Spanish State Becomes First To Adopt BDS Policy

From the international newsnow from Spain news

For the first time in Spain, the parliament of one of
the states that comprise the kingdom voted to endorse the
Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.
The vote last month by the Parliament of the Chartered
Community of Navarre in Spain’s north was passed thanks to
the support of representatives of all the parties represented in
parliament except the center-right Popular Party, the ACOM
pro-Israel advocacy wrote in a statement Friday.
The motion passed on May 21 says the parliament of Navarre
calls on the central government to “support any initiative
promoted by the international BDS campaign.” It also calls on
Spain to “suspend its ties with Israel “until that country ceases
its policy of criminal repression of the Palestinian population.”
The motion went on to condemn Israel for “murdering”
dozens of Palestinians in May. The condemnation is a
reference to Hamas-organized riots along the border with
Israel, which featured hundreds of firebombs and attempt to
break the fence into Israel. Of 61 people killed in the riots on
May 14, 50 were Hamas members, according to one senior
member of that organization.
The Navarre motion does mentions neither Hamas, violence
along the border nor Israel’s right to defend itself. ACOM
condemned it as discriminatory. In recent years, ACOM
actions have led to the scrapping, annulment or suspension of
24 motions to boycott Israel by Spanish municipalities. Courts
throughout the kingdom have declared such motions
discriminatory and unconstitutional.
Alyssa Fisher is a news writer at the Forward. Email her at , or follow her on Twitter at @alyssalfisher


Anonymous said...

Bravo up Spain

Anonymous said...

What is the meaning of this please