How to toast a girl on the street?

9Many women like meeting new men on the
street. However, toasting a girl has never been
an easy thing, especially in public, when she
immediately can put you down by a strict reply.
A man should always know what to say and
what to do to attract a girl`s attention. We offer
you the best tips on how to toast a girl on the
How to toast a girl on the street?
A man should always be polite with a woman. It
is a universal rule. When you want to toast a
Nigerian girl on the street, you must never be
arrogant but confident. Is there any difference?
Of course, there is. Many men might say:
“Hallo, beauty. I am taking you to the cinema tonight.”
In this case, you leave no choice for the girl and
make a decision instead of her. Women hate this.
Therefore, you will immediately get the following
“Of course, you are not.”
Instead of this, you should always be confident,
polite, and thoughtful towards a girl. Women
adore such men.
How to toast a Nigerian girl on the street
Depending on the time of day, the considerable
part of girls is out in public because of certain
reasons. They go/from the work, shop, university,
etc. They might walk with a dog or go to the
hospital. Therefore, women might not be
interested at all to find their love on the street.
Moreover, most women hate men approaching
them on the street.
READ ALSO: 8 best tips on how to seduce a girl
The best tips on how to toast a girl on the street
How to toast a girl on the street?
If you do not know how to toast a girl for the first
time, the best tips are:
When you pass by, you should always try to
make eye contact
Look back and watch if she has paid attention
to you
How to toast a girl on the road
When you catch up to a girl, the first thing
you should do is to say sorry for getting her
Always start your conversation respectfully
and politely
Take cues from her whether she is ready to
continue the conversation with you. Please
remember that if a girl desires further
communication with you, she will always
her part to retain the conversation
Always approach a girl with confidence
Try to break the ice with a couple of
unplanned comments about your immediate
surroundings. For example, if you are in front
of a cafĂ©, you might say, “Coffee smells
perfect, does not it?”
Say a particular compliment to the girl. Please
note that there are words to toast a girl you
must never pronounce. Just remember! No
compliments about sexiness, her butts, or
other body parts. Such words will offend the
girl forever
Concentrate on nonverbal communication.
Keep in mind that 60 % of human
communication is always visual, and 40% is
always verbal. Therefore, your body language
and the way you talk are the most important
Keep eye contact and smile
Always continue the conversation if it seems
welcome. Talk about any current events, new
film, weather, etc. When you keep talking
with a new girl on the road, it never
what you say. Just keep on talking. The longer
your conversation is, the better chances you
have to ask her telephone number

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