New George Kerevan book: Spanish corruption drove Catalan push for indy

According to international news source 

HATRED of the corruption in Spanish politics was a main
driver for the Catalan independence movement, according to a
new book by The National columnist George Kerevan and the
author and Scottish activist Chris Bambery.
Entitled Catalonia Reborn: How Catalonia Took on the Corrupt
Spanish State and the Legacy of Franco, the book is a
sustained indictment of the Spanish government’s dealings
with Catalonia, made all the more devastating by the detailed
factual nature of the work.

The book could not be more timely, given the collapse of the
Spanish government led by Mariano Rajoy and his Partido
Popular (PP), and the fact that nine Catalan leaders remain in
Spanish jails while four colleagues are in exile fighting
extradition to Spain, including Clara Ponsati here in Scotland .
Speaking just minutes after the King Felipe of Spain’s brother-
in-law, Inaki Urdangarin, was sent to jail for nearly six years
following a fraud case, Kerevan said: “From the royals
downward, I was amazed at the extent of the corruption in the
most kleptomaniac state in Europe.
“The people with money needed Rajoy and the PP to stay in
power to protect them and stop Catalonia rocking the boat,
even though there was a lot of corruption in Catalonia too.
While Spain did nothing, the Catalans threw out all the people
who were corrupt locally and wanted to leave Spain so they
could clean things up.”

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