Publish Any Good Article On Your Blog About TruexGOLD For A Chance To Win N100k

The Truex Bloggers Challenge has taken a different shape as the price
money has now been raised to N100K as confirmed on TruexGOLD’s official FB
The urgent increment was made as a result of so many complaints which the
MGT received from Bloggers across the country when the challenge was
launched yesterday stating that the initial N50K was too small for such a

If you are a Blogger and want to participate, here is what to do; simply
put up any good blog post/article on any of TruexGOLD’s services E.g. “How
to Buy/Sell Perfect Money via TruexGOLD Nigeria” or  “How to Buy/Sell
BITCOIN via TruexGOLD Nigeria” and publish it with a link to their
official website then send them a link of the
blog post/article which you have published to this email address
[email protected]”.

You may want to create little awareness of your post via any of your
social media channels to get readers to comment on the post.

By August 15th; the Blog post/article that got the MOST comments will win
the N100,000.00 The MGT also stated that Spam comments will not be

For more update on the challenge, you may want to check the following pages:
or use the hashtag #TRUEXBLOGGERSCHALLENGE to rather monitor events as
they unfold.

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