friend request

                                                           episode 23

dreams where I kiss you…’
Her words not only shocked Deep but also raised various questions in his mind.
Deep interrupted her but she was in no mood to stop and continued, ‘…and I have spent
lonely nights when I miss you. It’s been so long since I have kept these feelings hidden
from you, but I feel like telling you everything that is inside me, I want you. I want you to
be mine forever. I’ve never felt this way before meeting you and my feelings for you
increased during your training sessions. I have never had the opportunity to tell you or
anyone else about these feelings. And if bringing it to light means we can’t hang out any
more, then that would hurt me. I don’t know what the next moment will bring, but you
will always see your picture in my eyes. I love you…’
Deep was stunned to hear all of this. He was clueless on how to react. He
somewhere knew that Tamanna had feelings for him, but never thought it was more like
an obsession. He always treated Tamanna as a manager and from the past few days, as a
friend. It was not that he did not believe in love but he wanted his professional life to
remain simply professional. His office hours were dedicated just to his work and work
alone. The irony of the situation was that Tamanna was not even in her senses when she
was expressing her love. Maybe the next day she won’t event remember all this, thought
She continued, ‘…where is my Tab, Deep? I have written so many things about you in
it. Please let me read it.’
Deep immediately took the Tab which was kept on the seat beside her but Tamanna
snatched it from his hand. She opened a saved folder and tried to read out the lines.


The taxi halted near Tamanna’s apartment. Though he was in shock, he helped
Tamanna get out of the car and looked around to make sure no one was watching him.
She somehow managed to walk to the gate.
Deep was unable to catch much sleep that night. The biggest question that kept him
awake all through the night was ‘What next?’ Should he forget his principles and take a
step forward thinking of all the luxuries that would be provided to him, or should he act
as if nothing had happened that night? Though he wanted to call it an end and quit his
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job, he knew practically he couldn’t take that step as he had responsibilities on his head.
To fulfil the same responsibilities, should he jump in an ocean of greed by killing his
self-respect or respect the dreams that he once saw with his dream girl

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