EPISODE 3     


 It had been a week since her arrival, but with each passing day, Aleesha kept
feeling more and more homesick. She still had couple of days before her college to start
and all the admission formalities to be completed. It was Saturday evening and she had
convinced Tamanna, who was still not very friendly, to take her for an outing.
Surprisingly, Tamanna had agreed, which made Aleesha super excited as she was going
to witness Mumbai’s nightlife for the first time. She looked in the mirror and thought of
what to wear to the outing. She decided to wear a knee–length black one–piece dress
with wooden bangles and minimal make up—a little lipgloss and black eyeliner.
On their way, Aleesha asked Tamanna, ‘Tamanna di, you must be used to nightlife of
Mumbai by now, right?’ Aleesha was trying to be not so personal in her questions for she
knew by now that Tamanna was a bit reserved.
‘Call me Tammy. And yes, I’ve been in Mumbai for a long time now. But from the
last couple of years, if you exclude a few discos and food joints, everything shuts down
before 2 am,’ Tamanna smiled.
It was perhaps the first time Tamanna had let her guard down in front of Aleesha. Her
informality made Aleesha smile. She had made it clear to Aleesha from the first day
itself that she was the reserved sorts and didn’t like anyone interfering in her personal
life too much. So the reply from Tamanna came as a pleasant surprise to Aleesha.
Both of them had a ball during the outing, and spent some good time together at
Malabar Hills. They then went to ‘The Pizzeria’ at Nariman Point for dinner. After
dinner, Aleesha insisted they go for drinks at a nearby discotheque. Tamanna thought
about it and decided to take Aleesha to the happening ‘Thrive’ disc in Colaba.
It was Saturday night and the disc was as crowded as the Virar local train. It was full
of college students who came in to party late at night, already piss drunk. Those who say
there is a certain age limit for drinking will find their perceptions tested once they enter
this place. Thrive has an absolutely wannabe-ish crowd consisting mostly of students
trying to get a roof to hide from their parents. A first-time visitor to the place will
question if girls ever wear jeans or salwar kameez since all one could see was girls in
mini-skirts and hot pants.
When Aleesha and Tamanna entered the disc, the scene was no different. It was a
typical Thrive weekend night. Smoke filled the air and the teenagers were grooving
madly to the latest songs being played by the DJ. Tamanna ordered a drink for Aleesha
and herself. Time flew, and soon both of them were three shots down.
Tamanna got a call from office and she excused herself and went outside, as it was
impossible to answer the call with such loud music playing in the background. Aleesha
was busy dancing and enjoying her drink when an unknown guy came up on the dance
floor and started grooving right next to her. She didn’t really mind his proximity to her
since she was enjoying herself too much to bother and was also under the influence of
‘Hi. My name is…’ shouted the boy, trying his best to tell her his name over the loud
But Aleesha couldn’t hear a word of what he was saying. Plus, the song being played
was her favourite Honey Singh number.
‘Is this your first time here? I’m quite a regular here and I’ve never seen you before.’
‘Dude, this style of flirting and starting a conversation is so ancient. Don’t try it on
me,’ Aleesha retorted.
‘So you like modern, “Yo-type” guys? Then let me ask you directly—which drink
should I get you Miss… May I know your name please? I am…’ He was about to say his
name when Aleesha interrupted him.
For a moment, they both stared each other and didn’t spoke a word. He kept thinking
what Aleesha would say. He didn’t want to miss the chance of introducing himself to,
who he thought, was the most gorgeous girl present in the disc. Her black sequinned
dress was shining in the dim disco lights and her skin glowing like a star. Her eyes had
that sparkle which was enough to seduce anyone. He already was. He couldn’t even utter
his own name after Aleesha interrupted him. He just kept staring at her. His name was…


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