Interactive sex doll responds to human touch and moans when her breasts are massaged

The sex toy industry keeps setting the bar higher with each new toy. An interactive sex doll has been unveiled that responds to human touch, speaks several languages, and moans when massaged.
Known as Fanny, the doll is the star attraction at an electronics fair in Austria, as it's revealed it has been getting more customers than prostitutes. Several brothels are now making the switch from humans to sex dolls.
Sergi Santos, who runs the company Synthea Amatus based in the Spanish city of Barcelona, is the man behind the development of interactive sex robot "Samantha". The robot reacts to touch, speaks multiple languages and is even said to be able to learn new things thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) software.
Samantha has been approaching visitors to the Ars Electronica Festival in the city of Linz by asking "how are you?" and is even seen looking people deep in their eyes or handing out hugs. According to Austrian media, who tested Samantha, she even reacts when someone massages her breasts and moans.
Santos explained that through her AI, Samantha can remember individual people as she communicates according to the way she was treated by them before.
Santos said: "In addition, Samantha will get an orgasm evermore later at a higher sex frequency."
Sex dolls like Samantha are expensive. They retail at almost £3,500. In spite of the exorbitant price, Santos said he has already sold 15 sex dolls, which are built in China and in Spain.
Psychologist Gerti Senger explained why some men are more interested in sleeping with sex dolls such as Fanny and Samantha instead of a real woman.
Senger said: "First, the man can do anything with the doll. Second, every intention is turned off, which can be a factor with a prostitute."
But Senger, who is a co-chair at the Austrian Society for Sexual Research (OeGS), said that she was shocked by Fanny being more popular than real prostitutes and called it "a real autistic tendency".

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