates.
‘How can you be so careless? Just check who has it and give me a call immediately.
The system has crashed and I am still in office,’ Tamanna shouted.
She hung up the phone and called a technician to check on the matter. It was already
8:30 pm and it seemed like she would take at least a couple of hours more to finish with
work. She had already checked in early today and this sudden issue made her wait even
after the office hours, which irritated her. But she was helpless. With higher positions
come more responsibilities and thus Tamanna had to wait until the issue was resolved.
She was having a cup of tea in the cafeteria when her phone beeped. Her heart skipped a
beat looking at the caller’s name. It was Deep!
‘Hello,’ she greeted him after picking up the call.
‘Hi Ma’am. A colleague just told me about the issue you are facing. I have the backup
files with me. If it’s urgent, I can reach office in a couple of hours. Should I come?’ Deep
asked concerned.
‘Please do. I’ll be waiting. Please try and come as soon as possible,’ Tamanna
Deep hung up the phone and quickly had his dinner. He knew he was not going to be
paid extra for helping her out but it would certainly help in making an impression on her
and might result in rewards in the future. He reached office around 11 pm. There was no
one on the floor except the technician and Tamanna. Both of them were engrossed in
resolving the issue and didn’t notice that Deep had reached.
Deep broke the silence and said, ‘I had no idea something like this would turn up.
When I got a call, I had just reached home. Therefore, it took me time to come back
again. I am so sorry.’
Tamanna just smiled and took the pen drive containing the backup files.
‘I hope you had a peaceful sleep last night because I am afraid it will take at least 4
hours to restart the system again,’ the technician responded.
Deep wanted to bang the system on the technician’s head. He now had to stay back
until early morning and had to also be on time for the next day shift. He scratched his
head and looked at Tamanna with a raised eyebrow. She thanked Deep for coming on
such short notice and told him she appreciated his efforts to stay back until the issue got
resolved. After a few hours, the technician restored the system and left. Except for the
security guard, the only people left in office were Deep and Tamanna.
After almost an hour, Tamanna asked Deep to join her for coffee while he was busy
checking the files on the system.
‘Ya sure, should I go get it?’ Deep asked.
‘No, no. It’s okay. You carry on,’ Tamanna said and walked outside towards the
coffee vending machine.
She looked around the office and saw no one was around. She took two cups and
placed one on the coffee machine. As the cup was being filled with coffee, she
remembered the morning washroom incident. She felt a sensation run through her body.
Suddenly, she felt a hand caressing her back, slowly but passionately. She stood still and
closed her eyes. After a few seconds, the hand pulled out the shirt tucked in her pencil
skirt and reached for her bra strap. She let out a moan, turned around, and opened her
eyes to come face to face with the person. To her shock, there was no one around. She
couldn’t believe it. She then looked down to see the coffee spilled all over the vending
machine. She again turned to see whose hand it was but found no one and realized how
desperately she wanted someone to love her. The coffee was still spilling out of the cup.
She turned off the main switch of the vending machine.
Damn! The vending machine too had to malfunction now! Fuck man, she thought.
She took both the cups and went back to see Deep still working on the system. She
smiled wryly thinking of the morning incident and kept the coffee cup on the desk.
‘Thank you so much, Deep, for all your help. It would have left me in immense
trouble if I hadn’t fixed this issue tonight. Maybe we would have lost this project or the
company would have faced huge loses. Then they would have shown me the door and
asked me to get out. I am really grateful to you for all your help today,’ Tamanna said
sipping her coffee in relief.
‘It’s okay, ma’am. For me, work is always the first priority and this was quite a
serious issue,’ Deep smiled.
‘You can call me Tamanna. My close friends call me Tammy. You can too. After all,
you saved my job.’ She was trying to break the ice between them.
‘Sure Tamanna. Oops! Tammy,’ Deep smirked.
‘I hope you are aware that tomorrow evening our team has organized a party,’
Tamanna asked.
‘Oh yes, I will be there,’ Deep responded.
Even though Deep was getting increasingly friendly with Tamanna, he knew he
couldn’t cross his limits. With no one around, Tamanna was enjoying Deep’s company. It
was almost like a date for her. She called it their ‘first date in office’. They chitchatted
on various topics until the issue was resolved and then called it a day. They winded up
all the work around 4 am and then called the security guard to get them a taxi. The

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