friend request

                                       episode 31

uttering a word. She went near the cooler and while filling the bottle, looked around to
see if anyone was awake. There was not a single soul to be seen, and once she assured
herself, she came back to inform us. We took our bags and stepped outside the door. I
steathily moved my feet towards the gate.
I turned back to warn Akash to hurry up and saw him kissing Aleesha at the doorstep.
I wanted to shout at him out of irritation. We had already broken the rules and instead of
moving out as soon as possible, there he was busy kissing her! I walked towards him
and forcefully pulled him by the collar. We saw someone on the first floor flicking on the
light, so we ran outside as quickly as possible.
Akash waved goodbye to Aleesha before climbing out through the wall. We had
safely crossed the hurdle and were now on the main road. I immediately removed a pack
of cigarettes and smoked a puff to ease my tension. The night had been no less than an
adventure for us. But we had all enjoyed the thrill of it. We were glad to be in each
other’s company. After all, some form of craziness is needed to keep the thrill alive in
your life. Otherwise, life gets boring.

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