Safety: Union wants Nigerians in S/Africa to register with Police Forum

The Nigeria Union in South Africa, on Tuesday urged Nigerians living in that country to register with the Community Policing Forum (CPF) and other community-based organisations, to fight crime in their areas.
Mr Adetola Olubajo, Secretary-General of the union, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Pretoria, South Africa, on Tuesday that the aim was to join their hosts to fight crime in their neighbourhoods.
He said that the union made the call against the backdrop of a recent quit notice given to Nigerians by two South African communities.
According to Adetola, the communities alleged that Nigerians are involved in crime and other social vices in their areas.
“The union has become apprehensive of a new wave of attacks against Nigerians in South Africa.
“We recently resolved a quit notice given to Nigerians by the Kuruma and Klaafoutein communities in Northern Cape and the Gauteng Province of South Africa.
“The union, in conjunction with the Nigeria High Commission, the South African Police and affected Communities, brokered peace and stopped the notice,” he said.
Adetola said that there was need to register with the CPF because anybody could be a victim of crime, irrespective of nationality.
“It is also important to state that investigations by the union have shown that crimes committed by non-South African citizens are usually ascribed to Nigerians.
“This trend has brought negative image to our country and its nationals in South Africa and we want it stopped.
“We, therefore, urge Nigerians in South Africa to stay away from crime or anything that will harm them or tarnish the image of our country,” Olubajo said.
He warned that law enforcement agencies in South Africa will not hesitate to arrest and prosecute offenders of the law.

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