Pro-Trump school board member tries to defend racist Valerie Jarrett post — by blaming ‘disgraceful’ Michelle Obama

After a Republican school board member in Alabama
was called out for sharing racist posts on Facebook,
she doubled down by blaming former First Lady
Michelle Obama and kneeling NFL players for being
The Root reported that Jefferson County, AL school
board member Donna Pike shared a racist post about
Valerie Jarrett, an Obama-era White House official
that was the subject of a similarly racist post made
by Roseanne Barr.
“No! I’m not black!” reads the meme Pike shared
about Jarrett on June 1. “I’m Valerie Varrett [sic] and
I’m a Muslim, born in Iran.”
A screenshot from another post Pike shared from a
page called “Trump’s Deplorables” calls the former
First Lady “a disgrace” because she does not appear
to have her hand over her heart during the national
anthem. Light research conducted by The Root
suggested the photo was edited, as other photos
from the same event show Obama with her hand over
her heart.

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