Five Bombers Dead In Failed Suicide Mission Near Maiduguri

At least five suicide bombers suspected to be members of Boko Haram died on Tuesday night before reaching their target near Maiduguri, according to Civilian Joint Task Force (JTF) sources.
The attempted attack occurred in Manmannti of the Molai general area, roughly 4 kilometers outside Maiduguri city. All five bombers - four women and one man - died without killing any targets.
A Civilian JTF source revealed that the suicide bombers detonated explosives wrapped around their bodies near military trenches. All five terrorists died almost instantly.
"We have gone to the scene of the failed mission of the terrorists early this morning. Only the bombers are dead; there were no civilian casualties. The bombers included four females and a male,” the source told our correspondent.
“We saw their bodies scathed in all places. They almost crossed the trenches before their bombs exploded. It was awful."
In recent months, Boko Haram has intensified its suicide bombing missions, killing dozens of civilians. Tuesday night's attempted attack came just two days after terrorists killed 16 people at the University of Maiduguri.
Police in Maiduguri

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