Full speech of President Buhari at the closing ceremony of APC convention

Winners at the just concluded APC national
convention has been urged to be humble in victory
- President Buhari made this call at the end of the
convention held at the Eagle Square, Abuja, on
Sunday, June 24
- He said it is not about winner-takes-all but for
building a party that will serve the nation diligently

President Muhammadu Buhari says the just-
concluded national convention of the All
Progressives Congress (APC) is not about winner-
takes-all but for building a party that will serve
the nation diligently.
The president stated this in his remarks at the
end of the convention held at the Eagle Square,
Abuja, on Sunday, June 24.
He challenged those who emerged victorious at
the party’s polls to be humble in victory, and
that those who lost should be gallant and

gracious in defeat.
Here is the president's full speech
"It gives me great pleasure to address leaders and delegates
of our great party, as we wind down on the convention of
the All Progressives Congress (APC), which began here
"Let me salute the patience, forbearance, and spirit of
accommodation that has been on display, as we held
elections to fill positions in our National Working
Committee (NWC) and National Executive Committee.
"I salute aspirants who for the common good, had to shelve
personal ambition, and stood down for others they were to
have contended with. I also salute those who went the
whole way, contested, were voted for, and who emerged
victorious, or otherwise.
"Everything was done in an atmosphere of give and take,
knowing that in such contest, only one person would
ultimately win.
"Let the victors be humble in victory, and let those who
didn't win be also gallant and gracious in defeat.
"We are members of one party, and it is not about winners
takes all. Rather, the purpose is to build a party that would
put its best foot forward, and serve our country to the best
of its ability.
"You were all here through the raw weather that persisted
from yesterday till today, but you bore it patiently. You
persevered through the night, and deep into another day.
Thank you very much.
"At the end of all proceedings, I believe we have put in
place an executive that we all can be proud of, one that
would lead our party from victory to victory, from progress
to progress, and one that Nigerians can be proud of.
"I thank and congratulate members of the immediate past
executive, led by His Excellency, Chief John Odigie Oyegun,
for their selfless service to our party, and urge them to
always lend the wisdom of their experience to the new
executive members.
"Together, we will all build a cohesive party, that will do
our country a world of good. As you all return to your
destinations, I pray that God almighty will take you safely
"In our country, not only the labour of our heroes past shall

not be in vain.
"The labour of the current generation shall also be
rewarded. APC will serve Nigeria to the best of our God
given abilities, and move our country to its right position in
the comity of nations.
"Long live APC, long live our great party, long live Federal

Republic of Nigeria. God bless."

Meanwhile, adegokblog.blogspot.com
Progressives Congress (APC) officially announced

some of its newly elected leaders .

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