friend request

                        episode 28

Aleesha interrupted her before she could read any further. ‘Does this magazine really
have such kind of things written in it? I had thought that my friends used to lie on BBM
when they talked about reading such articles in magazines’
‘Try reading this one. It’s quite an eye opener,’ Kritika said and handed over the
magazine to Aleesha.
Once Aleesha began reading it, there was no stopping her.
‘You are taking so much of interest in the article, almost as if you are going to apply
them on Akash. He might get lucky someday then,’ Kritika teased.
‘Shut up. He is better than me and knows how to handle such situations,’ Aleesha said
in a naughty tone.
‘Is it? Do tell me your stories. It will be fun. You know what happened when I was in
a relationship? It’s been almost a year now. When I made love to my boyfriend for the
first time, the experience was not so great. He called me up the next day to ask me if I
had told my best friend about it. I told him, “Of course!” Needless to say, he made a
greater effort the next time we made out.’
Aleesha couldn’t control her laughter and almost banged her head against the wall. It
was too much for her to bear.
After all the girl talk, they both fell asleep. Aleesha and Kritika had been gelling very
well together and had started discussing their personal problems with each other too.
This in turn benefitted their college presentations due to their understanding and
coordination. They were like two volumes of one book. Best friends often come into
your life at the most perfect times and Aleesha had found one in Kritika. Unlike other
girls, they had no jealousy against each other.
The morning alarm woke Aleesha up and she did not waste her time in curling on the
bed again. In the meanwhile, Kritika was wide awake and going through the presentation
slides. They went to the canteen to have their breakfast and then started for college.
‘Which is the first lecture?’ Kritika asked taking a seat on the last bench.
‘Effective Communication Skills. I hate this subject. The professor also is a super
bore. He looks like Kallu mama,’ Aleesha laughed resting her head on the bench.
The professor entered and the class went silent for a moment. He was wearing
spectacles and had a pot belly. Aleesha felt that the yellow shirt that he had worn made
him look like Rangeela’s Aamir Khan. Both girls continued to make fun of him sitting on
the last bench.
‘I hope you all remember that today we are going to do an assignment on English
writing. I’ll give you 20 minutes to write and you will then have to randomly select
someone to read it out,’ he said passing the attendance sheet to the students.
Kritika was sitting next to Aleesha and was playing Angry Birds on her mobile.
‘Guess what? If couples in love are called ‘Love Birds’, I bet a couple who’ve
fought with each other are called “Angry Birds”’ Aleesha laughed while she watched
Kritika play the game.
Aleesha noticed a girl sitting ahead of them. Looking at how she was dressed, she
couldn’t stop herself from commenting.
‘Look at that girl. What a wardrobe disaster! Who wears tube tops with embroidery
on it and that too in parrot green colour? Blue denims and dark green heels. Err…Plus
look at her hairstyle. Oh god!’ Aleesha whispered in Kritika’s ears.
‘She looks like she has landed here from another planet Look at her earrings. Who
wears danglers to college? A red lipstick is an add-on to the disaster. I don’t think she
realizes she looks like a parrot,’ Kritika added.
They continued to make fun of her, least interested in what the professor was saying.
And so were the other students. Aleesha looked at her mobile to check the notifications.
Akash had messaged her.
Meet me in the evening. Let’s discuss about Saturday.
Aleesha immediately replied saying she had a class in the evening and won’t be able
to make it.
Akash messaged her again.
Please come. Just for some time. Get down at Dadar station. Will meet you under the
Aleesha thought about it for a moment. Dadar was feasible for both of them as it was
the only railway station common to both the Central and Western Railway lines. It is the
most crowded railway station but they had no option as Aleesha had to leave early for a
Akash reached the station before time and looked for Aleesha but she was nowhere
to be seen. He called her and informed that he was waiting under the bridge. Hardly a
few minutes later, Aleesha reached there. As Akash saw her approaching, he moved
forward and hugged her for the longest time without caring about the thousands of people
around them.
‘Let’s go to this restaurant Rishi. It’s nearby and we can leave within an hour too,’
Akash suggested. Aleesha agreed.
Once seated at the corner table in the restaurant, they started discussing about
Saturday. Though Aleesha was confident about the plan, Akash was still not very
confident about it. But he didn’t let it show. Somewhere he felt that it could put Aleesha
in trouble. She explained to him every little detail but Akash hesitated. However, a cute
kiss on his cheeks and a hug elevated his confidence. Aleesha knew how to convince
Akash and she did exactly the same. They moved out of the restaurant after paying the
bill. While walking back towards the railway station, Akash saw an exclusive women’s
shop. He kept staring at the poster inside the shop. It had a supermodel wearing a bikini
on it. Aleesha didn’t notice it until she turned her face towards Akash and saw him
staring at the poster.
‘How cheap. You’re sick Akash. We’re in the middle of the road and you’re staring at

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