2018 Budget: Why NASS included additional funding for Primary Healthcare - Tejuoso

The reason why the National Assembly included
funding for basic health in the 2018 Appropriations
Bill has been revealed
- Senator Lanre Tejuoso said it was a clear
demonstration of the commitment and responsiveness
of the 8th Senate
- He said he hopes Nigeria's health care system will be
a model for other African countries
Chairman, Senate committee on health, Senator
Lanre Tejuosho has revealed why the National
Assembly, included funding for the Basic
Healthcare Provision Fund (BHCPF) in the 2018
Appropriations Bill.
In a press statement to NAIJ.com on Monday, May
21, Senator Tejuoso stated that: “While the Executive
did not include the BHCPF in the 2018 Appropriation Bill
submitted to the National Assembly, the Senate embarked
upon a phenomenal task of ensuring the inclusion of BHCPF
in the 2018 appropriation and its effective implementation.”
According to him, the Senate mandated its
committee on appropriation to work out a
modality for accommodating the fund in the 2018

He also informed that his committee through the
Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to the legislative
network on Universal Health Care (UHC) held
series of sensitization, capacity building and
media parleys to galvanize support towards
implementation of the BHCPF and reiterate the
commitment of the National Assembly towards
the cause.
Tejuoso added that the push to ensure that there
was increased funding in the 2018 budget was a
clear demonstration of the commitment and
responsiveness of the 8th Senate, under the
leadership of Dr. Bukola Saraki, the Senate
President, who is also a medical doctor, to ensure
that the healthcare needs of Nigerians are met.
“I am happy to inform you that the Senate President and
the Senate committee on health have lived up to their
promise to Nigerians by including the BHCPF in the 2018
Appropriation Bill. By this important milestone, we have
demonstrated our collective and sustained will to harness
and align our human and other resources towards
transforming the health landscape in Nigeria.
“We have to remain vigilant to ensure that nothing scuttles
our collective will towards actualizing the dream of
affordable universal health care for all Nigerians. It is my
vision that one day, Nigeria health care system will be a
model for other African countries and the country will be a
reputable destination for medical tourism,” the senator,
who is also a trained medical doctor said.

Meanwhile, the director general of the WHO, Dr.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has commended
Saraki, on his commitment towards ensuring that
Nigeria’s primary healthcare system is
strengthened by the inclusion of one per cent of
the country’s Consolidated Revenue Fund is used
to provide basic primary healthcare services
across the nation.
Dr. Ghebreyesus who commended the Senate
president in a tweet on his personal Twitter
handle, @DrTedros, also stated that political will
is needed to provide universal healthcare

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