A User of twitter whose husband just become a US Citizenship and immgration services (USCIS) made on the welcome letter given to the new US citinze in in the welcome letter the new citizen were congratulated by former president of USA OBAMA signature instead of the corrent president of USA DONALD TRUMP she twweted she said

my british born hosband take his oath of citizenship today in the
packet for new Americans the welcome letter from president Obama

according to US citizenship and immgration services roughly 200 of these letter have been send out due to an administration error A total 300.000 application for citizenship have been approved by since President Trump's inauguration

consequently USCIS Press secretary Gillian christensen has Called the mistake an administrative oversight
USCIS Spokeswomen Maria Elena upson blame the oversight on the sime recent change of
the administration
she also said that the agency had yet to receive a welcome letter and video message from Trump ' but that it 's not unusual for new administrative to take sevral month to accomplish that task until that happens she said that new citizen dont't receive either a congratulation letter or video message another twitter user wrote thet during her husband citizenship ceremony in march they accidentally started tp play Obama congratulation video everyone cheered she wrote
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