friend request

                             episode 29

that poster like a despo. Don’t talk to me. Buzz off,’ Aleesha shouted in anger and started
walking ahead of Akash as if she didn’t know him.
‘Don’t get angry jaan, please. You are my Minnie. I was not looking at her. I was
thinking about something,’ said Akash trying to explain himself.
‘Akash stop saying jaan and Minnie and blah blah. It’s not going to affect me. I can’t
believe the way you were staring at her cleavage. It makes me think you’re with me out
of desperation!’
‘Oh jaan, now where are you taking this topic? I was not staring at her cleavage.
Trust me. Why you are getting so hyperactive? And even if I was looking, then what’s the
big deal? It was just a poster. She was not real.’ Akash was trying hard to convince her.
‘So if she was real, you would have fucked her in the showroom itself?’ Aleesha
added and this increased her temper even more.
Aleesha reached the platform but Akash kept on following her. Aleesha hardly paid
attention to his words.
‘Akash, please leave. I will talk to you later. Please don’t bug me right now. You are
irritating me. Stop creating a scene here.’
‘Minnie what did I do? You are not even listening to what I am saying. At least listen
to me. Please. Ok please forgive me. Don’t get angry. I love you jaan,’ Akash almost
pleaded this time.
A five seconds stare at the poster had culminated into a big fight between Akash and
Aleesha. According to her, it was not about looking at the poster, it was about the way
Akash was staring at the poster when Aleesha was standing right beside him. It was as if
Akash had never seen a girl in a bra. It was the height of desperation.
They continued arguing for some time. Soon the train arrived. Aleesha was still firm
in her decision and didn’t even look at Akash. As the train halted, Aleesha boarded the
ladies compartment and stood near the door. Akash was standing on the platform
requesting Aleesha to get down and end the fight. All the people around them were
watching them as if there a movie shoot was going on. The train started moving and
Akash was still convincing her to forgive him.
‘Jaan I am sorry. I won’t do it again. Don’t go like this, please.’
The train picked up pace and Akash got into the compartment without paying heed to
the fact that it was the ladies compartment. All he could see was Aleesha’s angry face
and he couldn’t take it. He wanted a smile from his love. Without thinking of the
consequences, he jumped in the compartment in the running train. As it was late
afternoon, the train towards CST was not as crowded as during peak hours. Some of the
ladies gave strange expressions and some even passed lewd comments. Akash pulled
both his ears to apologize like a kid. Aleesha was hurt deep inside by Akash’s behaviour
and the argument later on increased her temper even more. Throughout the journey, they
argued with each other and Akash finally gave up after reaching CST station.
‘Akash, leave me alone. I’ll ping you on BBM when I feel like it. Currently I am not
in a mood to talk with you. Don’t irritate me anymore. I beg of you,’ Aleesha said rudely
and walked away.
Akash stood there numb, watching Aleesha go away from him. They say if you truly
love something, you should let it go. If it comes back to you, it was yours and if it
doesn’t, then it was never yours. But what if it doesn’t come back? Though it was not as
serious as Akash made it out to be, something like this had never happened with him
before. Aleesha had never reacted so fiercely to anything before, and Akash was
completely clueless about what should be done next. After waiting for some time, he
boarded the train and sat alone at the window seat listening to songs on his iPod.
He looked outside the window to see everything slowly fade in the darkness. Fights
do happen, but when you are not used to them, they hurt. This is somewhat similar to
academics. Students do fail, but when you fail for the first time, it hurts. Then you get
used to the process of failing.
Akash reached home and messaged me.
This is the problem when you are attached to someone. When they leave, you just feel
I was half-asleep and could hardly read his message. I didn’t take it seriously too.
Even he was about to sleep when his phone beeped. He expected it to be me but it was
I am sorry. I know I overreacted to the whole thing, but even you were wrong. You
should have thought before saying those words which hurt me. I shouldn’t have been so
rude but I lost it. I promise I will never fight again. Please forget my harsh words and
come out of your dark mood. Show me your lovely smile and let me kiss your dimples.
It’s said forgiveness in a relationship is essential. I realize my mistake now, but at that
time, I couldn’t stand seeing you looking at someone else with so much desperation. Am
I not hot? I have better ones. :D. Sorry. You know, the thing that I realized after our first
fight is that I know our relationship can survive a disagreement too. I cried when I left
the station. I know you were hurt and it was killing me from inside. I couldn’t cheer up
knowing that there were tears in your eyes. The lips with a drop of tear on it are the best
ones to kiss. Let me kiss you. Muahhhhh! Love you Mickey… I am eagerly waiting for
Akash immediately called her up and her kisses seemed more beautiful on the phone
after a fight. Her voice seemed more melodious than ever. Aleesha not only cared for
him, but also felt protective towards him. Akash felt Aleesha was the best girl he could
ever get. After a long conversation, Aleesha hung up the phone. When you are talking to
someone special, even a nonsensical conversation makes sense. Akash had realized it
that day. He changed his BBM status to,

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