Sudanese bride's death sentence for killing her husband gets changed to 5 years in jail

A 19-year-old girl who was sentenced to death for
killing her 35-year-old husband receives overturned
- The young lady has been given five years jail term
after Amnesty International came to her rescue
- Young Hussein who married her husband at 16 had
killed him after he attempted to rape her

According to the post on the amnesty international account on tweeter
A 19-year-old Sudanese girl identified as Noura
Hussein who killed her husband for attempting
to rape get five years jail sentence. The young
lady was originally given a death sentence before
Amnesty International intervened.
The young lady had been married off to her
husband at 16 by her father. It was gathered that
her husband had raped her the previous day
with the help of his brothers who held her down.
He reportedly tried to do the same the next day
when she grabbed a knife from the kitchen and
stabbed him with it. Hussein's death sentence
had been overturned after her case sparked

international outrage.

Amnesty International led the campaign for the
young lady's justice. Her campaign was tagged
'Justice For Noura'.
Seif Magango, the Amnesty's regional deputy
director, expressed that she was a victim of an
attack and she acted in self defense. Magango
said: "She was the victim of a 'brutal attack' by her
husband and acted in self defense."
Magango further stated that the country needs to
reform her laws on child marriages. "The Sudanese
authorities must take this opportunity to start reforming
the laws around child marriage, forced marriage and
marital rape, so that victims are not the ones who are
Hussein was ordered to pay 337,500 Sudanese
pounds (N4,380,000).
According to DailyMail, the young lady was
married off against her wish to Abdulrahman
Hammad and the marriage ceremony involved a
signing of contract between her father and her
She was forced to move into her husband's home
after completing secondary school in April 2017.
It was gathered that her husband invited two of
his brothers and a male cousin to help him rape
her after she refused to consumate the marriage.
Hussein was said to have been handed over to
the police by her father after she fled the scene
and went back home. She was sentenced to death
in July 2017, and her sentenced was overturned
this June.

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